--- - name: updating package cache apt: update_cache=yes - name: installing dependancies apt: pkg={{item}} state=present with_items: - python-pip - libmysqlclient-dev - python-mysqldb - name: installing python dependancies pip: name={{item}} with_items: - virtualenv # - MySQL-python - name: creating congress group group: name=congress state=present when: init == "True" - name: creating congress user user: name=congress group=congress state=present createhome=no when: init == "True" - name: creating remote install directory file: path={{item}} state=directory owner=congress group=congress with_items: - /etc/congress - "{{installDir}}" - /var/log/congress - name: copying congress build to prod host unarchive: src={{tempDir}}/congress-{{congressVersion}}.tgz dest={{installDir}} owner=congress group=congress - name: activating virtualenv shell: virtualenv {{installDir}}/congress - name: updating congress.conf template: src=congress.conf dest=/etc/congress/congress.conf owner=congress group=congress - name: create congress service shell: > {{installDir}}/congress/bin/keystone \ --os-auth-url={{keystoneAuthProto}}://{{keystoneAuthHost}}:35357/v2.0 \ --os-username={{keystoneAdminUser}} \ --os-tenant-name={{adminTenantName}} \ --os-password={{keystoneAdminPassword}} \ service-create --name congress --type "policy" --description "Congress Service" when: init == "True" - name: creating keystone endpoint shell: > {{installDir}}/congress/bin/keystone \ --os-auth-url={{keystoneAuthProto}}://{{keystoneAuthHost}}:35357/v2.0 \ --os-username={{keystoneAdminUser}} \ --os-tenant-name={{adminTenantName}} \ --os-password={{keystoneAdminPassword}} \ endpoint-create --service congress \ --region {{authRegion}} \ --publicurl {{publicEndpoint}} \ --adminurl {{adminEndpoint}} \ --internalurl {{internalEndpoint}} when: init == "True" - name: creating congress database mysql_db: name=congress state=present login_host={{mysqlDBIP}} login_user={{mysqlDBUser}} login_password={{mysqlDBPassword}} when: init == "True" - name: creating and granting congress user access to database mysql_user: name={{dbUser}} password={{dbPassword}} login_host={{mysqlDBIP}} login_user={{mysqlDBUser}} login_password={{mysqlDBPassword}} priv=congress.*:ALL host={{ item }} with_items: - "%" - "localhost" when: init == "True" - name: creating congress database schema shell: > {{installDir}}/congress/bin/congress-db-manage --config-file /etc/congress/congress.conf upgrade head when: init == "True" - name: copy init service template: src=congress-api.conf dest=/etc/init/congress-api.conf when: init == "True" - name: enabling init service for congress file: src=/lib/init/upstart-job dest=/etc/init.d/congress-api state=link when: init == "True"