# ##############################################################
# This is an example for add a plugin into Compass4nfv
# It illustrates how feature components can be integrated into Compass4nfv
# together with scenarios.
# More details can be found in the development document.
# ##############################################################
  # plugin name,it is also as the switch to enable/disable plugin in scenario
  # files
  name: moon

  description: plugin introduce and description
    - ruan.he@orange.com

  # true: this plugin is deployed separately on a new node
  # false: this plugin is deployed on controller or compute node
  independent_hosts: true

  # artifact: packege download url for this plugin

  # global_vars:
  # define the parameters required by the plugin
  # and its value will be defined and passed by compass4nfv
    - xxx: yyy
    - ntp_server: "pool.ntp.org"

  # orchestration
  # A plugin can have mutiple components, each component may need to be
  # installed on different inventory or have its own configuration.
  # due to Compass4nfv currently only supports ansible, so each component
  # of the installation and configuration script need to be use ansible.
  # cm : congfiguration management tool : only ansible support
  # role: each component corresponds to ansible script that locates in the same
  # directory as plugin.desc.
  # phrase: pre_openstack -- the component is installed after the OS
  # provisioning, before the OpenStack deployment.
  # phrase: post_openstack -- the component is installed before the OpenStack
  # deployment.
  # inventory: if the phrase is pre_openstack, inventory can be controller and
  # compute. if the phrase is post_openstack, inventory can be get from the file
  # openstack-ansible.inventory
    cm: ansible
      - role: moon
        phrase: post_openstack
          - moon