OVP verifies products and services with the "OPNFV Verified" mark.


The OPNFV Verification Program (OVP) is an open source, community-led compliance and verification program to demonstrate the readiness and availability of commercial NFV products and services, including NFVI and VNFs, using OPNFV and ONAP components. The program is the first of its kind to combine automated compliance and verification testing for multiple parts of the NFV stack and allows Communication Service Providers (CSPs) and vendors to establish baseline conformance and interoperability. Participants can test in-house or with neutral, designated labs.

This portal is for testing products and services relating to Virtual Network Functions (VNFs). For testing NFV Infrastructure (NFVI/VIM), visit the OPNFV Verification Program (NFVI) portal.

The current VNF test suites include VNFSDK to perform TOSCA VNF Package validation and VNF Validation Program (VVP) to perform OpenStack Heat VNF Package validation. These test suites are based on requirements outlined by the ONAP VNF Requirements projects. Portal users must specify the relevant package validation.

Get Started

Please send any questions to ovp-support@lfnetworking.org.

OPNFV Verified Products Directory (VNF)

Click on rows for more product verification details per company.
Company Name & Logo Test Agency Product Name Product Version Modeling Language Type Version
{{ app.company_name }} {{ app.lab_location }} {{ app.xnf_name }} {{ app.xnf_version }} {{ app.xnfd_model_lang }} N/A {{ app.onap_version}}