.. two dots create a comment. please leave this logo at the top of each of your rst files.

How to build a customized ISO

If you want to use Compass4nfv official ISO to deploy the environment, you can jump over this section.

This section indicates how to add additional packages and how to build a new compass4nfv ISO file
so that Compass4nfv would install the additional packages automatically during the deployment.

Approach 1 ----- apt/yum installation

1. Confirm the targeted packages could be installed via apt-get(Ubuntu) and yum(Centos),
you can verify on your own environment first by commands
"apt-get install {targeted packages}" on Ubuntu and "yum install {targeted packages}" on Centos.

2. Create a new role folder ({newrole}) in the compass4nfv/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/,
create a new folder named "vars" in the new role folder({newrole}),
and create a file named "main.yml" and add "---" at the head of this file.

3. If the targeted packages names are same in both Ubuntu and Centos, you just need edit main.yml.

Add the packages' names as following:

.. code-block:: bash

       - {targeted packages1}
       - {targeted packages2}
       - {targeted packages3}

4. If the targeted packages' names are different in Ubuntu and Centos,
you need create "Debian.yml" and/or "RedHat.yml" in the same folder as "main.yml" and add "---" at the head of the files.

Add the packages' names as following in the "Debian.yml" and/or "RedHat.yml" :

.. code-block:: bash

        - {targeted Ubuntu/RedHat packages1}
        - {targeted Ubuntu/RedHat packages2}
        - {targeted Ubuntu/RedHat packages3}

Also you can refer "compass4nfv/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/glance/vars" as example.

5.1 Add the new role to ansible so that Compass4nfv will install the packages during the deployment :
"enter compass4nfv/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_juno/" and edit HA-ansible-multinodes.yml and/or single-controller.yml,
add {newrole} at an appropriate position, please be aware of that compass4nfv deploys the roles
in the order as list in HA-ansible-multinodes.yml/single-controller.yml, you can add a new section as the following::

     - hosts: all/controller/compute/ha
       remote_user: root
       sudo: True
           - {newrole}

The first line "hosts" of the section means compass4nfv will deploy {newrole} on which baremetals/VMs,
"all" means it deploys on all baremetals/VMs, "controller" means it deploys on all controller and so on.

Also you can refer "glance" position in HA-ansible-multinodes.yml and single-controller.yml.

    "HA-ansible-multinodes.yml" deploys controllers backup targeted environment
and 3 controllers in backup mode + 2 compute by default;.
    "single-controller.yml" deploys 1 controller + 4 compute.

5.2 Or insert the new role into the existing section at an appropriate position in
HA-ansible-multinodes.yml and single-controller.yml.


.. code-block:: bash

    - hosts: controller/all/compute/ha
      remote_user: root
      sudo: True
        - database
        - mq
        - keystone
        - nova-controller
        - neutron-controller
        - {newrole}

Please pay attention to the first line "hosts" by which Compass4nfv deploys {newrole} on which baremetals/VMs.

Also please pay attention to the position inserted as Compass4nfv deploys the packages in the order as list.

Also you can refer "glance" position as example in HA-ansible-multinodes.yml and single-controller.yml.

6. Run compass4nfv/build/make_repo.sh.

7. After 6 finishs, please check "compass4nfv/work/repo/" folder,
if files as following exist in the folder, that means building packages successfully.

centos7-juno-ppa.tar.gz is OpenStack Juno version for Centos7.

trusty-juno-ppa.tar.gz is OpenStack Juno version for Ubuntu14.04.

trusty-kilo-ppa.tar.gz is OpenStack Kilo version for Ubuntu14.04.

8. Edit compass4nfv/build/build.conf, find CENTOS7_JUNO_PPA and TRUSTY_JUNO_PPA items,
modify these 2 items as local paths(if you just want deploy with one operating system, you just modify one item).

CENTOS7_JUNO_PPA is packages path for Centos, TRUSTY_JUNO_PPA is packages path for Ubuntu

.. code-block:: bash



9. Run compass4nfv/build.sh to build a new ISO, after finished, if there is a new ISO file compass.iso
in the "compass4nfv/work/building" folder, that means building iso successfully.

Approach 2 ---- source installation

This section indicates to install packages from source codes. If the targeted packages could not be
installed from apt-get and yum but from source codes, please refer this section.

1. Enter folder "compass4nfv/build/arch/Debian" or "compass4nfv/build/arch/RedHat" that depend on
operating system you want to install package, create a bash(.sh) file
which includes all the commands which install the packages from source codes.


.. code-block:: bash

    apt-get update
    apt-get install -y build-essential fakeroot debhelper \
             autoconf automake bzip2 libssl-dev \
             openssl graphviz python-all procps \
             python-qt4 python-zopeinterface \
             python-twisted-conch libtool wget

    pushd .
    cd /tmp
    wget http://openvswitch.org/releases/openvswitch-2.3.1.tar.gz
    tar -zxvf openvswitch-2.3.1.tar.gz
    cd openvswitch-2.3.1
    DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS='parallel=8 nocheck' fakeroot debian/rules binary
    cd -
    cp -f *.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/

Please pay attention to the last second sentence, all the compiled packages need to be
copied to the "/var/cache/apt/archives/"(Ubuntu) folder, and for Centos, the folder is ... to be continued .

2. Add a new role so that Compass4nfv will install the packages during the deployment,
create a new role folder ({newrole}) in the "compass4nfv/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/",
create a new folder named "vars" in the new role folder({newrole}),
and create a file named "main.yml" and add "---" at the head of this file.

3. If the packages' names are same in both Ubuntu and Centos, you just need edit main.yml.

Add the packages' names as following:

.. code-block:: bash

       - {targeted packages1}
       - {targeted packages2}
       - {targeted packages3}

4. If the targeted packages' names are different in Ubuntu and Centos,
you need create "Debian.yml" and/or "RedHat.yml" in the same folder as "main.yml"
and add "---" at the head of the files.

Add the packages' names as following in the "Debian.yml" and/or "RedHat.yml" :

.. code-block:: bash

        - {targeted Ubuntu/RedHat packages1}
        - {targeted Ubuntu/RedHat packages2}
        - {targeted Ubuntu/RedHat packages3}

Also you can refer "compass4nfv/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/glance/vars" as example.

5.1 Enter "compass4nfv/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_juno/" and edit HA-ansible-multinodes.yml
and/or single-controller.yml, add {newrole} at an appropriate position, please be aware of that compass4nfv
deploys the roles in the order as list in HA-ansible-multinodes.yml/single-controller.yml,
you can add a new section as the following::

     - hosts: all/controller/compute/ha
       remote_user: root
       sudo: True
           - {newrole}

The first line "hosts" of the section means compass4nfv will deploy {newrole} on which baremetals/VMs,
"all" means it deploys on all baremetals/VMs, "controller" means it deploys on all controller and so on.

Also you can refer "glance" position in HA-ansible-multinodes.yml and single-controller.yml.

    "HA-ansible-multinodes.yml" deploys controllers backup targeted environment and
3 controllers in backup mode + 2 compute by default.
    "single-controller.yml" deploys 1 controller + 4 compute.

5.2 Or insert the new role into the existing section at an appropriate position
in HA-ansible-multinodes.yml and single-controller.yml.


.. code-block:: bash

    - hosts: controller
      remote_user: root
      sudo: True
        - database
        - mq
        - keystone
        - nova-controller
        - neutron-controller
        - {newrole}

Please pay attention to the first line "hosts" by which Compass4nfv deploys {newrole} on which baremetals/VMs.

Also please pay attention to the position inserted as Compass4nfv deploys the packages in the order as list.

Also you can refer "glance" position as example in HA-ansible-multinodes.yml and single-controller.yml.

6. Run compass4nfv/build/make_repo.sh .

7. After 6 finishs, please check "compass4nfv/work/repo/" folder,
if files as following exist in the folder, that means building packages successfully.

centos7-juno-ppa.tar.gz is OpenStack Juno version for Centos7.

trusty-juno-ppa.tar.gz is OpenStack Juno version for Ubuntu14.04.

trusty-kilo-ppa.tar.gz is OpenStack Kilo version for Ubuntu14.04.

8. Edit compass4nfv/build/build.conf, find CENTOS7_JUNO_PPA and TRUSTY_JUNO_PPA items,
modify these 2 items as local paths(if you just want deploy with one operating system, you just modify one item).

CENTOS7_JUNO_PPA is packages path for Centos, TRUSTY_JUNO_PPA is packages path for Ubuntu

.. code-block:: bash



9. Run compass4nfv/build.sh to build a new ISO, after finished, if there is a new ISO file compass.iso
in the "compass4nfv/work/building" folder, that means building ISO successfully.