# Copyright (c) 2017 ZTE Corp and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

import os
import pytest
from deepdiff import DeepDiff

from deploy.get_conf import (

def conf_file_dir(data_root):
    return os.path.join(data_root, 'lab_conf')

@pytest.mark.parametrize('deploy_file_name, expected', [
    ('deploy_virtual1.yml', (50, 110, 110, 'r00tme', '', '', 5)),
    ('deploy_virtual2.yml', (50, 110, 110, 'r00tme', '', '', 1))])
def test_get_yml_para(conf_file_dir, deploy_file_name, expected):
    deploy_file = os.path.join(conf_file_dir, deploy_file_name)
    assert get_yml_para(deploy_file) == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize('deploy_file_name, network_file_name, expected', [
    ('deploy_virtual1.yml', 'network_virtual1.yml',
     ({'ens8': [{'ip': '', 'name': 'EXTERNAL'}],
       'ens3': [{'ip': '', 'name': 'MANAGEMENT'},
                {'ip': '', 'name': 'PUBLICAPI'},
                {'ip': '', 'name': 'STORAGE'},
                {'ip': '', 'name': 'physnet1'}],
       'ens9': [{'ip': '', 'name': 'HEARTBEAT'}]},
      ['computer01', 'computer02', 'controller01', 'controller02', 'controller03'],
      {'MANAGEMENT': {'cidr': '', 'gateway': '',
                      'ip_ranges': [{'start': '',
                                     'end': ''}]},
       'STORAGE': {'cidr': '', 'gateway': '',
                   'ip_ranges': [{'start': '',
                                  'end': ''}]},
       'EXTERNAL': {'cidr': '', 'gateway': '',
                    'ip_ranges': [{'start': '',
                                   'end': ''}],
                    'network_name': 'admin_external',
                    'mapping': 'physnet1'},
       'PUBLICAPI': {'cidr': '', 'gateway': '',
                     'ip_ranges': [{'start': '',
                                    'end': ''}]},
       'physnet1': {'cidr': '', 'gateway': '',
                    'ip_ranges': [{'start': '',
                                   'end': ''}]},
       'HEARTBEAT': {'cidr': '', 'gateway': '',
                     'ip_ranges': [{'start': '',
                                    'end': ''}]}},
      '', '/dev/sdb',
      {'controller01': [], 'controller02': [], 'controller03': [],
       'computer01': [], 'computer02': []})),
    ('deploy_virtual2.yml', 'network_virtual2.yml',
     ({'ens8': [{'ip': '', 'name': 'EXTERNAL'}],
       'ens3': [{'ip': '', 'name': 'MANAGEMENT'},
                {'ip': '', 'name': 'PUBLICAPI'},
                {'ip': '', 'name': 'STORAGE'},
                {'ip': '', 'name': 'physnet1'}],
       'ens9': [{'ip': '', 'name': 'HEARTBEAT'}]},
      {'MANAGEMENT': {'cidr': '', 'gateway': '',
                      'ip_ranges': [{'start': '',
                                     'end': ''}]},
       'STORAGE': {'cidr': '', 'gateway': '',
                   'ip_ranges': [{'start': '',
                                  'end': ''}]},
       'EXTERNAL': {'cidr': '', 'gateway': '',
                    'ip_ranges': [{'start': '',
                                   'end': ''}],
                    'network_name': 'admin_external',
                    'mapping': 'physnet1'},
       'PUBLICAPI': {'cidr': '', 'gateway': '',
                     'ip_ranges': [{'start': '',
                                    'end': ''}]},
       'physnet1': {'cidr': '', 'gateway': '',
                    'ip_ranges': [{'start': '',
                                   'end': ''}]},
       'HEARTBEAT': {'cidr': '', 'gateway': '',
                     'ip_ranges': [{'start': '',
                                    'end': ''}]}},
      '', '',
      {'all_in_one': []}))])
def test_config(conf_file_dir, deploy_file_name, network_file_name, expected):
    deploy_file = os.path.join(conf_file_dir, deploy_file_name)
    network_file = os.path.join(conf_file_dir, network_file_name)
    result = config(deploy_file, network_file)
    assert DeepDiff(result, expected, ignore_order=True) == {}