Copper configuration ==================== This release focused on use of the OpenStack Congress service for managing configuration policy. The Congress install procedure described here is largely manual. This procedure, as well as the longer-term goal of automated installer support, is a work in progress. The procedure is further specific to one OPNFV installer (JOID, i.e. MAAS/JuJu) based environment. Support for other OPNFV installer deployed environments is also a work in progress. Pre-configuration activities ---------------------------- This procedure assumes OPNFV has been installed via the JOID installer. Hardware configuration ---------------------- There is no specific hardware configuration required for the Copper project. Feature configuration --------------------- Following are instructions for installing Congress on an Ubuntu 14.04 LXC container in the OPNFV Controller node, as installed by the JOID installer. This guide uses instructions from the `Congress intro guide on readthedocs `_. Specific values below will need to be modified if you intend to repeat this procedure in your JOID-based install environment. Install base VM for congress on controller node ............................................... .. code:: sudo juju ssh ubuntu@ Clone the container ................... .. code:: sudo lxc-clone -o juju-trusty-lxc-template -n juju-trusty-congress Start the container ................... .. code:: sudo lxc-start -n juju-trusty-congress -d Get the container IP address ............................ .. code:: sudo lxc-info -n juju-trusty-congress If you need to start over ......................... .. code:: sudo lxc-destroy --name juju-trusty-congress Exit from controller (back to jumphost) and login to congress container ....................................................................... .. code:: sudo juju ssh ubuntu@ Update package repos .................... .. code:: sudo apt-get update Setup environment variables ........................... .. code:: export CONGRESS_HOST= export KEYSTONE_HOST= export CEILOMETER_HOST= export CINDER_HOST= export GLANCE_HOST= export NEUTRON_HOST= export NOVA_HOST= Install pip ........... .. code:: sudo apt-get install python-pip -y Install java ............ .. code:: sudo apt-get install default-jre -y Install other dependencies .......................... .. code:: # when prompted, set and remember mysql root user password sudo apt-get install git gcc python-dev libxml2 libxslt1-dev libzip-dev \ mysql-server python-mysqldb -y sudo pip install virtualenv Clone congress .............. .. code:: git clone cd congress git checkout stable/liberty Create virtualenv ................. .. code:: virtualenv ~/congress source bin/activate Setup Congress .............. .. code:: sudo mkdir -p /etc/congress sudo mkdir -p /etc/congress/snapshot sudo mkdir /var/log/congress sudo chown ubuntu /var/log/congress sudo cp etc/api-paste.ini /etc/congress sudo cp etc/policy.json /etc/congress Install requirements.txt and tox dependencies ............................................. The need for this stepo was detected by errors during "tox -egenconfig". .. code:: sudo apt-get install libffi-dev -y sudo apt-get install openssl -y sudo apt-get install libssl-dev -y Install dependencies in virtualenv .................................. .. code:: pip install -r requirements.txt python install Install tox ........... .. code:: pip install tox Generate congress.conf.sample ............................. .. code:: tox -egenconfig Edit congress.conf.sample as needed ................................... .. code:: sed -i -- 's/#verbose = true/verbose = true/g' etc/congress.conf.sample sed -i -- 's/#log_file = /log_file = congress.log/g' \ etc/congress.conf.sample sed -i -- 's/#log_dir = /log_dir = \/var\/log\/congress/g' \ etc/congress.conf.sample sed -i -- 's/#bind_host = =' \ etc/congress.conf.sample sed -i -- 's/#policy_path = /policy_path = \ \/etc\/congress\/snapshot/g' etc/congress.conf.sample sed -i -- 's/#auth_strategy = keystone/auth_strategy = noauth/g' \ etc/congress.conf.sample sed -i -- 's/#drivers =/drivers =\ congress.datasources.neutronv2_driver.NeutronV2Driver,\ congress.datasources.glancev2_driver.GlanceV2Driver,\ congress.datasources.nova_driver.NovaDriver,\ congress.datasources.keystone_driver.KeystoneDriver,\ congress.datasources.ceilometer_driver.CeilometerDriver,\ congress.datasources.cinder_driver.CinderDriver/g' etc/congress.conf.sample sed -i -- 's/#auth_host = =' \ etc/congress.conf.sample sed -i -- 's/#auth_port = 35357/auth_port = 35357/g' etc/congress.conf.sample sed -i -- 's/#auth_protocol = https/auth_protocol = http/g' \ etc/congress.conf.sample sed -i -- 's/#admin_tenant_name = admin/admin_tenant_name = admin/g' \ etc/congress.conf.sample sed -i -- 's/#admin_user = /admin_user = congress/g' \ etc/congress.conf.sample sed -i -- 's/#admin_password = /admin_password = congress/g' \ etc/congress.conf.sample sed -i -- 's/#connection = /connection = mysql:\/\/ubuntu:\ @localhost:3306\/congress/g' etc/congress.conf.sample Copy congress.conf.sample to /etc/congress .......................................... .. code:: sudo cp etc/congress.conf.sample /etc/congress/congress.conf Create congress database ........................ .. code:: sudo mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE congress; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON congress.* TO 'ubuntu'@'localhost' \ IDENTIFIED BY ''; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON congress.* TO 'ubuntu'@'%' IDENTIFIED \ BY ''; exit Install congress-db-manage dependencies ....................................... The need for this step was detected by errors in subsequent steps. .. code:: sudo apt-get build-dep python-mysqldb -y pip install MySQL-python Create database schema ...................... .. code:: congress-db-manage --config-file /etc/congress/congress.conf upgrade head Install dependencies of OpenStack, Congress, Keystone client operations ....................................................................... .. code:: pip install python-openstackclient pip install python-congressclient pip install python-keystoneclient Execute as downloaded from Horizon .................................................. .. code:: source ~/ Setup Congress user ................... TODO: needs update in `Congress intro in readthedocs <>`_. .. code:: pip install cliff --upgrade export ADMIN_ROLE=$(openstack role list | \ awk "/ Admin / { print \$2 }") export SERVICE_TENANT=$(openstack project list | \ awk "/ admin / { print \$2 }") openstack user create --password congress --project admin \ --email "" congress export CONGRESS_USER=$(openstack user list | \ awk "/ congress / { print \$2 }") openstack role add $ADMIN_ROLE --user $CONGRESS_USER \ --project $SERVICE_TENANT Create Congress service ....................... .. code:: openstack service create congress --type "policy" \ --description "Congress Service" export CONGRESS_SERVICE=$(openstack service list | \ awk "/ congress / { print \$2 }") Create Congress endpoint ........................ .. code:: openstack endpoint create $CONGRESS_SERVICE \ --region $OS_REGION_NAME \ --publicurl http://$CONGRESS_HOST:1789/ \ --adminurl http://$CONGRESS_HOST:1789/ \ --internalurl http://$CONGRESS_HOST:1789/ Start the Congress service in the background ............................................ .. code:: bin/congress-server & # disown the process (so it keeps running if you get disconnected) disown -h %1 Create data sources ................... To remove datasources: openstack congress datasource delete It's probably good to do these commands in a new terminal tab, as the congress server log from the last command will be flooding your original terminal screen. .. code:: openstack congress datasource create nova "nova" \ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \ --config auth_url=http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/v2.0 openstack congress datasource create neutronv2 "neutronv2" \ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \ --config auth_url=http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/v2.0 openstack congress datasource create ceilometer "ceilometer" \ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \ --config auth_url=http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/v2.0 openstack congress datasource create cinder "cinder" \ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \ --config auth_url=http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/v2.0 openstack congress datasource create glancev2 "glancev2" \ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \ --config auth_url=http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/v2.0 openstack congress datasource create keystone "keystone" \ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \ --config auth_url=http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/v2.0 Run Congress Tempest Tests .......................... .. code:: tox -epy27 Restarting after server power loss etc ...................................... Currently this install procedure is manual. Automated install and restoral after host recovery is TBD. For now, this procedure will get the Congress service running again. .. code:: # On jumphost, SSH to Congress server sudo juju ssh ubuntu@ # If that fails # On jumphost, SSH to controller node sudo juju ssh ubuntu@ # Start the Congress container sudo lxc-start -n juju-trusty-congress -d # Verify the Congress container status sudo lxc-ls -f juju-trusty-congress NAME STATE IPV4 IPV6 GROUPS AUTOSTART ---------------------------------------------------------------------- juju-trusty-congress RUNNING - - NO # exit back to the Jumphost, wait a minute, and go back to the \ "SSH to Congress server" step above # On the Congress server that you have logged into source ~/ cd congress source bin/activate bin/congress-server & disown -h %1