#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2014 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """binary to deploy a cluster by compass client api.""" import os import re import socket import sys import time import yaml import netaddr import requests import json import itertools import threading from collections import defaultdict from restful import Client ROLE_UNASSIGNED = True ROLE_ASSIGNED = False import log as logging LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) from oslo_config import cfg CONF = cfg.CONF def byteify(input): if isinstance(input, dict): return dict([(byteify(key),byteify(value)) for key,value in input.iteritems()]) elif isinstance(input, list): return [byteify(element) for element in input] elif isinstance(input, unicode): return input.encode('utf-8') else: return input opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('compass_server', help='compass server url', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('compass_user_email', help='compass user email', default='admin@huawei.com'), cfg.StrOpt('compass_user_password', help='compass user password', default='admin'), cfg.StrOpt('switch_ips', help='comma seperated switch ips', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('switch_credential', help='comma separated <credential key>=<credential value>', default='version=2c,community=public'), cfg.IntOpt('switch_max_retries', help='max retries of poll switch', default=10), cfg.IntOpt('switch_retry_interval', help='interval to repoll switch', default=10), cfg.BoolOpt('poll_switches', help='if the client polls switches', default=True), cfg.StrOpt('machines', help='comma separated mac addresses of machines', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('subnets', help='comma seperated subnets', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('adapter_name', help='adapter name', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('adapter_os_pattern', help='adapter os name', default=r'^(?i)centos.*'), cfg.StrOpt('adapter_target_system_pattern', help='adapter target system name', default='^openstack$'), cfg.StrOpt('adapter_flavor_pattern', help='adapter flavor name', default='allinone'), cfg.StrOpt('cluster_name', help='cluster name', default='cluster1'), cfg.StrOpt('language', help='language', default='EN'), cfg.StrOpt('timezone', help='timezone', default='GMT'), cfg.StrOpt('http_proxy', help='http proxy', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('https_proxy', help='https proxy', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('no_proxy', help='no proxy', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('ntp_server', help='ntp server', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('dns_servers', help='dns servers', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('domain', help='domain', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('search_path', help='search path', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('local_repo_url', help='local repo url', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('default_gateway', help='default gateway', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('server_credential', help=( 'server credential formatted as ' '<username>=<password>' ), default='root=root'), cfg.StrOpt('os_config_json_file', help='json formatted os config file', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('service_credentials', help=( 'comma seperated service credentials formatted as ' '<servicename>:<username>=<password>,...' ), default=''), cfg.StrOpt('console_credentials', help=( 'comma seperated console credential formated as ' '<consolename>:<username>=<password>' ), default=''), cfg.StrOpt('hostnames', help='comma seperated hostname', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('host_networks', help=( 'semicomma seperated host name and its networks ' '<hostname>:<interface_name>=<ip>|<is_mgmt>|<is_promiscuous>,...' ), default=''), cfg.StrOpt('partitions', help=( 'comma seperated partitions ' '<partition name>=<partition_value>' ), default='tmp:percentage=10%,var:percentage=30%,home:percentage=30%'), cfg.StrOpt('network_mapping', help=( 'comma seperated network mapping ' '<network_type>=<interface_name>' ), default=''), cfg.StrOpt('package_config_json_file', help='json formatted os config file', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('host_roles', help=( 'semicomma separated host roles ' '<hostname>=<comma separated roles>' ), default=''), cfg.StrOpt('default_roles', help=( 'comma seperated default roles ' '<rolename>' ), default=''), cfg.IntOpt('action_timeout', help='action timeout in seconds', default=60), cfg.IntOpt('deployment_timeout', help='deployment timeout in minutes', default=60), cfg.IntOpt('progress_update_check_interval', help='progress update status check interval in seconds', default=60), cfg.StrOpt('dashboard_url', help='dashboard url', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('dashboard_link_pattern', help='dashboard link pattern', default=r'(?m)(http://\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+:5000/v2\.0)'), cfg.StrOpt('cluster_vip', help='cluster ip address', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('enable_secgroup', help='enable security group', default='true'), cfg.StrOpt('enable_vpnaas', help='enable vpn as service', default='true'), cfg.StrOpt('enable_fwaas', help='enable firewall as service', default='true'), cfg.StrOpt('network_cfg', help='netowrk config file', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('neutron_cfg', help='netowrk config file', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('cluster_pub_vip', help='cluster ip address', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('cluster_prv_vip', help='cluster ip address', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('repo_name', help='repo name', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('deploy_type', help='deploy type', default='virtual'), cfg.StrOpt('deploy_flag', help='deploy flag', default='deploy'), cfg.StrOpt('rsa_file', help='ssh rsa key file', default=''), cfg.StrOpt('odl_l3_agent', help='odl l3 agent enable flag', default='Disable'), cfg.StrOpt('moon', help='moon enable flag', default='Disable'), cfg.StrOpt('onos_sfc', help='onos_sfc enable flag', default='Disable'), ] CONF.register_cli_opts(opts) def is_role_unassigned(role): return role def _load_config(config_filename): if not config_filename: return {} with open(config_filename) as config_file: content = config_file.read() return json.loads(content) class CompassClient(object): def __init__(self): LOG.info("xh: compass_server=%s" % CONF.compass_server) self.client = Client(CONF.compass_server) self.subnet_mapping = {} self.role_mapping = {} self.host_mapping = {} self.host_ips = defaultdict(list) self.host_roles = {} self.login() def is_ok(self, status): if status < 300 and status >= 200: return True def login(self): status, resp = self.client.get_token( CONF.compass_user_email, CONF.compass_user_password ) LOG.info( 'login status: %s, resp: %s', status, resp ) if self.is_ok(status): return resp["token"] else: raise Exception( 'failed to login %s with user %s', CONF.compass_server, CONF.compass_user_email ) def get_machines(self): status, resp = self.client.list_machines() if not self.is_ok(status): LOG.error( 'get all machines status: %s, resp: %s', status, resp) raise RuntimeError('failed to get machines') machines_to_add = list(set([ machine for machine in CONF.machines.split(',') if machine ])) machines_db = [str(m["mac"]) for m in resp] LOG.info('machines in db: %s\n to add: %s', machines_db, machines_to_add) if not set(machines_to_add).issubset(set(machines_db)): raise RuntimeError('unidentify machine to add') return [m["id"] for m in resp if str(m["mac"]) in machines_to_add] def list_clusters(self): status, resp = self.client.list_clusters(name=CONF.cluster_name) if not self.is_ok(status) or not resp: raise RuntimeError('failed to list cluster') cluster = resp[0] return cluster['id'] def get_adapter(self): """get adapter.""" status, resp = self.client.list_adapters(name=CONF.adapter_name) LOG.info( 'get all adapters status: %s, resp: %s', status, resp ) if not self.is_ok(status) or not resp: raise RuntimeError('failed to get adapters') os_re = re.compile(CONF.adapter_os_pattern) flavor_re = re.compile(CONF.adapter_flavor_pattern) adapter_id = None os_id = None flavor_id = None adapter = None adapter = resp[0] adapter_id = adapter['id'] for supported_os in adapter['supported_oses']: if not os_re or os_re.match(supported_os['name']): os_id = supported_os['os_id'] break if 'flavors' in adapter: for flavor in adapter['flavors']: if not flavor_re or flavor_re.match(flavor['name']): flavor_id = flavor['id'] break assert(os_id and flavor_id) return (adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id) def add_subnets(self): subnets = [ subnet for subnet in CONF.subnets.split(',') if subnet ] assert(subnets) subnet_mapping = {} for subnet in subnets: try: netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet) except: raise RuntimeError('subnet %s format is invalid' % subnet) status, resp = self.client.add_subnet(subnet) LOG.info('add subnet %s status %s response %s', subnet, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError('failed to add subnet %s' % subnet) subnet_mapping[resp['subnet']] = resp['id'] self.subnet_mapping = subnet_mapping def add_cluster(self, adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id): """add a cluster.""" cluster_name = CONF.cluster_name assert(cluster_name) status, resp = self.client.add_cluster( cluster_name, adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("add cluster failed") LOG.info('add cluster %s status: %s resp:%s', cluster_name, status,resp) if isinstance(resp, list): cluster = resp[0] else: cluster = resp cluster_id = cluster['id'] flavor = cluster.get('flavor', {}) roles = flavor.get('roles', []) for role in roles: if role.get('optional', False): self.role_mapping[role['name']] = ROLE_ASSIGNED else: self.role_mapping[role['name']] = ROLE_UNASSIGNED return cluster_id def add_cluster_hosts(self, cluster_id, machines): hostnames = [ hostname for hostname in CONF.hostnames.split(',') if hostname ] assert(len(machines) == len(hostnames)) machines_dict = [] for machine_id, hostname in zip(machines, hostnames): machines_dict.append({ 'machine_id': machine_id, 'name': hostname }) # add hosts to the cluster. status, resp = self.client.add_hosts_to_cluster( cluster_id, {'machines': machines_dict}) LOG.info('add machines %s to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s', machines_dict, cluster_id, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("add host to cluster failed") for host in resp['hosts']: self.host_mapping[host['hostname']] = host['id'] assert(len(self.host_mapping) == len(machines)) def set_cluster_os_config(self, cluster_id): """set cluster os config.""" os_config = {} language = CONF.language timezone = CONF.timezone http_proxy = CONF.http_proxy https_proxy = CONF.https_proxy local_repo_url = CONF.local_repo_url repo_name = CONF.repo_name deploy_type = CONF.deploy_type if not https_proxy and http_proxy: https_proxy = http_proxy no_proxy = [ no_proxy for no_proxy in CONF.no_proxy.split(',') if no_proxy ] compass_server = CONF.compass_server if http_proxy: for hostname, ips in self.host_ips.items(): no_proxy.append(hostname) no_proxy.extend(ips) ntp_server = CONF.ntp_server or compass_server dns_servers = [ dns_server for dns_server in CONF.dns_servers.split(',') if dns_server ] if not dns_servers: dns_servers = [compass_server] domain = CONF.domain if not domain: raise Exception('domain is not defined') search_path = [ search_path for search_path in CONF.search_path.split(',') if search_path ] if not search_path: search_path = [domain] default_gateway = CONF.default_gateway if not default_gateway: raise Exception('default gateway is not defined') general_config = { 'language': language, 'timezone': timezone, 'ntp_server': ntp_server, 'dns_servers': dns_servers, 'default_gateway': default_gateway } if http_proxy: general_config['http_proxy'] = http_proxy if https_proxy: general_config['https_proxy'] = https_proxy if no_proxy: general_config['no_proxy'] = no_proxy if domain: general_config['domain'] = domain if search_path: general_config['search_path'] = search_path if local_repo_url: general_config['local_repo'] = local_repo_url if repo_name: general_config['repo_name'] = repo_name if deploy_type: general_config['deploy_type'] = deploy_type os_config["general"] = general_config server_credential = CONF.server_credential if '=' in server_credential: server_username, server_password = server_credential.split('=', 1) elif server_credential: server_username = server_password = server_credential else: server_username = 'root' server_password = 'root' os_config['server_credentials'] = { 'username': server_username, 'password': server_password } partitions = [ partition for partition in CONF.partitions.split(',') if partition ] partition_config = {} for partition in partitions: assert("=" in partition) partition_name, partition_value = partition.split('=', 1) partition_name = partition_name.strip() partition_value = partition_value.strip() assert(partition_name and partition_value) if partition_value.endswith('%'): partition_type = 'percentage' partition_value = int(partition_value[:-1]) else: partition_type = 'size' partition_config[partition_name] = { partition_type: partition_value } os_config['partition'] = partition_config """ os_config_filename = CONF.os_config_json_file if os_config_filename: util.merge_dict( os_config, _load_config(os_config_filename) ) """ status, resp = self.client.update_cluster_config( cluster_id, os_config=os_config) LOG.info( 'set os config %s to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s', os_config, cluster_id, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError('failed to set os config %s to cluster %s' \ % (os_config, cluster_id)) def set_host_networking(self): """set cluster hosts networking.""" def get_subnet(ip_str): try: LOG.info("subnets: %s" % self.subnet_mapping.keys()) ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_str) for cidr, subnet_id in self.subnet_mapping.items(): subnet = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr) if ip in subnet: return True, subnet_id LOG.info("ip %s not in %s" % (ip_str, cidr)) return False, None except: LOG.exception("ip addr %s is invalid" % ip_str) return False, None for host_network in CONF.host_networks.split(';'): hostname, networks_str = host_network.split(':', 1) hostname = hostname.strip() networks_str = networks_str.strip() assert(hostname in self.host_mapping) host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] intf_list = networks_str.split(',') for intf_str in intf_list: interface, intf_properties = intf_str.split('=', 1) intf_properties = intf_properties.strip().split('|') assert(intf_properties) ip_str = intf_properties[0] status, subnet_id = get_subnet(ip_str) if not status: raise RuntimeError("ip addr %s is invalid" % ip_str) properties = dict([ (intf_property, True) for intf_property in intf_properties[1:] ]) LOG.info( 'add host %s interface %s ip %s network proprties %s', hostname, interface, ip_str, properties) status, response = self.client.add_host_network( host_id, interface, ip=ip_str, subnet_id=subnet_id, **properties ) LOG.info( 'add host %s interface %s ip %s network properties %s ' 'status %s: %s', hostname, interface, ip_str, properties, status, response ) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("add host network failed") self.host_ips[hostname].append(ip_str) def set_cluster_package_config(self, cluster_id): """set cluster package config.""" package_config = {"security": {}} service_credentials = [ service_credential for service_credential in CONF.service_credentials.split(',') if service_credential ] service_credential_cfg = {} LOG.info( 'service credentials: %s', service_credentials ) for service_credential in service_credentials: if ':' not in service_credential: raise Exception( 'there is no : in service credential %s' % service_credential ) service_name, service_pair = service_credential.split(':', 1) if '=' not in service_pair: raise Exception( 'there is no = in service %s security' % service_name ) username, password = service_pair.split('=', 1) service_credential_cfg[service_name] = { 'username': username, 'password': password } console_credentials = [ console_credential for console_credential in CONF.console_credentials.split(',') if console_credential ] LOG.info( 'console credentials: %s', console_credentials ) console_credential_cfg = {} for console_credential in console_credentials: if ':' not in console_credential: raise Exception( 'there is no : in console credential %s' % console_credential ) console_name, console_pair = console_credential.split(':', 1) if '=' not in console_pair: raise Exception( 'there is no = in console %s security' % console_name ) username, password = console_pair.split('=', 1) console_credential_cfg[console_name] = { 'username': username, 'password': password } package_config["security"] = {"service_credentials": service_credential_cfg, "console_credentials": console_credential_cfg} network_mapping = dict([ network_pair.split('=', 1) for network_pair in CONF.network_mapping.split(',') if '=' in network_pair ]) package_config['network_mapping'] = network_mapping assert(os.path.exists(CONF.network_cfg)) network_cfg = yaml.load(open(CONF.network_cfg)) package_config["network_cfg"] = network_cfg assert(os.path.exists(CONF.neutron_cfg)) neutron_cfg = yaml.load(open(CONF.neutron_cfg)) package_config["neutron_config"] = neutron_cfg """ package_config_filename = CONF.package_config_json_file if package_config_filename: util.merge_dict( package_config, _load_config(package_config_filename) ) """ package_config['ha_proxy'] = {} if CONF.cluster_vip: package_config["ha_proxy"]["vip"] = CONF.cluster_vip package_config['enable_secgroup'] = (CONF.enable_secgroup == "true") package_config['enable_fwaas'] = (CONF.enable_fwaas== "true") package_config['enable_vpnaas'] = (CONF.enable_vpnaas== "true") package_config['odl_l3_agent'] = "Enable" if CONF.odl_l3_agent == "Enable" else "Disable" package_config['moon'] = "Enable" if CONF.moon == "Enable" else "Disable" package_config['onos_sfc'] = "Enable" if CONF.onos_sfc == "Enable" else "Disable" status, resp = self.client.update_cluster_config( cluster_id, package_config=package_config) LOG.info( 'set package config %s to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s', package_config, cluster_id, status, resp) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("set cluster package_config failed") def set_host_roles(self, cluster_id, host_id, roles): status, response = self.client.update_cluster_host( cluster_id, host_id, roles=roles) LOG.info( 'set cluster %s host %s roles %s status %s: %s', cluster_id, host_id, roles, status, response ) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("set host roles failed") for role in roles: if role in self.role_mapping: self.role_mapping[role] = ROLE_ASSIGNED def set_all_hosts_roles(self, cluster_id): for host_str in CONF.host_roles.split(';'): host_str = host_str.strip() hostname, roles_str = host_str.split('=', 1) assert(hostname in self.host_mapping) host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] roles = [role.strip() for role in roles_str.split(',') if role] self.set_host_roles(cluster_id, host_id, roles) self.host_roles[hostname] = roles unassigned_hostnames = list(set(self.host_mapping.keys()) \ - set(self.host_roles.keys())) unassigned_roles = [ role for role, status in self.role_mapping.items() if is_role_unassigned(status)] assert(len(unassigned_hostnames) >= len(unassigned_roles)) for hostname, role in map(None, unassigned_hostnames, unassigned_roles): host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] self.set_host_roles(cluster_id, host_id, [role]) self.host_roles[hostname] = [role] unassigned_hostnames = list(set(self.host_mapping.keys()) \ - set(self.host_roles.keys())) if not unassigned_hostnames: return # assign default roles to unassigned hosts default_roles = [ role for role in CONF.default_roles.split(',') if role ] assert(default_roles) cycle_roles = itertools.cycle(default_roles) for hostname in unassigned_hostnames: host_id = self.host_mapping[hostname] roles = [cycle_roles.next()] self.set_host_roles(cluster_id, host_id, roles) self.host_roles[hostname] = roles def deploy_clusters(self, cluster_id): host_ids = self.host_mapping.values() status, response = self.client.review_cluster( cluster_id, review={'hosts': host_ids} ) LOG.info( 'review cluster %s hosts %s, status %s: %s', cluster_id, host_ids, status, response ) #TODO, what this doning? if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("review cluster host failed") status, response = self.client.deploy_cluster( cluster_id, deploy={'hosts': host_ids} ) LOG.info( 'deploy cluster %s hosts %s status %s: %s', cluster_id, host_ids, status, response ) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("deploy cluster failed") def redeploy_clusters(self, cluster_id): status, response = self.client.redeploy_cluster( cluster_id ) if not self.is_ok(status): LOG.info( 'deploy cluster %s status %s: %s', cluster_id, status, response ) raise RuntimeError("redeploy cluster failed") def get_cluster_state(self, cluster_id): for _ in range(10): try: status, cluster_state = self.client.get_cluster_state(cluster_id) if self.is_ok(status): break except: status = 500 cluster_state = "" LOG.error("can not get cluster %s's state, try again" % cluster_id) time.sleep(6) return status, cluster_state def get_installing_progress(self, cluster_id): def _get_installing_progress(): """get intalling progress.""" deployment_timeout = time.time() + 60 * float(CONF.deployment_timeout) current_time = time.time while current_time() < deployment_timeout: status, cluster_state = self.get_cluster_state(cluster_id) if not self.is_ok(status): raise RuntimeError("can not get cluster state") elif cluster_state['state'] == 'SUCCESSFUL': LOG.info( 'get cluster %s state status %s: %s, successful', cluster_id, status, cluster_state ) break elif cluster_state['state'] == 'ERROR': raise RuntimeError( 'get cluster %s state status %s: %s, error', (cluster_id, status, cluster_state) ) time.sleep(5) if current_time() >= deployment_timeout: LOG.info("current_time=%s, deployment_timeout=%s" \ % (current_time(), deployment_timeout)) raise RuntimeError("installation timeout") try: _get_installing_progress() finally: # do this twice, make sure process be killed kill_print_proc() kill_print_proc() def check_dashboard_links(self, cluster_id): dashboard_url = CONF.dashboard_url if not dashboard_url: LOG.info('no dashboarde url set') return dashboard_link_pattern = re.compile( CONF.dashboard_link_pattern) r = requests.get(dashboard_url, verify=False) r.raise_for_status() match = dashboard_link_pattern.search(r.text) if match: LOG.info( 'dashboard login page for cluster %s can be downloaded', cluster_id) else: msg = ( '%s failed to be downloaded\n' 'the context is:\n%s\n' ) % (dashboard_url, r.text) raise Exception(msg) def print_ansible_log(): os.system("ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i %s root@ \ 'while ! tail -f /var/ansible/run/%s-%s/ansible.log 2>/dev/null; do :; sleep 1; done'" % (CONF.rsa_file, CONF.adapter_name, CONF.cluster_name)) def kill_print_proc(): os.system("ps aux|grep -v grep|grep -E 'ssh.+root@'|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9") def deploy(): client = CompassClient() machines = client.get_machines() LOG.info('machines are %s', machines) client.add_subnets() adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id = client.get_adapter() cluster_id = client.add_cluster(adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id) client.add_cluster_hosts(cluster_id, machines) client.set_host_networking() client.set_cluster_os_config(cluster_id) if flavor_id: client.set_cluster_package_config(cluster_id) client.set_all_hosts_roles(cluster_id) client.deploy_clusters(cluster_id) LOG.info("compass OS installtion is begin") threading.Thread(target=print_ansible_log).start() client.get_installing_progress(cluster_id) client.check_dashboard_links(cluster_id) def redeploy(): client = CompassClient() cluster_id = client.list_clusters() client.redeploy_clusters(cluster_id) client.get_installing_progress(cluster_id) client.check_dashboard_links(cluster_id) def main(): if CONF.deploy_flag == "redeploy": redeploy() else: deploy() if __name__ == "__main__": CONF(args=sys.argv[1:]) main()