#!/bin/bash -ex ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 NEC Corporation and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## IMAGE_URL=https://launchpad.net/cirros/trunk/0.3.0/+download/cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-disk.img IMAGE_NAME=cirros IMAGE_FILE="${IMAGE_NAME}.img" IMAGE_FORMAT=qcow2 VM_NAME=doctor_vm1 VM_FLAVOR=m1.tiny ALARM_NAME=doctor_alarm1 INSPECTOR_PORT=12345 CONSUMER_PORT=12346 INSTALLER_TYPE=${INSTALLER_TYPE:-apex} INSTALLER_IP=${INSTALLER_IP:-none} COMPUTE_HOST=${COMPUTE_HOST:-none} ssh_opts="-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" if [[ "$INSTALLER_TYPE" != "apex" ]] ; then echo "ERROR: INSTALLER_TYPE=$INSTALLER_TYPE is not supported." exit 1 fi if [[ "$INSTALLER_IP" == "none" ]] ; then instack_mac=$(sudo virsh domiflist instack | awk '/default/{print $5}') INSTALLER_IP=$(/usr/sbin/arp -e | grep ${instack_mac} | awk '{print $1}') fi if [[ "$COMPUTE_HOST" == "none" ]] ; then COMPUTE_HOST=$(sudo ssh $ssh_opts $INSTALLER_IP \ "source stackrc; \ nova show overcloud-novacompute-0 \ | awk '/ ctlplane network /{print \$5}'") fi download_image() { [ -e "$IMAGE_FILE" ] && return 0 wget "$IMAGE_URL" -o "$IMAGE_FILE" } register_image() { glance image-list | grep -q " $IMAGE_NAME " && return 0 glance image-create --name "$IMAGE_NAME" \ --visibility public \ --disk-format "$IMAGE_FORMAT" \ --container-format bare \ --file "$IMAGE_FILE" } boot_vm() { nova list | grep -q " $VM_NAME " && return 0 nova boot --flavor "$VM_FLAVOR" \ --image "$IMAGE_NAME" \ "$VM_NAME" sleep 1 } create_alarm() { ceilometer alarm-list | grep -q " $ALARM_NAME " && return 0 vm_id=$(nova list | grep " $VM_NAME " | awk '{print $2}') ceilometer alarm-event-create --name "$ALARM_NAME" \ --alarm-action "http://localhost:$CONSUMER_PORT/failure" \ --description "VM failure" \ --enabled True \ --repeat-actions False \ --severity "moderate" \ --event-type compute.instance.update \ -q "traits.state=string::error; traits.instance_id=string::$vm_id" } start_monitor() { pgrep -f "python monitor.py" && return 0 sudo python monitor.py "$COMPUTE_HOST" "$INSPECTOR_PORT/events" > monitor.log 2>&1 & MONITOR_PID=$! } stop_monitor() { pgrep -f "python monitor.py" || return 0 sudo kill $(pgrep -f "python monitor.py") cat monitor.log } start_inspector() { pgrep -f "python inspector.py" && return 0 python inspector.py "$INSPECTOR_PORT" > inspector.log 2>&1 & } stop_inspector() { pgrep -f "python inspector.py" || return 0 kill $(pgrep -f "python inspector.py") cat inspector.log } start_consumer() { pgrep -f "python consumer.py" && return 0 python consumer.py "$CONSUMER_PORT" > consumer.log 2>&1 & } stop_consumer() { pgrep -f "python consumer.py" || return 0 kill $(pgrep -f "python consumer.py") cat consumer.log } wait_for_vm_launch() { echo "waiting for vm launch..." while true do state=$(nova list | grep " $VM_NAME " | awk '{print $6}') [[ "$state" == "ACTIVE" ]] && return 0 sleep 1 done } inject_failure() { echo "disabling network of comupte host [$COMPUTE_HOST] for 3 mins..." cat > disable_network.sh << 'END_TXT' #!/bin/bash -x dev=$(/usr/sbin/ip route | awk '/^default/{print $5}') sleep 1 echo sudo ip link set $dev down sleep 180 echo sudo ip link set $dev up sleep 1 END_TXT chmod +x disable_network.sh sudo scp $ssh_opts disable_network.sh $INSTALLER_IP: ssh_opts_cpu="$ssh_opts -i /home/stack/.ssh/id_rsa" sudo ssh $ssh_opts $INSTALLER_IP \ "scp $ssh_opts_cpu disable_network.sh heat-admin@$COMPUTE_HOST: && \ ssh $ssh_opts_cpu 'nohup ./disable_network.sh > c 2>&1 &'" } calculate_notification_time() { detect=$(grep "doctor monitor detected at" monitor.log | awk '{print $5}') notified=$(grep "doctor consumer notified at" consumer.log | awk '{print $5}') duration=$(echo "$notified $detect" | awk '{print $1 - $2 }') echo "$notified $detect" | \ awk '{d = $1 - $2; if (d < 1 ) print d " OK"; else print d " NG"}' } echo "Note: doctor/tests/run.sh has been executed." exit 0 download_image register_image start_monitor start_inspector start_consumer boot_vm create_alarm wait_for_vm_launch sleep 60 inject_failure sleep 10 calculate_notification_time echo "done"