#!/bin/bash ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 ZTE Corporation and others. # hu.zhijiang@zte.com.cn # lu.yao135@zte.com.cn # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## ############################################################################ # BEGIN of usage description # function usage { cat << EOF xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx `basename $0`: Deploys the Daisy4NFV usage: `basename $0` -d dha_conf -l lab_name -p pod_name -r remote_workspace -w workdir OPTIONS: -b Base configuration path, necessary -B PXE Bridge for booting Daisy Master, optional -d Configuration yaml file of DHA, optional, will be deleted later -D Dry-run, does not perform deployment, will be deleted later -l LAB name, necessary -p POD name, necessary -r Remote workspace in target server, optional -w Workdir for temporary usage, optional -h Print this message and exit Description: Deploys the Daisy4NFV on the indicated lab resource Examples: sudo `basename $0` -b base_path -l zte -p pod2 -B pxebr -d ./deploy/config/vm_environment/zte-virtual1/deploy.yml -r /opt/daisy -w /opt/daisy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EOF } # # END of usage description ############################################################################ ############################################################################ # BEGIN of variables for internal use # SCRIPT_PATH=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0)) WORKSPACE=$(cd ${SCRIPT_PATH}/../..; pwd) VM_STORAGE=/home/qemu/vms DHA_CONF='' LAB_NAME='' POD_NAME='' TARGET_HOSTS_NUM=0 DRY_RUN=0 IS_BARE=1 VM_MULTINODE=("computer01" "computer02" "controller01" "controller02" "controller03") # # END of variables to customize ############################################################################ ############################################################################ # BEGIN of main # while getopts "b:B:Dd:n:l:p:r:w:h" OPTION do case $OPTION in b) BASE_PATH=${OPTARG} ;; B) BRIDGE=${OPTARG} ;; d) DHA_CONF=${OPTARG} ;; D) DRY_RUN=1 ;; l) LAB_NAME=${OPTARG} ;; p) POD_NAME=${OPTARG} ;; r) REMOTE_SPACE=${OPTARG} ;; w) WORKDIR=${OPTARG} ;; h) usage exit 0 ;; *) echo "${OPTION} is not a valid argument" usage exit 0 ;; esac done if [ -z $BASE_PATH ] || [ ! -d $BASE_PATH ] || [ -z LAB_NAME ] || [ -z $POD_NAME ] ; then echo """Please check BASE_PATH: $BASE_PATH LAB_NAME: $LAB_NAME POD_NAME: $POD_NAME """ usage echo "exit abnormal" exit 0 fi BRIDGE=${BRIDGE:-pxebr} # read parameters from lab configuration file DHA_CONF=$BASE_PATH/labs/$LAB_NAME/$POD_NAME/daisy/config/deploy.yml # set work space in daisy master node REMOTE_SPACE=${REMOTE_SPACE:-/home/daisy} DHA=$REMOTE_SPACE/labs/$LAB_NAME/$POD_NAME/daisy/config/deploy.yml NETWORK=$REMOTE_SPACE/labs/$LAB_NAME/$POD_NAME/daisy/config/network.yml # set temporay workdir WORKDIR=${WORKDIR:-/tmp/workdir/daisy} [[ $POD_NAME =~ (virtual) ]] && IS_BARE=0 # set extra ssh paramters SSH_PARAS="-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" DEPLOY_PATH=$WORKSPACE/deploy CREATE_QCOW2_PATH=$WORKSPACE/tools VMDELOY_DAISY_SERVER_NET=$WORKSPACE/templates/virtual_environment/networks/daisy.xml VMDEPLOY_TARGET_NODE_NET=$WORKSPACE/templates/virtual_environment/networks/os-all_in_one.xml VMDEPLOY_DAISY_SERVER_VM=$WORKSPACE/templates/virtual_environment/vms/daisy.xml VMDEPLOY_TARGET_NODE_VM=$WORKSPACE/templates/virtual_environment/vms/all_in_one.xml VMDEPLOY_NODE=[] for ((i=0;i<${#VM_MULTINODE[@]};i++));do VMDEPLOY_NODE[$i]=$WORKSPACE/templates/virtual_environment/vms/${VM_MULTINODE[$i]}.xml echo ${VMDEPLOY_NODE[$i]} done BMDEPLOY_DAISY_SERVER_NET=$WORKSPACE/templates/physical_environment/networks/daisy.xml BMDEPLOY_DAISY_SERVER_VM=$WORKSPACE/templates/physical_environment/vms/daisy.xml PARAS_FROM_DEPLOY=`python $WORKSPACE/deploy/get_para_from_deploy.py --dha $DHA_CONF` TARGET_HOSTS_NUM=`echo $PARAS_FROM_DEPLOY | cut -d " " -f 1` DAISY_IP=`echo $PARAS_FROM_DEPLOY | cut -d " " -f 2` DAISY_PASSWD=`echo $PARAS_FROM_DEPLOY | cut -d " " -f 3` PARAS_IMAGE=${PARAS_FROM_DEPLOY#* * * } if [ $DRY_RUN -eq 1 ]; then echo """ BASE_PATH: $BASE_PATH LAB_NAME: $LAB_NAME POD_NAME: $POD_NAME IS_BARE: $IS_BARE DAISY_IP: $DAISY_IP DAISY_PASSWD: $DAISY_PASSWD PARAS_IMAGE: $PARAS_IMAGE VMDELOY_DAISY_SERVER_NET: $VMDELOY_DAISY_SERVER_NET VMDEPLOY_TARGET_NODE_NET: $VMDEPLOY_TARGET_NODE_NET VMDEPLOY_DAISY_SERVER_VM: $VMDEPLOY_DAISY_SERVER_VM VMDEPLOY_TARGET_NODE_VM: $VMDEPLOY_TARGET_NODE_VM """ exit 1 fi if [ ! -f ${WORKSPACE}/opnfv.bin ]; then echo "opnfv.bin does not exist in WORKSPACE, exit." exit 1 elif [ ! -x ${WORKSPACE}/opnfv.bin ]; then echo "opnfv.bin in WORKSPACE is not executable, chmod it and continue." chmod +x ${WORKSPACE}/opnfv.bin fi test -d ${VM_STORAGE} || mkdir -p ${VM_STORAGE} function create_node { local net_template=$1 local net_name=$2 local vms_template=$3 local vms_name=$4 virsh net-define $net_template virsh net-autostart $net_name virsh net-start $net_name virsh define $vms_template virsh start $vms_name } #update key = value config option in an conf or ini file function update_config { local file=$1 local key=$2 local value=$3 [ ! -e $file ] && return #echo update key $key to value $value in file $file ... local exist=`grep "^[[:space:]]*[^#]" $file | grep -c "$key[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*.*"` #action:If a line is a comment, the beginning of the first character must be a #!!! local comment=`grep -c "^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*$key[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*.*" $file` if [[ $value == "#" ]];then if [ $exist -gt 0 ];then sed -i "/^[^#]/s/$key[[:space:]]*=/\#$key=/" $file fi return fi if [ $exist -gt 0 ];then #if there have been a effective configuration line did not comment, update value directly sed -i "/^[^#]/s#$key[[:space:]]*=.*#$key=$value#" $file elif [ $comment -gt 0 ];then #if there is a configuration line has been commented out, then remove the comments, update the value sed -i "s@^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*$key[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*.*@$key=$value@" $file else #add effective configuration line at the end echo "$key=$value" >> $file fi } function clean_up { local vm_name=$1 local network_name=$2 virsh destroy $vm_name virsh undefine $vm_name virsh net-destroy $network_name virsh net-undefine $network_name } echo "====== clean up all node and network ======" if [ $IS_BARE == 0 ];then clean_up all_in_one daisy2 for ((i=0;i<${#VM_MULTINODE[@]};i++));do virsh destroy ${VM_MULTINODE[$i]} virsh undefine ${VM_MULTINODE[$i]} done clean_up daisy daisy1 else virsh destroy daisy virsh undefine daisy fi echo "====== create daisy node ======" $CREATE_QCOW2_PATH/daisy-img-modify.sh -c $CREATE_QCOW2_PATH/centos-img-modify.sh -w $WORKDIR -a $DAISY_IP $PARAS_IMAGE if [ $IS_BARE == 0 ];then create_node $VMDELOY_DAISY_SERVER_NET daisy1 $VMDEPLOY_DAISY_SERVER_VM daisy else virsh define $BMDEPLOY_DAISY_SERVER_VM virsh start daisy fi sleep 20 echo "====== install daisy ======" $DEPLOY_PATH/trustme.sh $DAISY_IP $DAISY_PASSWD ssh $SSH_PARAS $DAISY_IP "if [[ -f ${REMOTE_SPACE} || -d ${REMOTE_SPACE} ]]; then rm -fr ${REMOTE_SPACE}; fi" scp -r $WORKSPACE root@$DAISY_IP:${REMOTE_SPACE} ssh $SSH_PARAS $DAISY_IP "mkdir -p /home/daisy_install" update_config $WORKSPACE/deploy/daisy.conf daisy_management_ip $DAISY_IP scp $WORKSPACE/deploy/daisy.conf root@$DAISY_IP:/home/daisy_install ssh $SSH_PARAS $DAISY_IP "${REMOTE_SPACE}/opnfv.bin install" rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo "daisy install failed" exit 1 else echo "daisy install successfully" fi echo "====== generate known_hosts file in daisy vm ======" touch $WORKSPACE/known_hosts scp $WORKSPACE/known_hosts root@$DAISY_IP:/root/.ssh/ if [ $IS_BARE == 0 ];then echo "====== add relate config of kolla ======" ssh $SSH_PARAS $DAISY_IP "bash $REMOTE_SPACE/deploy/prepare.sh -n $NETWORK" fi echo "====== prepare cluster and pxe ======" ssh $SSH_PARAS $DAISY_IP "python ${REMOTE_SPACE}/deploy/tempest.py --dha $DHA --network $NETWORK --cluster 'yes'" echo "====== create and find node ======" if [ $IS_BARE == 0 ];then if [ $TARGET_HOSTS_NUM == 1 ];then qemu-img create -f qcow2 ${VM_STORAGE}/all_in_one.qcow2 200G create_node $VMDEPLOY_TARGET_NODE_NET daisy2 $VMDEPLOY_TARGET_NODE_VM all_in_one else virsh net-define $VMDEPLOY_TARGET_NODE_NET virsh net-autostart daisy2 virsh net-start daisy2 for ((i=0;i<${#VM_MULTINODE[@]};i++));do qemu-img create -f qcow2 ${VM_STORAGE}/${VM_MULTINODE[$i]}.qcow2 200G virsh define ${VMDEPLOY_NODE[$i]} virsh start ${VM_MULTINODE[$i]} done fi sleep 20 else for i in $(seq 106 110); do ipmitool -I lanplus -H 192.168.1.$i -U zteroot -P superuser -R 1 chassis bootdev pxe ipmitool -I lanplus -H 192.168.1.$i -U zteroot -P superuser -R 1 chassis power reset done fi echo "====== prepare host and pxe ======" ssh $SSH_PARAS $DAISY_IP "python ${REMOTE_SPACE}/deploy/tempest.py --dha $DHA --network $NETWORK --host 'yes' --isbare $IS_BARE" if [ $IS_BARE == 0 ];then echo "====== daisy virtual-deploy operating system and openstack ======" if [ $TARGET_HOSTS_NUM == 1 ];then virsh destroy all_in_one virsh start all_in_one else for ((i=0;i<${#VM_MULTINODE[@]};i++));do virsh destroy ${VM_MULTINODE[$i]} virsh start ${VM_MULTINODE[$i]} done fi sleep 20 ssh $SSH_PARAS $DAISY_IP "python ${REMOTE_SPACE}/deploy/tempest.py --dha $DHA --network $NETWORK --install 'yes'" fi echo "====== check operating system install progress ======" ssh $SSH_PARAS $DAISY_IP "${REMOTE_SPACE}/deploy/check_os_progress.sh -d $IS_BARE -n $TARGET_HOSTS_NUM" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; fi sleep 10 if [ $IS_BARE == 0 ];then if [ $TARGET_HOSTS_NUM == 1 ];then virsh reboot all_in_one else for ((i=0;i<${#VM_MULTINODE[@]};i++));do virsh reboot ${VM_MULTINODE[$i]} done fi fi echo "====== check openstack install progress ======" ssh $SSH_PARAS $DAISY_IP "${REMOTE_SPACE}/deploy/check_openstack_progress.sh -n $TARGET_HOSTS_NUM" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; fi if [ $IS_BARE == 0 ];then echo "====== post deploy ======" ssh $SSH_PARAS $DAISY_IP "bash $REMOTE_SPACE/deploy/post.sh -n $NETWORK" fi echo "====== deploy successfully ======" exit 0 # # END of main ############################################################################