############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 ZTE Corporation and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # TODO: # [ ] 1. specify VM templates (Server, Controller & Compute) in deploy.yml # [ ] 2. specify network templates in deploy.yml # [ ] 3. specify adapter(ipmi, libvirt) in deploy.yml # [ ] 4. get ipmi user/password from PDF (Pod Descriptor File) # [ ] 5. get pxe bridge from jjb # [ ] 6. enlarge the vm size of Controller & Compute in deploy.yml ############################################################################## import argparse import yaml from utils import ( WORKSPACE, save_log_to_file, LI, log_bar, path_join, check_sudo_privilege, check_file_exists, make_file_executable, confirm_dir_exists ) from environment import ( DaisyEnvironment, ) class DaisyDeployment(object): def __init__(self, lab_name, pod_name, deploy_file, net_file, bin_file, daisy_only, cleanup_only, remote_dir, work_dir, storage_dir, pxe_bridge, deploy_log): self.lab_name = lab_name self.pod_name = pod_name self.deploy_file = deploy_file with open(deploy_file) as yaml_file: self.deploy_struct = yaml.safe_load(yaml_file) if not cleanup_only: self.net_file = net_file with open(net_file) as yaml_file: self.net_struct = yaml.safe_load(yaml_file) else: self.net_struct = None self.bin_file = bin_file self.daisy_only = daisy_only self.cleanup_only = cleanup_only self.remote_dir = remote_dir self.work_dir = work_dir self.storage_dir = storage_dir self.pxe_bridge = pxe_bridge self.deploy_log = deploy_log self.adapter = self._get_adapter_info() LI('The adapter is %s' % self.adapter) # TODO: modify the jjb code to provide bridge name if self.adapter == 'libvirt': self.pxe_bridge = 'daisy1' else: self.pxe_bridge = 'br7' self.daisy_server_info = self._get_daisy_server_info() self.daisy_env = DaisyEnvironment(self.deploy_struct, self.net_struct, self.adapter, self.pxe_bridge, self.daisy_server_info, self.work_dir, self.storage_dir) def _get_adapter_info(self): # TODO: specify the adapter info in deploy.yml if 'adapter' in self.deploy_struct: return self.deploy_struct['adapter'] elif self.pod_name and 'virtual' in self.pod_name: return 'libvirt' else: return 'ipmi' def _get_daisy_server_info(self): address = self.deploy_struct.get('daisy_ip', '') gateway = self.deploy_struct.get('daisy_gateway', '') password = self.deploy_struct.get('daisy_passwd', 'r00tme') disk_size = self.deploy_struct.get('disks', {'daisy': 50})['daisy'] # TODO: get VM name of daisy server from deploy.yml or vm template name = 'daisy' image = path_join(self.storage_dir, name + '.qcow2') return {'name': name, 'image': image, 'address': address, 'gateway': gateway, 'password': password, 'disk_size': disk_size} def run(self): self.daisy_env.delete_old_environment() if self.cleanup_only: return self.daisy_env.create_daisy_server() if self.daisy_only: log_bar('Create Daisy Server successfully !') return self.daisy_env.install_daisy(self.remote_dir, self.bin_file) self.daisy_env.deploy(self.deploy_file, self.net_file) log_bar('Daisy deploy successfully !') def config_arg_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-lab', dest='lab_name', action='store', nargs='?', default=None, help='Lab Name') parser.add_argument('-pod', dest='pod_name', action='store', nargs='?', default=None, help='Pod Name') parser.add_argument('-bin', dest='bin_file', action='store', nargs='?', default=path_join(WORKSPACE, 'opnfv.bin'), help='OPNFV Daisy BIN File') parser.add_argument('-do', dest='daisy_only', action='store_true', default=False, help='Install Daisy Server only') parser.add_argument('-co', dest='cleanup_only', action='store_true', default=False, help='Cleanup VMs and Virtual Networks') # parser.add_argument('-nd', dest='no_daisy', action='store_true', # default=False, # help='Do not install Daisy Server when it exists') parser.add_argument('-rdir', dest='remote_dir', action='store', nargs='?', default='/home/daisy', help='Code directory on Daisy Server') parser.add_argument('-wdir', dest='work_dir', action='store', nargs='?', default='/tmp/workdir', help='Temporary working directory') parser.add_argument('-sdir', dest='storage_dir', action='store', nargs='?', default='/home/qemu/vms', help='Storage directory for VM images') parser.add_argument('-B', dest='pxe_bridge', action='store', nargs='?', default='pxebr', help='Linux Bridge for booting up the Daisy Server VM ' '[default: pxebr]') parser.add_argument('-log', dest='deploy_log', action='store', nargs='?', default=path_join(WORKSPACE, 'deploy.log'), help='Path and name of the deployment log file') return parser def parse_arguments(): parser = config_arg_parser() args = parser.parse_args() save_log_to_file(args.deploy_log) LI(args) conf_base_dir = path_join(WORKSPACE, 'labs', args.lab_name, args.pod_name) deploy_file = path_join(conf_base_dir, 'daisy/config/deploy.yml') net_file = path_join(conf_base_dir, 'daisy/config/network.yml') check_file_exists(deploy_file) if not args.cleanup_only: check_file_exists(net_file) make_file_executable(args.bin_file) confirm_dir_exists(args.work_dir) confirm_dir_exists(args.storage_dir) kwargs = { 'lab_name': args.lab_name, 'pod_name': args.pod_name, 'deploy_file': deploy_file, 'net_file': net_file, 'bin_file': args.bin_file, 'daisy_only': args.daisy_only, 'cleanup_only': args.cleanup_only, 'remote_dir': args.remote_dir, 'work_dir': args.work_dir, 'storage_dir': args.storage_dir, 'pxe_bridge': args.pxe_bridge, 'deploy_log': args.deploy_log } return kwargs def main(): check_sudo_privilege() kwargs = parse_arguments() deploy = DaisyDeployment(**kwargs) deploy.run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()