#!/usr/bin/env python #Copyright 2016 Open Platform for NFV Project, Inc. and its contributors # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys, os, glob, threading import getopt, socket import logging, errno import uuid sys.path.insert(0, glob.glob('./lib')[0]) from dominoRPC import Communication from dominoRPC.ttypes import * from dominoRPC.constants import * from dominoCLI import DominoClientCLI from dominoCLI.ttypes import * from dominoCLI.constants import * from thrift import Thrift from thrift.transport import TSocket from thrift.transport import TTransport from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol from thrift.server import TServer from util import * #Load configuration parameters from domino_conf import * class CommunicationHandler: def __init__(self): self.log = {} def __init__(self, dominoclient): self.log = {} self.dominoClient = dominoclient self.transport = None self.protocol = None self.sender = None # Template Push from Domino Server is received # Actions: # - Depending on Controller Domain, call API # - Respond Back with Push Response def d_push(self, push_msg): logging.info('%s Received Template File', self.dominoClient.UDID) # Retrieve the template file try: os.makedirs(TOSCA_RX_DIR+str(self.dominoClient.UDID)) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno == errno.EEXIST: logging.debug('IGNORING error: ERRNO %d; %s exists.', exception.errno, TOSCA_RX_DIR+str(self.dominoClient.UDID)) else: logging.error('IGNORING error in creating %s. Err no: %d', exception.errno) try: miscutil.write_templatefile(TOSCA_RX_DIR+str(self.dominoClient.UDID)+'/'+str(push_msg.template_UUID)+'.yaml' , push_msg.template) except: logging.error('FAILED to write the pushed file: %s', sys.exc_info()[0]) push_r = PushResponseMessage() # Fill response message fields push_r.domino_udid = self.dominoClient.UDID push_r.seq_no = self.dominoClient.seqno push_r.responseCode = FAILED self.dominoClient.seqno = self.dominoClient.seqno + 1 return push_r# Any inspection code goes here ## End of inspection # Call NB API # If heat client, call heat command # If ONOS client, run as shell script ## End of NB API call # Marshall the response message for the Domino Server Fill push_r = PushResponseMessage() # Fill response message fields push_r.domino_udid = self.dominoClient.UDID push_r.seq_no = self.dominoClient.seqno push_r.responseCode = SUCCESS ## End of filling self.dominoClient.seqno = self.dominoClient.seqno + 1 return push_r def openconnection(self): try: # Make socket transport = TSocket.TSocket(self.dominoClient.dominoserver_IP, DOMINO_SERVER_PORT) transport.setTimeout(THRIFT_RPC_TIMEOUT_MS) # Add buffering to compensate for slow raw sockets self.transport = TTransport.TBufferedTransport(transport) # Wrap in a protocol self.protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(self.transport) # Create a client to use the protocol encoder self.sender = Communication.Client(self.protocol) self.transport.open() except Thrift.TException, tx: logging.error('%s' , tx.message) def closeconnection(): self.transport.close() class CLIHandler: def __init__(self): self.log = {} def __init__(self, dominoclient, CLIservice): self.log = {} self.dominoClient = dominoclient self.CLIservice = CLIservice def d_CLI(self, msg): logging.info('Received CLI %s', msg.CLI_input) CLIrespmsg = CLIResponse() CLIrespmsg.CLI_response = self.CLIservice.process_input(msg.CLI_input) return CLIrespmsg class DominoClientCLIService(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, dominoclient, communicationhandler, interactive): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.dominoclient = dominoclient self.communicationhandler = communicationhandler self.interactive = interactive def process_input(self, args): if len(args) == 0: return 'Empty API body' try: if args[0] == 'heartbeat': self.dominoclient.heartbeat() elif args[0] == 'publish': opts, args = getopt.getopt(args[1:],"t:k:",["tosca-file=","tuid"]) if len(opts) == 0: print '\nUsage: publish -t <toscafile> -k <TUID>' return template_UUID = None toscafile = None for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-t', '--tosca-file'): toscafile = arg elif opt in ('-k', '--tuid'): template_UUID = arg if toscafile is not None: self.dominoclient.publish(toscafile,template_UUID) else: print '\nUsage: publish -t <toscafile> -k <TUID>' elif args[0] == 'subscribe': labels = [] templateTypes = [] labelop = APPEND templateop = APPEND opts, args = getopt.getopt(args[1:],"l:t:",["labels=","ttype=","lop=","top="]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-l', '--labels'): labels = labels + arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-t', '--ttype'): templateTypes = templateTypes + arg.split(',') elif opt in ('--lop'): try: labelop = str2enum[arg.upper()] except KeyError as ex: print '\nInvalid label option, pick one of: APPEND, OVERWRITE, DELETE' return elif opt in ('--top'): try: templateop = str2enum[arg.upper()] except KeyError as ex: print '\nInvalid label option, pick one of: APPEND, OVERWRITE, DELETE' return #check if labels or supported templates are nonempty if labels != [] or templateTypes != []: self.dominoclient.subscribe(labels, templateTypes, labelop, templateop) elif args[0] == 'register': self.dominoclient.start() elif args[0] == 'list-tuids': return self.dominoclient.query(['list-tuids']) else: return 'Command is misentered or not supported!' except getopt.GetoptError: print 'Command is misentered or not supported!' def run(self): global DEFAULT_TOSCA_PUBFILE if self.interactive == "TRUE": flag = True else: flag = False if flag: #interactive CLI, loop in while until killed while True: sys.stdout.write('>>') input_string = raw_input() args = input_string.split() if len(args) == 0: continue sys.stdout.write('>>') #process input arguments resp_msg = self.process_input(args) if resp_msg is not None: print resp_msg else: #domino cli-client is used, listen for the CLI rpc calls cliHandler = CLIHandler(self.dominoclient, self) processor = DominoClientCLI.Processor(cliHandler) transport = TSocket.TServerSocket(port=self.dominoclient.CLIport) tfactory = TTransport.TBufferedTransportFactory() pfactory = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolFactory() #Use TThreadedServer or TThreadPoolServer for a multithreaded server CLIServer = TServer.TSimpleServer(processor, transport, tfactory, pfactory) logging.debug('RPC service for CLI is starting...') CLIServer.serve() class DominoClient: def __init__(self): self.communicationHandler = CommunicationHandler(self) self.processor = None self.transport = None self.tfactory = None self.pfactory = None self.communicationServer = None self.CLIservice = None self.serviceport = DOMINO_CLIENT_PORT self.dominoserver_IP = DOMINO_SERVER_IP self.CLIport = DOMINO_CLI_PORT #Start from UNREGISTERED STATE #TO BE DONE: initialize from a saved state self.state = 'UNREGISTERED' self.seqno = 0 self.UDID = 1 def start_communicationService(self): self.processor = Communication.Processor(self.communicationHandler) self.transport = TSocket.TServerSocket(port=int(self.serviceport)) self.tfactory = TTransport.TBufferedTransportFactory() self.pfactory = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolFactory() #Use TThreadedServer or TThreadPoolServer for a multithreaded server #self.communicationServer = TServer.TThreadedServer(self.processor, self.transport, self.tfactory, self.pfactory) self.communicationServer = TServer.TThreadPoolServer(self.processor, self.transport, self.tfactory, self.pfactory) self.communicationServer.serve() def start(self): try: self.communicationHandler.openconnection() self.register() except Thrift.TException, tx: print '%s' % (tx.message) def register(self): if self.state == 'UNREGISTERED': logging.info('%d Sending Registration', self.UDID) #prepare registration message reg_msg = RegisterMessage() reg_msg.domino_udid_desired = UDID_DESIRED reg_msg.seq_no = self.seqno reg_msg.ipaddr = netutil.get_ip() reg_msg.tcpport = self.serviceport reg_msg.supported_templates = LIST_SUPPORTED_TEMPLATES try: reg_msg_r = self.sender().d_register(reg_msg) logging.info('Registration Response: Response Code: %d' , reg_msg_r.responseCode) if reg_msg_r.comments: logging.debug('Response Comments: %s' , reg_msg_r.comments) if reg_msg_r.responseCode == SUCCESS: self.state = 'REGISTERED' self.UDID = reg_msg_r.domino_udid_assigned else: #Handle registration failure here (possibly based on reponse comments) pass except (Thrift.TException, TSocket.TTransportException) as tx: logging.error('%s' , tx.message) except (socket.timeout) as tx: self.handle_RPC_timeout(reg_msg) except (socket.error) as tx: logging.error('%s' , tx.message) self.seqno = self.seqno + 1 def heartbeat(self): if self.state == 'UNREGISTERED': self.start() logging.info('%s Sending heartbeat', self.UDID) hbm = HeartBeatMessage() hbm.domino_udid = self.UDID hbm.seq_no = self.seqno try: hbm_r = self.sender().d_heartbeat(hbm) logging.info('heart beat received from: %s ,sequence number: %d' , hbm_r.domino_udid, hbm_r.seq_no) except (Thrift.TException, TSocket.TTransportException) as tx: logging.error('%s' , tx.message) except (socket.timeout) as tx: self.handle_RPC_timeout(hbm) except: logging.error('Unexpected error: %s', sys.exc_info()[0]) self.seqno = self.seqno + 1 def publish(self, toscafile, template_UUID=None): if self.state == 'UNREGISTERED': self.start() logging.info('Publishing the template file: ' + toscafile) pub_msg = PublishMessage() pub_msg.domino_udid = self.UDID pub_msg.seq_no = self.seqno pub_msg.template_type = 'tosca-nfv-v1.0' if template_UUID is not None: pub_msg.template_UUID = template_UUID try: pub_msg.template = miscutil.read_templatefile(toscafile) except IOError as e: logging.error('I/O error(%d): %s' , e.errno, e.strerror) return try: pub_msg_r = self.sender().d_publish(pub_msg) logging.info('Publish Response is received from: %s ,sequence number: %d Status: %d', pub_msg_r.domino_udid, pub_msg_r.seq_no, pub_msg_r.responseCode) except (Thrift.TException, TSocket.TTransportException) as tx: print '%s' % (tx.message) except (socket.timeout) as tx: self.handle_RPC_timeout(pub_msg) self.seqno = self.seqno + 1 def subscribe(self, labels, templateTypes, label_op, template_op): if self.state == 'UNREGISTERED': self.start() logging.info('subscribing labels %s and templates %s', labels, templateTypes) #send subscription message sub_msg = SubscribeMessage() sub_msg.domino_udid = self.UDID sub_msg.seq_no = self.seqno sub_msg.template_op = template_op sub_msg.supported_template_types = templateTypes sub_msg.label_op = label_op sub_msg.labels = labels try: sub_msg_r = self.sender().d_subscribe(sub_msg) logging.info('Subscribe Response is received from: %s ,sequence number: %d', sub_msg_r.domino_udid,sub_msg_r.seq_no) except (Thrift.TException, TSocket.TTransportException) as tx: logging.error('%s' , tx.message) except (socket.timeout) as tx: self.handle_RPC_timeout(sub_msg) self.seqno = self.seqno + 1 def query(self, queryString, template_UUID=None): logging.info('querying Domino Server: %s', queryString) query_msg = QueryMessage() query_msg.domino_udid = self.UDID query_msg.seq_no = self.seqno query_msg.queryString = queryString query_msg.template_UUID = template_UUID self.seqno = self.seqno + 1 try: query_msg_r = self.sender().d_query(query_msg) logging.info('Query Response is received from: %s ,sequence number: %d', query_msg_r.domino_udid,query_msg_r.seq_no) if (query_msg_r.queryResponse is not None) and (len(query_msg_r.queryResponse)>0): return query_msg_r.queryResponse except (Thrift.TException, TSocket.TTransportException) as tx: logging.error('%s' , tx.message) except (socket.timeout) as tx: self.handle_RPC_timeout(query_msg) def stop(self): try: self.communicationHandler.closeconnection() except Thrift.TException, tx: logging.error('%s' , tx.message) def sender(self): return self.communicationHandler.sender def startCLI(self, interactive): self.CLIservice = DominoClientCLIService(self, self.communicationHandler, interactive) logging.info('CLI Service is starting') self.CLIservice.start() #to wait until CLI service is finished #self.CLIservice.join() def set_serviceport(self, port): self.serviceport = port def set_CLIport(self, cliport): self.CLIport = cliport def set_dominoserver_ipaddr(self, ipaddr): self.dominoserver_IP = ipaddr def handle_RPC_timeout(self, RPCmessage): # TBD: handle each RPC timeout separately if RPCmessage.messageType == HEART_BEAT: logging.debug('RPC Timeout for message type: HEART_BEAT') elif RPCmessage.messageType == PUBLISH: logging.debug('RPC Timeout for message type: PUBLISH') elif RPCmessage.messageType == SUBSCRIBE: logging.debug('RPC Timeout for message type: SUBSCRIBE') elif RPCmessage.messageType == REGISTER: logging.debug('RPC Timeout for message type: REGISTER') elif RPCmessage.messageType == QUERY: logging.debug('RPC Timeout for message type: QUERY') def main(argv): client = DominoClient() loglevel = LOGLEVEL interactive = INTERACTIVE #process input arguments try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hc:p:i:l:",["conf=","port=","ipaddr=","log=","iac=","cliport=","uuid=","regmod="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'DominoClient.py -c/--conf <configfile> -p/--port <socketport> -i/--ipaddr <IPaddr> -l/--log <loglevel> --iac=true/false --cliport <cliport>' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print 'DominoClient.py -c/--conf <configfile> -p/--port <socketport> -i/--ipaddr <IPaddr> -l/--log <loglevel> --iac=true/false --cliport <cliport>' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-c", "--conf"): configfile = arg elif opt in ("-p", "--port"): client.set_serviceport(int(arg)) elif opt in ("-i", "--ipaddr"): client.set_dominoserver_ipaddr(arg) elif opt in ("-l", "--log"): loglevel = arg elif opt in ("--iac"): interactive = arg.upper() elif opt in ("--cliport"): client.set_CLIport(int(arg)) elif opt in ("--uuid"): client.UDID = arg elif opt in ("--regmod"): if arg.upper() == 'REGISTERED': client.state = 'REGISTERED' #Set logging level numeric_level = getattr(logging, loglevel.upper(), None) try: if not isinstance(numeric_level, int): raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % loglevel) logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile,level=numeric_level, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p') except ValueError, ex: print ex.message exit() #The client is starting logging.debug('Domino Client Starting...') client.start() client.startCLI(interactive) client.start_communicationService() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])