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CI Job Introduction

CI Base Architech


Project Gating And Daily Deployment Test

To save time, currently, Daisy4NFV does not run deployment test in gate job which simply builds and
uploads artifacts to low confidence level repo. The project deployment test is triggered on a daily
basis. If the artifact passes the test, then it will be promoted to the high confidence level repo.

The low confidence level artifacts are bin files in http://artifacts.opnfv.org/daisy.html named like
"daisy/opnfv-Gerrit-39495.bin", while the high confidence level artifacts are named like

The daily project deployment status can be found at


Production CI

The status of Daisy4NFV's CI/CD which running on OPNFV production CI environments(both B/M and VM)
can be found at


Dashboard for taking a glance on CI health status in a more intuitive way can be found at
