############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2018 Nokia Corporation and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import datetime from flask import Flask from flask import request import json from novaclient.exceptions import BadRequest import oslo_messaging as messaging import requests import time from threading import Thread from traceback import format_exc from uuid import uuid1 as generate_uuid from doctor_tests.admin_tool.base import BaseAdminTool from doctor_tests.identity_auth import get_identity_auth from doctor_tests.identity_auth import get_session from doctor_tests.os_clients import aodh_client from doctor_tests.os_clients import nova_client class SampleAdminTool(BaseAdminTool): def __init__(self, trasport_url, conf, log): super(SampleAdminTool, self).__init__(conf, log) self.trasport_url = trasport_url self.app = None def start(self): self.log.info('sample admin tool start......') self.app = AdminTool(self.trasport_url, self.conf, self, self.log) self.app.start() def stop(self): self.log.info('sample admin tool stop......') if not self.app: return headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', } url = 'http://%s:%d/shutdown'\ % (self.conf.admin_tool.ip, self.conf.admin_tool.port) requests.post(url, data='', headers=headers) class AdminMain(Thread): def __init__(self, trasport_url, session_id, data, parent, conf, log): Thread.__init__(self) self.session_id = session_id self.parent = parent self.log = log self.conf = conf self.url = '' % conf.admin_tool.port self.projects_state = dict() # current state for each project self.proj_server_actions = dict() # actions for each project server self.projects_servers = dict() # servers processed in current state self.maint_proj_servers = dict() # servers under whole maintenance self.hosts = data['hosts'] self.maintenance_at = data['maintenance_at'] self.computes_disabled = list() self.metadata = data['metadata'] self.auth = get_identity_auth(project=self.conf.doctor_project) self.state = data['state'] self.aodh = aodh_client(self.conf.aodh_version, get_session(auth=self.auth)) self.nova = nova_client(self.conf.nova_version, get_session(auth=self.auth)) self.log.info('transport_url %s' % trasport_url) transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf, trasport_url) self.notif_proj = messaging.Notifier(transport, 'maintenance.planned', driver='messaging', topics=['notifications']) self.notif_proj = self.notif_proj.prepare(publisher_id='admin_tool') self.notif_admin = messaging.Notifier(transport, 'maintenance.host', driver='messaging', topics=['notifications']) self.notif_admin = self.notif_admin.prepare(publisher_id='admin_tool') self.log.info('Admin tool session %s initialized' % self.session_id) def cleanup(self): for host in self.computes_disabled: self.log.info('enable nova-compute on %s' % host) self.nova.services.enable(host, 'nova-compute') def _projects_not_in_wanted_states(self, wanted_states): if len([v for v in self.projects_state.values() if v not in wanted_states]): return True else: return False def projects_not_in_state(self, state): if len([v for v in self.projects_state.values() if v != state]): return True else: return False def wait_projects_state(self, wanted_states, wait_seconds): retries = wait_seconds while (retries > 0 and self._projects_not_in_wanted_states(wanted_states)): time.sleep(1) retries = retries - 1 if self._projects_not_in_wanted_states(wanted_states): self.log.error('Admin tool session %s: projects in invalid states ' '%s' % (self.session_id, self.projects_state)) raise Exception('Admin tool session %s: not all projects in states' ' %s' % (self.session_id, wanted_states)) else: self.log.info('all projects replied') def _project_notify(self, project_id, instance_ids, allowed_actions, actions_at, state, metadata): reply_url = '%s/%s/maintenance' % (self.url, project_id) payload = dict(project_id=project_id, instance_ids=instance_ids, allowed_actions=allowed_actions, state=state, actions_at=actions_at, session_id=self.session_id, metadata=metadata, reply_url=reply_url) self.log.debug('Sending "maintenance.planned" to project: %s' % payload) self.notif_proj.info({'some': 'context'}, 'maintenance.scheduled', payload) def _admin_notify(self, project, host, state, session_id): payload = dict(project_id=project, host=host, state=state, session_id=session_id) self.log.debug('Sending "maintenance.host": %s' % payload) self.notif_admin.info({'some': 'context'}, 'maintenance.host', payload) def down_scale(self): for project in self.projects_servers: self.log.info('DOWN_SCALE to project %s' % project) self.log.debug('instance_ids %s' % self.projects_servers[project]) instance_ids = '%s/%s/maintenance' % (self.url, project) allowed_actions = [] wait_seconds = 120 actions_at = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=wait_seconds) ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') state = self.state metadata = self.metadata self._project_notify(project, instance_ids, allowed_actions, actions_at, state, metadata) allowed_states = ['ACK_DOWN_SCALE', 'NACK_DOWN_SCALE'] self.wait_projects_state(allowed_states, wait_seconds) if self.projects_not_in_state('ACK_DOWN_SCALE'): raise Exception('Admin tool session %s: all states not ' 'ACK_DOWN_SCALE %s' % (self.session_id, self.projects_state)) def maintenance(self): for project in self.projects_servers: self.log.info('\nMAINTENANCE to project %s\n' % project) self.log.debug('instance_ids %s' % self.projects_servers[project]) instance_ids = '%s/%s/maintenance' % (self.url, project) allowed_actions = [] actions_at = self.maintenance_at state = self.state metadata = self.metadata maint_at = self.str_to_datetime(self.maintenance_at) td = maint_at - datetime.datetime.utcnow() wait_seconds = int(td.total_seconds()) if wait_seconds < 10: raise Exception('Admin tool session %s: No time for project to' ' answer: %s' % (self.session_id, wait_seconds)) self._project_notify(project, instance_ids, allowed_actions, actions_at, state, metadata) allowed_states = ['ACK_MAINTENANCE', 'NACK_MAINTENANCE'] self.wait_projects_state(allowed_states, wait_seconds) if self.projects_not_in_state('ACK_MAINTENANCE'): raise Exception('Admin tool session %s: all states not ' 'ACK_MAINTENANCE %s' % (self.session_id, self.projects_state)) def maintenance_complete(self): for project in self.projects_servers: self.log.info('MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE to project %s' % project) instance_ids = '%s/%s/maintenance' % (self.url, project) allowed_actions = [] wait_seconds = 120 actions_at = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=wait_seconds) ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') state = 'MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE' metadata = self.metadata self._project_notify(project, instance_ids, allowed_actions, actions_at, state, metadata) allowed_states = ['ACK_MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE', 'NACK_MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE'] self.wait_projects_state(allowed_states, wait_seconds) if self.projects_not_in_state('ACK_MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE'): raise Exception('Admin tool session %s: all states not ' 'ACK_MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE %s' % (self.session_id, self.projects_state)) def need_down_scale(self, host_servers): room_for_instances = 0 for host in host_servers: instances = 0 for project in host_servers[host]: for instance in host_servers[host][project]: instances += 1 room_for_instances += (2 - instances) self.log.info('there is room for %d instances' % room_for_instances) if room_for_instances > 1: return False else: return True def find_host_to_be_empty(self, host_servers): host_to_be_empty = None host_nonha_instances = 0 for host in host_servers: ha_instances = 0 nonha_instances = 0 for project in host_servers[host]: for instance in host_servers[host][project]: if ('doctor_ha_app_' in host_servers[host][project][instance]): ha_instances += 1 else: nonha_instances += 1 self.log.info('host %s has %d ha and %d non ha instances' % (host, ha_instances, nonha_instances)) if ha_instances == 0: if host_to_be_empty: if nonha_instances < host_nonha_instances: host_to_be_empty = host host_nonha_instances = nonha_instances else: host_to_be_empty = host host_nonha_instances = nonha_instances self.log.info('host %s selected to be empty' % host_to_be_empty) return host_to_be_empty def make_compute_host_empty(self, host, projects_servers, statebase): state = statebase state_ack = 'ACK_%s' % statebase state_nack = 'NACK_%s' % statebase for project in projects_servers: # self.projects_servers must have servers under action self.projects_servers[project] = projects_servers[project].copy() self.log.info('%s to project %s' % (state, project)) self.project_servers_log_info(project, projects_servers) instance_ids = '%s/%s/maintenance' % (self.url, project) allowed_actions = ['MIGRATE', 'LIVE_MIGRATE', 'OWN_ACTION'] wait_seconds = 120 actions_at = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=wait_seconds) ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') metadata = self.metadata self._project_notify(project, instance_ids, allowed_actions, actions_at, state, metadata) allowed_states = [state_ack, state_nack] self.wait_projects_state(allowed_states, wait_seconds) if self.projects_not_in_state(state_ack): raise Exception('Admin tool session %s: all states not %s %s' % (self.session_id, state_ack, self.projects_state)) self.actions_to_have_empty_host(host) def notify_action_done(self, project, instance_id): instance_ids = instance_id allowed_actions = [] actions_at = None state = "INSTANCE_ACTION_DONE" metadata = None self._project_notify(project, instance_ids, allowed_actions, actions_at, state, metadata) def actions_to_have_empty_host(self, host): retry = 0 while len(self.proj_server_actions) == 0: time.sleep(2) if retry == 10: raise Exception('Admin tool session %s: project server actions' ' not set' % self.session_id) retry += 1 for project in self.proj_server_actions: for server, action in self.proj_server_actions[project].items(): self.log.info('Action %s server %s: %s' % (action, server, self.projects_servers[project][server])) if action == 'MIGRATE': self.migrate_server(server) self.notify_action_done(project, server) elif action == 'OWN_ACTION': pass else: raise Exception('Admin tool session %s: server %s action ' '%s not supported' % (self.session_id, server, action)) self.proj_server_actions = dict() self._wait_host_empty(host) def migrate_server(self, server_id): server = self.nova.servers.get(server_id) vm_state = server.__dict__.get('OS-EXT-STS:vm_state') self.log.info('server %s state %s' % (server_id, vm_state)) last_vm_state = vm_state retry_migrate = 5 while True: try: server.migrate() time.sleep(5) retries = 36 while vm_state != 'resized' and retries > 0: # try to confirm within 3min server = self.nova.servers.get(server_id) vm_state = server.__dict__.get('OS-EXT-STS:vm_state') if vm_state == 'resized': server.confirm_resize() self.log.info('server %s migration confirmed' % server_id) return if last_vm_state != vm_state: self.log.info('server %s state: %s' % (server_id, vm_state)) if vm_state == 'error': raise Exception('server %s migration failed, state: %s' % (server_id, vm_state)) time.sleep(5) retries = retries - 1 last_vm_state = vm_state # Timout waiting state to change break except BadRequest: if retry_migrate == 0: raise Exception('server %s migrate failed' % server_id) # Might take time for scheduler to sync inconsistent instance # list for host retry_time = 180 - (retry_migrate * 30) self.log.info('server %s migrate failed, retry in %s sec' % (server_id, retry_time)) time.sleep(retry_time) except Exception as e: self.log.error('server %s migration failed, Exception=%s' % (server_id, e)) self.log.error(format_exc()) raise Exception('server %s migration failed, state: %s' % (server_id, vm_state)) finally: retry_migrate = retry_migrate - 1 raise Exception('server %s migration timeout, state: %s' % (server_id, vm_state)) def _wait_host_empty(self, host): hid = self.nova.hypervisors.search(host)[0].id vcpus_used_last = 0 # wait 4min to get host empty for j in range(48): hvisor = self.nova.hypervisors.get(hid) vcpus_used = hvisor.__getattr__('vcpus_used') if vcpus_used > 0: if vcpus_used_last == 0: self.log.info('%s still has %d vcpus reserved. wait...' % (host, vcpus_used)) elif vcpus_used != vcpus_used_last: self.log.info('%s still has %d vcpus reserved. wait...' % (host, vcpus_used)) vcpus_used_last = vcpus_used time.sleep(5) else: self.log.info('%s empty' % host) return raise Exception('%s host not empty' % host) def projects_listen_alarm(self, match_event): match_projects = ([str(alarm['project_id']) for alarm in self.aodh.alarm.list() if str(alarm['event_rule']['event_type']) == match_event]) all_projects_match = True for project in list(self.projects_state): if project not in match_projects: self.log.error('Admin tool session %s: project %s not ' 'listening to %s' % (self.session_id, project, match_event)) all_projects_match = False return all_projects_match def project_servers_log_info(self, project, host_servers): info = 'Project servers:\n' for server in host_servers[project]: info += (' %s: %s\n' % (server, host_servers[project][server])) self.log.info('%s' % info) def servers_log_info(self, host_servers): info = '\n' for host in self.hosts: info += '%s:\n' % host if host in host_servers: for project in host_servers[host]: info += ' %s:\n' % project for server in host_servers[host][project]: info += (' %s: %s\n' % (server, host_servers[host][project][server])) self.log.info('%s' % info) def update_server_info(self): opts = {'all_tenants': True} servers = self.nova.servers.list(search_opts=opts) self.projects_servers = dict() host_servers = dict() for server in servers: try: host = str(server.__dict__.get('OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host')) project = str(server.tenant_id) server_name = str(server.name) server_id = str(server.id) except Exception: raise Exception('can not get params from server=%s' % server) if host not in self.hosts: continue if host not in host_servers: host_servers[host] = dict() if project not in host_servers[host]: host_servers[host][project] = dict() if project not in self.projects_servers: self.projects_servers[project] = dict() if project not in self.projects_state: self.projects_state[project] = None host_servers[host][project][server_id] = server_name self.projects_servers[project][server_id] = server_name return host_servers def str_to_datetime(self, dt_str): mdate, mtime = dt_str.split() year, month, day = map(int, mdate.split('-')) hours, minutes, seconds = map(int, mtime.split(':')) return datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds) def host_maintenance(self, host): self.log.info('maintaining host %s' % host) # no implementation to make real maintenance time.sleep(5) def run(self): while self.state != 'MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE': self.log.info('--==session %s: processing state %s==--' % (self.session_id, self.state)) if self.state == 'MAINTENANCE': host_servers = self.update_server_info() self.servers_log_info(host_servers) if not self.projects_listen_alarm('maintenance.scheduled'): raise Exception('all projects do not listen maintenance ' 'alarm') self.maintenance() maint_at = self.str_to_datetime(self.maintenance_at) if maint_at > datetime.datetime.utcnow(): time_now = (datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) self.log.info('Time now: %s maintenance starts: %s....' % (time_now, self.maintenance_at)) td = maint_at - datetime.datetime.utcnow() time.sleep(td.total_seconds()) time_now = (datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) self.log.info('Time to start maintenance starts: %s' % time_now) # check if we have empty compute host # True -> PLANNED_MAINTENANCE # False -> check if we can migrate VMs to get empty host # True -> PREPARE_MAINTENANCE # False -> DOWN_SCALE maintenance_empty_hosts = ([h for h in self.hosts if h not in host_servers]) if len(maintenance_empty_hosts) == 0: if self.need_down_scale(host_servers): self.log.info('Need to down scale') self.state = 'DOWN_SCALE' else: self.log.info('Free capacity, but need empty host') self.state = 'PREPARE_MAINTENANCE' else: self.log.info('Free capacity, but need empty host') self.state = 'PLANNED_MAINTENANCE' self.log.info('--==State change from MAINTENANCE to %s==--' % self.state) elif self.state == 'DOWN_SCALE': # Test case is hard coded to have all compute capacity used # We need to down scale to have one empty compute host self.down_scale() self.state = 'PREPARE_MAINTENANCE' host_servers = self.update_server_info() self.servers_log_info(host_servers) self.log.info('--==State change from DOWN_SCALE to' ' %s==--' % self.state) elif self.state == 'PREPARE_MAINTENANCE': # It might be down scale did not free capacity on a single # compute host, so we need to arrange free capacity to a single # compute host self.maint_proj_servers = self.projects_servers.copy() maintenance_empty_hosts = ([h for h in self.hosts if h not in host_servers]) if len(maintenance_empty_hosts) == 0: self.log.info('no empty hosts for maintenance') if self.need_down_scale(host_servers): raise Exception('Admin tool session %s: Not enough ' 'free capacity for maintenance' % self.session_id) host = self.find_host_to_be_empty(host_servers) if host: self.make_compute_host_empty(host, host_servers[host], 'PREPARE_MAINTENANCE') else: # We do not currently support another down scale if # first was not enough raise Exception('Admin tool session %s: No host ' 'candidate to be emptied' % self.session_id) else: for host in maintenance_empty_hosts: self.log.info('%s already empty ' 'for maintenance' % host) self.state = 'PLANNED_MAINTENANCE' host_servers = self.update_server_info() self.servers_log_info(host_servers) self.log.info('--==State change from PREPARE_MAINTENANCE to %s' '==--' % self.state) elif self.state == 'PLANNED_MAINTENANCE': maintenance_hosts = list() maintenance_empty_hosts = list() # TODO This should be admin. hack for now to have it work admin_project = list(self.projects_state)[0] for host in self.hosts: self.log.info('disable nova-compute on host %s' % host) self.nova.services.disable_log_reason(host, 'nova-compute', 'maintenance') self.computes_disabled.append(host) if host in host_servers and len(host_servers[host]): maintenance_hosts.append(host) else: maintenance_empty_hosts.append(host) self.log.info('--==Start to maintain empty hosts==--\n%s' % maintenance_empty_hosts) for host in maintenance_empty_hosts: # scheduler has problems, let's see if just down scaled # host is really empty self._wait_host_empty(host) self.log.info('IN_MAINTENANCE host %s' % host) self._admin_notify(admin_project, host, 'IN_MAINTENANCE', self.session_id) self.host_maintenance(host) self._admin_notify(admin_project, host, 'MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE', self.session_id) self.nova.services.enable(host, 'nova-compute') self.computes_disabled.remove(host) self.log.info('MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE host %s' % host) self.log.info('--==Start to maintain occupied hosts==--\n%s' % maintenance_hosts) for host in maintenance_hosts: self.log.info('PLANNED_MAINTENANCE host %s' % host) self.make_compute_host_empty(host, host_servers[host], 'PLANNED_MAINTENANCE') self.log.info('IN_MAINTENANCE host %s' % host) self._admin_notify(admin_project, host, 'IN_MAINTENANCE', self.session_id) self.host_maintenance(host) self._admin_notify(admin_project, host, 'MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE', self.session_id) self.nova.services.enable(host, 'nova-compute') self.computes_disabled.remove(host) self.log.info('MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE host %s' % host) self.state = 'PLANNED_MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE' host_servers = self.update_server_info() self.servers_log_info(host_servers) elif self.state == 'PLANNED_MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE': self.log.info('Projects still need to up scale back to full ' 'capcity') self.maintenance_complete() host_servers = self.update_server_info() self.servers_log_info(host_servers) self.state = 'MAINTENANCE_COMPLETE' else: raise Exception('Admin tool session %s: session in invalid ' 'state %s' % (self.session_id, self.state)) self.log.info('--==Maintenance session %s: ' 'MAINTENANCE SESSION COMPLETE==--' % self.session_id) def project_input(self, project_id, data): self.log.debug('Admin tool session %s: project %s input' % (self.session_id, project_id)) if 'instance_actions' in data: self.proj_server_actions[project_id] = ( data['instance_actions'].copy()) self.projects_state[project_id] = data['state'] def project_get_instances(self, project_id): ret = list(self.projects_servers[project_id]) self.log.debug('Admin tool session %s: project %s GET return: %s' % (self.session_id, project_id, ret)) return ret def stop(self): self.stopped = True class AdminTool(Thread): def __init__(self, trasport_url, conf, admin_tool, log): Thread.__init__(self) self.admin_tool = admin_tool self.log = log self.conf = conf self.port = self.conf.admin_tool.port self.maint_sessions = {} self.projects = {} self.maintenance_hosts = [] self.trasport_url = trasport_url def run(self): app = Flask('admin_tool') @app.route('/maintenance', methods=['POST']) def admin_maintenance_api_post(): data = json.loads(request.data.decode('utf8')) self.log.info('maintenance message: %s' % data) if 'session_id' in data: if data['state'] == 'REMOVE_MAINTENANCE_SESSION': session_id = data['session_id'] self.log.info('remove session %s' % session_id) self.maint_sessions[session_id].cleanup() self.maint_sessions[session_id].stop() del self.maint_sessions[session_id] else: session_id = str(generate_uuid()) self.log.info('creating session: %s' % session_id) self.maint_sessions[session_id] = ( AdminMain(self.trasport_url, session_id, data, self, self.conf, self.log)) self.maint_sessions[session_id].start() reply = json.dumps({'session_id': session_id, 'state': 'ACK_%s' % data['state']}) self.log.debug('reply: %s' % reply) return reply, 200, None @app.route('/maintenance', methods=['GET']) def admin_maintenance_api_get(): data = json.loads(request.data.decode('utf8')) self.log.debug('Admin get maintenance: %s' % data) session_id = data['session_id'] reply = json.dumps({'state': self.maint_sessions[session_id].state}) self.log.debug('reply: %s' % reply) return reply, 200, None @app.route('//maintenance', methods=['PUT']) def project_maintenance_api_put(projet_id=None): data = json.loads(request.data.decode('utf8')) self.log.debug('%s project put: %s' % (projet_id, data)) self.project_input(projet_id, data) return 'OK' @app.route('//maintenance', methods=['GET']) def project_maintenance_api_get(projet_id=None): data = json.loads(request.data.decode('utf8')) self.log.debug('%s project get %s' % (projet_id, data)) instances = self.project_get_instances(projet_id, data) reply = json.dumps({'instance_ids': instances}) self.log.debug('%s reply: %s' % (projet_id, reply)) return reply, 200, None @app.route('/shutdown', methods=['POST']) def shutdown(): for session in self.maint_sessions: self.log.info('shutdown admin tool session %s thread' % session) self.maint_sessions[session].cleanup() self.maint_sessions[session].stop() self.log.info('shutdown admin_tool server at %s' % time.time()) func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') if func is None: raise RuntimeError('Not running with the Werkzeug Server') func() return 'admin_tool app shutting down...' app.run(host='', port=self.port) def project_input(self, project_id, data): session_id = data['session_id'] self.maint_sessions[session_id].project_input(project_id, data) def project_get_instances(self, project_id, data): session_id = data['session_id'] return self.maint_sessions[session_id].project_get_instances( project_id)