# Domino ##Quick Start on the same machine: Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and OS X El Capitan ###Prerequisite: sudo pip install tosca-parser ###Start Domino Server: ./DominoServer.py --log=DEBUG ###Start the first Domino Client: ./DominoClient.py -p 9091 --log=DEBUG Note: if --log option is ommitted, the default logging level is Warning messages ###Start the second Domino Client: ./DominoClient.py -p 9092 --log=DEBUG ##CLI at the Domino Client: ###send heartbeat heartbeat ###subscribe for policy labels subscribe -l/--label <policytype>:properties:key:value Example: First checkout the tosca file "./tosca-templates/tosca_helloworld_nfv.yaml" and see how policy types and rules are defined. Then, from any Domino Client, use subscribe command as: subscribe --label tosca.policies.Placement.Geolocation:properties:region:us-west-1 ###publish default template file under tosca-templates publish --tosca-file <path_to_toscafile> Example: Run the following command from any Domino Client: publish --tosca-file ./tosca-templates/tosca_helloworld_nfv.yaml Now, inspect the files generated under ./toscafiles, where the original file as well as parts sent to each Domino Client are shown (each part identified by UDID assigned to that client) ##NOTES If accidentally you start DominoClient before DominoServer, don't panic. First start the DominoServer and then input the command on the DominoClient side: register