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Summary and conclusion

The Doctor project aimed at detailing NFVI fault management and NFVI maintenance
requirements. These are indispensable operations for an Operator, and extremely
necessary to realize telco-grade high availability. High availability is a large
topic; the objective of Doctor is not to realize a complete high availability
architecture and implementation. Instead, Doctor limited itself to addressing
the fault events in NFVI, and proposes enhancements necessary in VIM, e.g.
OpenStack, to ensure VNFs availability in such fault events, taking a Telco VNFs
application level management system into account.

The Doctor project performed a robust analysis of the requirements from NFVI
fault management and NFVI maintenance operation, concretely found out gaps in
between such requirements and the current implementation of OpenStack, and
proposed potential development plans to fill out such gaps in OpenStack.
Blueprints are already under investigation and the next step is to fill out
those gaps in OpenStack by code development in the coming releases.

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