#!/usr/bin/env python # # Licence statement goes here # import constants import copy def partition_tosca(filepath, nodesite, tpl): file_paths = {} #holds the list of partitioned files flag = {} #True when key exists sitenodes = {} #holds nodes in each site #identify the number of partitions for node in nodesite: if nodesite[node] != []: flag[nodesite[node]] = True if sitenodes.has_key(nodesite[node]): sitenodes[nodesite[node]].append(node) else: sitenodes[nodesite[node]] = [node] n_parts = len(flag) #prepare the nodes tpl_local = {} for site in sitenodes: tpl_local[site] = copy.deepcopy(tpl) #remove the nodes not assigned to a site for node in nodesite: for site in sitenodes: if node not in sitenodes[site]: del tpl_local[site]['topology_template']['node_templates'][node] #remove from policy targets if tpl_local[site]['topology_template'].has_key('policies'): for rule in tpl_local[site]['topology_template']['policies']: for key in rule: #there should be only one key if node in rule[key]['targets']: rule[key]['targets'].remove(node) # remove the rule is there is no target left! if len(rule[key]['targets']) is 0: tpl_local[site]['topology_template']['policies'].remove(rule) for site in sitenodes: tpl_l = tpl_local[site] print tpl_l , '\n' file_paths[site] = filepath + '_part' + str(site) + '.yaml' fout = open(file_paths[site],'w') if tpl_l.has_key('tosca_definitions_version'): fout.write('tosca_definitions_version: ') fout.write(tpl_l['tosca_definitions_version'] + '\n') write_obj(fout, tpl_l['tosca_definitions_version'], None, ' ') fout.write('\n') if tpl_l.has_key('description'): fout.write('description: ') fout.write(tpl_l['description'] + '\n') write_obj(fout, tpl_l['description'], None, ' ') fout.write('\n') if tpl_l.has_key('metadata'): fout.write('metadata: ' + '\n') write_obj(fout, tpl_l['metadata'], None, ' ') fout.write('\n') if tpl_l.has_key('policy_types'): fout.write('policy_types: ' + '\n') write_obj(fout, tpl_l['policy_types'], None, ' ') fout.write('\n') if tpl_l.has_key('topology_template'): fout.write('topology_template: ' + '\n') write_obj(fout, tpl_l['topology_template'], None, ' ') fout.close() return file_paths def write_obj(f, curr, prev, prepad): if type(curr) in (str,int,float,bool): #should be a string, numerical, boolean, etc. if type(prev) is dict: #write on the same line, key should be written f.write(' ' + str(curr) + '\n') elif type(curr) is dict: if prev is not None and type(prev) is not list: f.write('\n') for key in curr: if type(prev) is list: f.write(prepad + '- ' + str(key) + ':') write_obj(f, curr[key], curr, prepad + ' ') else: f.write(prepad + str(key) + ':') write_obj(f, curr[key], curr, prepad + ' ') elif type(curr) is list: #check if this list is a leaf node if len(curr) is 0 or type(curr[0]) in (str,int,float,bool): f.write(' ') f.write(str(curr).replace("'","")) #iterate over list of dictionaries f.write('\n') for item in curr: write_obj(f, item, curr, prepad )