/*############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 ZTE Coreporation and others. # hu.zhijiang@zte.com.cn # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ##############################################################################*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include "buffer.h" #include "udp-common.h" #include "tcp-common.h" #include "misc.h" /* Global statistics */ long tot_dups = 0; long tot_reps = 0; long tot_pkts = 0; long long tot_size = 0; void recv_mcinfo(int tcp_socket) { int res; res = read_all(tcp_socket, &mcinfo, sizeof(struct mc_info)); if (res != sizeof(struct mc_info)) { crit("Error while reading initial data"); } } void recv_buffctl(int tcp_socket) { int res; res = read_all(tcp_socket, &buffctl, sizeof(struct buffer_ctl)); if (res != sizeof(struct buffer_ctl)) { crit("Error reading buffer control"); } } void send_client_ready(int tcp_socket) { uint8_t cmd; /* Tell TCP server we are ready to receive */ cmd = CLIENT_READY; write(tcp_socket, &cmd, 1); } /* Read out the SERVER_SENT signal */ void recv_server_sent(int tcp_socket) { uint8_t cmd; int res; res = read_all(tcp_socket, &cmd, 1); if (res != 1) { //if (read(tcp_socket, &cmd, 1) < 1) { crit("Error reading SERVER_SENT"); } if (cmd != SERVER_SENT) { crit("Error reading SERVER_SENT %d", cmd); } } void send_client_request(int tcp_socket, struct request_ctl *req) { uint8_t cmd; /* Tell TCP server we are ready to receive */ cmd = CLIENT_REQ; write(tcp_socket, &cmd, 1); write(tcp_socket, req, sizeof(struct request_ctl) + (req->req_count) * sizeof(uint32_t)); } void recv_server_ack(int tcp_socket, struct packet_ctl *pkt) { int res; res = read_all(tcp_socket, pkt, sizeof(struct packet_ctl)); if (res != sizeof(struct packet_ctl)) { crit("Error on tcp socket"); } res = read_all(tcp_socket, ((char *)pkt) + sizeof(struct packet_ctl), pkt->data_size); if (res != pkt->data_size) { crit("Error on tcp socket received %d of %d", res, pkt->data_size); } } void tcp_retransmition(int tcp_socket, struct packet_ctl **curr_pkt, struct packet_ctl **freed_pkt) { struct request_ctl *reqctl; uint32_t *reqbody; uint8_t rqbuf[MAX_REQ_SIZE]; uint32_t l; reqctl = (struct request_ctl *)rqbuf; reqbody = (uint32_t *)(rqbuf + sizeof(struct request_ctl)); reqctl->req_count = 0; for (l = 0; l < buffctl.pkt_count; l++) { if (!packetctl[l]->data_size) { log(6, "Requesting packet %u", l + buffctl.packet_id_base); reqbody[reqctl->req_count] = l + buffctl.packet_id_base; reqctl->req_count++; } } if (reqctl->req_count > 0) { send_client_request(tcp_socket, reqctl); /* read retransmitted blocks via TCP */ for (l = 0; l < reqctl->req_count; l++) { if (*freed_pkt) { *curr_pkt = *freed_pkt; } recv_server_ack(tcp_socket, *curr_pkt); *freed_pkt = packet_put(*curr_pkt); if (!(*freed_pkt)) { crit("Malformed packet on tcp socket"); } if ((*freed_pkt)->data_size != 0) { crit("Malformed free packet slot or TCP data"); } log(6, "Received retran packet %u", (*curr_pkt)->seq); } tot_reps += reqctl->req_count; } } /* Returns how many good packets received from UDP */ int recv_mcast(int tcp_socket, int udp_socket, struct packet_ctl **curr_pkt, struct packet_ctl **freed_pkt) { int rcv_pkt_count; int got_sent; int maxfd; fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; int res; maxfd = tcp_socket; if (maxfd < udp_socket) { maxfd = udp_socket; } maxfd++; FD_ZERO(&rfds); rcv_pkt_count = 0; got_sent = 0; if (buffctl.pkt_count != 0) { do { FD_SET(tcp_socket, &rfds); FD_SET(udp_socket, &rfds); tv.tv_sec = 20; tv.tv_usec = 0; res = select(maxfd, &rfds, 0, 0, &tv); if (res < 0) { crit("select error"); } if (res == 0) { crit("select timed out"); } /* Read multicast packet */ if (FD_ISSET(udp_socket, &rfds)) { log(7, "Reading multicast packet"); if (*freed_pkt) { *curr_pkt = *freed_pkt; } res = recv(udp_socket, *curr_pkt, PACKET_SIZE, 0); if (res <= 0) { crit("error on multicast socket"); } if (res < sizeof(struct packet_ctl) ) { log(7, "Truncated packet received (%d bytes)", res); } else if (res != (*curr_pkt)->data_size + sizeof(struct packet_ctl)) { log(7, "Truncated packet received (%d of %ld bytes)", res, (*curr_pkt)->data_size + sizeof(struct packet_ctl)); } else { log(9, "Normal packet seq:%d", (*curr_pkt)->seq); (*freed_pkt) = packet_put((*curr_pkt)); if (!(*freed_pkt)) { log(5, "Malformed packet"); } else { if ((*freed_pkt)->data_size == 0) { rcv_pkt_count++; } else { log(6, "Duplicated packet"); tot_dups++; } } } } else if (FD_ISSET(tcp_socket, &rfds)) { /* Check TCP, only if there was no more data from UDP */ log(6, "No more data path1"); recv_server_sent(tcp_socket); got_sent = 1; break; } } while (rcv_pkt_count < buffctl.pkt_count); } if (got_sent == 0) { log(6, "No more data path2"); recv_server_sent(tcp_socket); } return rcv_pkt_count; } void send_client_done(int tcp_socket) { uint8_t cmd; /* Tell TCP server we are ready to receive */ cmd = CLIENT_DONE; write(tcp_socket, &cmd, 1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ms, ts; struct packet_ctl *alloc_pkt, *curr_pkt, *freed_pkt; int udp_rcv_count; u_short port = DEF_PORT; struct in_addr local_addr; if (argc < 3) { printf("Usage: %s <local_ip> <server_ip> [port]\n", argv[0]); return -1; } if (!inet_aton(argv[1], &local_addr)) { crit("can not resolve address: %s", argv[1]); } if (argc > 3) { port = atoi(argv[3]); if (!port) { port = DEF_PORT; } } buffer_init(); /* Init first time packet slot */ alloc_pkt = (struct packet_ctl *)wrapper_malloc(PACKET_SIZE); memset(alloc_pkt, 0, PACKET_SIZE); freed_pkt = curr_pkt = alloc_pkt; ts = init_tcp_client_socket(argv[2], port); recv_mcinfo(ts); ms = init_mcast_socket(&local_addr, &mcinfo.group); /* Do we need set_nonblock(ms)??? ; */ /* Will do dummy run even if buffctl.pkt_count is zero at the first round */ do { /* one buffer a round */ packetctl_precheck(); recv_buffctl(ts); send_client_ready(ts); udp_rcv_count = recv_mcast(ts, ms, &curr_pkt,&freed_pkt); if (udp_rcv_count == buffctl.pkt_count) { log(6, "All packets of current buffer received from UDP"); } else { tcp_retransmition(ts, &curr_pkt, &freed_pkt); } tot_pkts += buffctl.pkt_count; tot_size += buffctl.buffer_size; log(1, "\rBuffer received %lld Bytes, %ld Packets(%ld Repeats %ld Dups)", tot_size, tot_pkts, tot_reps, tot_dups); if (buffctl.pkt_count) { buffer_flush(STDOUT_FILENO); } send_client_done(ts); } while (buffctl.pkt_count != 0); shutdown(ts, 2); close(ts); close(ms); log(1, "All buffers receive done.\n"); return 0; }