# Start post_install_network_config generated code #if $getVar('promisc_nics', '') != "" #set promisc_interfaces = [promisc.strip() for promisc in $promisc_nics.split(',') if promisc.strip()] #else #set promisc_interfaces = [] #end if #if $gateway != "" # set the gateway in the network configuration file grep -v GATEWAY /etc/sysconfig/network > /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler echo "GATEWAY=$gateway" >> /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network mv -f /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler /etc/sysconfig/network #end if cat << EOF > /sbin/ifup-local #raw #!/bin/bash RC=0 PROM=\$(egrep -i 'promisc' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-\$1 | awk -F"=" '{ print \$2 }') if [[ "\$PROM" == "yes" ]]; then ip link set dev \$1 promisc on RC=\$? fi exit \$RC #end raw EOF chmod +x /sbin/ifup-local #if $hostname != "" # set the hostname in the network configuration file grep -v HOSTNAME /etc/sysconfig/network > /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler echo "HOSTNAME=$hostname" >> /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network mv -f /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler /etc/sysconfig/network /bin/hostname $hostname #end if $SNIPPET('kickstart_hosts') #set $num_ns_search = $len($name_servers_search) #if $num_ns_search > 0 sed -i -e "/^search /d" /etc/resolv.conf echo -n "search " >>/etc/resolv.conf #for $nameserversearch in $name_servers_search echo -n "$nameserversearch " >>/etc/resolv.conf #end for echo "" >>/etc/resolv.conf #end if #set $num_ns = $len($name_servers) #if $num_ns > 0 sed -i -e "/^nameserver /d" /etc/resolv.conf #for $nameserver in $name_servers echo "nameserver $nameserver" >>/etc/resolv.conf #end for #end if # get physical interfaces declare -A physical_interfaces set \$(ip -o link | grep -v lo | awk '{print \$2}' | sed 's/://') let physical_interface_num=\$#; let physical_interface_offset=0 echo "network interface numbers: \$physical_interface_num" > /tmp/network_log while [ \$physical_interface_offset -lt \$physical_interface_num ]; do physical_interfaces[\$1]=\$1 let physical_interface_offset=\$physical_interface_offset+1 shift 1 done echo "interfaces: \${physical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log # map physical interface to mac address declare -A physical_interface_mac declare -A physical_mac_interface for physical_interface in \${physical_interfaces[@]}; do mac=\$(cat /sys/class/net/\${physical_interface}/address) mac=\${mac^^} physical_interface_mac[\${physical_interface}]=\$mac physical_mac_interface[\$mac]=\${physical_interface} done for key in \${!physical_interface_mac[@]}; do echo "interface to mac: $key => \${physical_interface_mac[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done for key in \${!physical_mac_interface[@]}; do echo "mac to interface: $key => \${physical_mac_interface[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done declare -A logical_interfaces declare -A logical_interface_mapping declare -A physical_interface_mapping #set ikeys = $interfaces.keys() #set osversion = $getVar("os_version","") #import re #set $vlanpattern = $re.compile("([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[\.][0-9]+") #set $subinterfacepattern = $re.compile("([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[:][0-9]+") #set $numbondingdevs = 0 #for $iname in $ikeys #set $idata = $interfaces[$iname] #set $mac = $idata.get("mac_address", "").upper() #set $interface_type = $idata.get("interface_type", "").lower() #if $interface_type in ("master","bond","bonded_bridge_slave") #set $numbondingdevs += 1 #end if #if $interface_type in ("master","bond","bridge","bonded_bridge_slave") #continue #end if #if $vlanpattern.match($iname) #set $interface_matched = $vlanpattern.match($iname) #set $interface_name = $interface_matched.group(1) logical_interface=${interface_name} #elif $subinterfacepattern.match($iname) #set $interface_matched = $subinterfacepattern.match($iname) #set $interface_name = $interface_matched.group(1) logical_interface=${interface_name} #else logical_interface=$iname #end if logical_interfaces[\${logical_interface}]=\${logical_interface} #if $mac != "" physical_interface=\${physical_mac_interface[$mac]} logical_interface_mapping[\${logical_interface}]=\${physical_interface} if [ ! -z "\$physical_interface" ]; then physical_interface_mapping[\${physical_interface}]=\${logical_interface} fi #else if [ -z "\${logical_interface_mapping[\${logical_interface}]}" ]; then logical_interface_mapping[\${logical_interface}]="" fi #end if #end for echo "finish mapping logical interfaces in network config to physical interfaces" >> /tmp/network_log for key in \${!logical_interface_mapping[@]}; do echo "map logical interface to physical interface: \$key => \${logical_interface_mapping[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done for key in \${!physical_interface_mapping[@]}; do echo "map physical interface to logical interface: \$key => \${physical_interface_mapping[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done # map unmapped logical interface to the same name physical interface echo "mapping unmapped logical interfaces to the same name physical interfaces" >> /tmp/network_log for logical_interface in \${!logical_interface_mapping[@]}; do physical_interface=\${logical_interface_mapping[\${logical_interface}]} if [ -z "\${physical_interface}" ]; then # check if the same name physical interface is mapped mapped_logical_interface=\${physical_interface_mapping[\${logical_interface}]} if [ -z "\${mapped_logical_interface}" ]; then # check if the same name physical interface exists if [ ! -z "\${physical_interfaces[\${logical_interface}]}" ]; then logical_interface_mapping[\${logical_interface}]=\${logical_interface} physical_interface_mapping[\${logical_interface}]=\${logical_interface} else echo "ignore logical interface \${logical_interface} since the same name physical interface does not exist" >> /tmp/network_log fi else echo "ignore logical interface \${logical_interface} since the same name physical interface is mapped by logical interface \${mapped_logical_interface}" >> /tmp/network_log fi else echo "ignore logical interface \${logical_interface} since it is mapped to physical interface \${physical_interface}" >> /tmp/network_log fi done echo "finish mapping unmapped logical interfaces in network config to the same name physical interfaces" >> /tmp/network_log for key in \${!logical_interface_mapping[@]}; do echo "map logical interface to physical interface: \$key => \${logical_interface_mapping[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done for key in \${!physical_interface_mapping[@]}; do echo "map physical interface to logical interface: \$key => \${physical_interface_mapping[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done declare -A unset_logical_interfaces declare -A unset_physical_interfaces echo "get unset logical interfaces from \${logical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log for logical_interface in \${logical_interfaces[@]}; do physical_interface=\${logical_interface_mapping[\${logical_interface}]} if [ -z "\${physical_interface}" ]; then unset_logical_interfaces[\${logical_interface}]=\${logical_interface} else echo "ignore logical interface \${logical_interface} => \${physical_interface}" >> /tmp/network_log fi done echo "got unset logical interfaces: \${unset_logical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log echo "get unset physical interfaces" >> /tmp/network_log for physical_interface in \${physical_interfaces[@]}; do logical_interface=\${physical_interface_mapping[\${physical_interface}]} if [ -z "\${logical_interface}" ]; then unset_physical_interfaces[\${physical_interface}]=\${physical_interface} else echo "ignore physical interface \${physical_interface} => \${logical_interface}" >> /tmp/network_log fi done echo "got unset physical interfaces: \${unset_physical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log sorted_unset_physical_interfaces=(\$(printf '%s\n' \${unset_physical_interfaces[@]} | sort)) echo "sorted unset physical interfaces: \${sorted_unset_physical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log sorted_unset_logical_interfaces=(\$(printf '%s\n' \${unset_logical_interfaces[@]} | sort)) echo "sorted unset logical interfaces: \${sorted_unset_logical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log # map unset logical interface to unset physical interface while [ \${#sorted_unset_physical_interfaces[@]} -gt 0 -a \${#sorted_unset_logical_interfaces[@]} -gt 0 ]; do physical_interface=\${sorted_unset_physical_interfaces[0]} logical_interface=\${sorted_unset_logical_interfaces[0]} echo "map unset logical interface \${logical_interface} to unset physical interface \${physical_interface}" >> /tmp/network_log unset sorted_unset_physical_interfaces[0] unset sorted_unset_logical_interfaces[0] unset unset_physical_interfaces[\${physical_interface}] unset unset_logical_interfaces[\${logical_interface}] logical_interface_mapping[\${logical_interface}]=\${physical_interface} physical_interface_mapping[\${physical_interface}]=\${logical_interface} done echo "finish mapping unmapped logical interfaces in network config to unmapped physical interfaces" >> /tmp/network_log for key in \${!logical_interface_mapping[@]}; do echo "map logical interface to physical interface: \$key => \${logical_interface_mapping[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done for key in \${!physical_interface_mapping[@]}; do echo "map physical interface to logical interface: \$key => \${physical_interface_mapping[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done echo "unset logical interfaces: \${unset_logical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log echo "unset physical interfaces: \${unset_physical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log # map any unmapped logical interfaces echo "map unmapped logical interfaces" >> /tmp/network_log if [ \${#sorted_unset_logical_interfaces[@]} -gt 0 ]; then declare -A available_logical_interfaces # get all available logical interfaces which the same name physical interface is not used for logical_interface in \${logical_interfaces[@]}; do mapped_logical_interface=\${physical_interface_mapping[\${logical_interface}]} if [ -z "\${mapped_logical_interface}" ]; then available_logical_interfaces[\${logical_interface}]=\${logical_interface} else echo "ignore logical interface \${logical_interface} since the same name physical interface mapped to logical interface \${mapped_logical_interface}" >> /tmp/network_log fi done #first map logical interface to the same name physical interface if that physical interface name is not used for logical_interface in \${sorted_unset_logical_interfaces[@]}; do available_logical_interface=\${available_logical_interfaces[\${logical_interface}]} if [ ! -z "\${available_logical_interface}" ]; then unset unset_logical_interfaces[\${logical_interface}] unset available_logical_interfaces[\${available_logical_interface}] logical_interface_mapping[\${logical_interface}]=\${available_logical_interface} physical_interface_mapping[\${available_logical_interface}]=\${logical_interface} fi done echo "finish mapping ramaining unmapped logical interfaces to the same name physical interface" >> /tmp/network_log for key in \${!logical_interface_mapping[@]}; do echo "map logical interface to physical interface: \$key => \${logical_interface_mapping[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done for key in \${!physical_interface_mapping[@]}; do echo "map physical interface to logical interface: \$key => \${physical_interface_mapping[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done echo "unset logical interfaces: \${unset_logical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log echo "unset physical interfaces: \${unset_physical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log # map remain unset logical interfaces to available logical interface names sorted_unset_logical_interfaces=(\$(printf '%s\n' \${unset_logical_interfaces[@]} | sort)) echo "sorted unset logical interfaces: \${sorted_unset_logical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log sorted_available_logical_interfaces=(\$(printf '%s\n' \${available_logical_interfaces[@]} | sort)) echo "sorted available logical interfaces: \${sorted_available_logical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log while [ \${#sorted_unset_logical_interfaces[@]} -gt 0 -a \${#sorted_available_logical_interfaces[@]} -gt 0 ]; do logical_interface=\${sorted_unset_logical_interfaces[0]} available_logical_interface=\${sorted_available_logical_interfaces[0]} echo "map logical interface \${logical_interface} to unused physical interface \${available_logical_interface}" >> /tmp/network_log unset sorted_unset_logical_interfaces[0] unset unset_logical_interfaces[\${logical_interface}] unset sorted_available_logical_interfaces[0] unset available_logical_interfaces[\${available_logical_interface}] logical_interface_mapping[\${logical_interface}]=\${available_logical_interface} physical_interface_mapping[\${available_logical_interface}]=\${logical_interface} done fi echo "finish mapping ramaining unmapped logical interfaces" >> /tmp/network_log for key in \${!logical_interface_mapping[@]}; do echo "map logical interface to physical interface: \$key => \${logical_interface_mapping[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done for key in \${!physical_interface_mapping[@]}; do echo "map physical interface to logical interface: \$key => \${physical_interface_mapping[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done echo "unset logical interfaces: \${unset_logical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log echo "unset physical interfaces: \${unset_physical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log # map any unmapped physical interfaces echo "map unmapped physical interfaces" >> /tmp/network_log if [ \${#sorted_unset_physical_interfaces[@]} -gt 0 ]; then declare -A available_physical_interfaces # get all available physical interfaces which the same name logical interface is not used for physical_interface in \${physical_interfaces[@]}; do mapped_physical_interface=\${logical_interface_mapping[\${physical_interface}]} if [ -z "\${mapped_physical_interface}" ]; then available_physical_interfaces[\${physical_interface}]=\${physical_interface} else echo "ignore physical interface \${physical_interface} since the same name logical interface mapped to physical interface \${mapped_physical_interface}" >> /tmp/network_log fi done #first map physical interface to the same name logical interface if that logical interface name is not used for physical_interface in \${sorted_unset_physical_interfaces[@]}; do available_physical_interface=\${available_physical_interfaces[\${physical_interface}]} if [ ! -z "\${available_physical_interface}" ]; then unset unset_physical_interfaces[\${physical_interface}] unset available_physical_interfaces[\${available_physical_interface}] logical_interface_mapping[\${available_physical_interface}]=\${physical_interface} physical_interface_mapping[\${physical_interface}]=\${available_physical_interface} fi done echo "finish mapping ramaining unmapped physical interfaces to the same name logical interface" >> /tmp/network_log for key in \${!logical_interface_mapping[@]}; do echo "map logical interface to physical interface: \$key => \${logical_interface_mapping[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done for key in \${!physical_interface_mapping[@]}; do echo "map physical interface to logical interface: \$key => \${physical_interface_mapping[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done echo "unset logical interfaces: \${unset_logical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log echo "unset physical interfaces: \${unset_physical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log # map remain unset physical interfaces to logical interface name as available physical interface names sorted_unset_physical_interfaces=(\$(printf '%s\n' \${unset_physical_interfaces[@]} | sort)) echo "sorted unset physical interfaces: \${sorted_unset_physical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log sorted_available_physical_interfaces=(\$(printf '%s\n' \${available_physical_interfaces[@]} | sort)) echo "sorted available physical interfaces: \${sorted_available_physical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log while [ \${#sorted_unset_physical_interfaces[@]} -gt 0 -a \${#sorted_available_physical_interfaces[@]} -gt 0 ]; do physical_interface=\${sorted_unset_physical_interfaces[0]} available_physical_interface=\${sorted_available_physical_interfaces[0]} echo "map physical interface \${physical_interface} to unused logical interface \${available_physical_interface}" >> /tmp/network_log unset sorted_unset_physical_interfaces[0] unset unset_physical_interfaces[\${physical_interface}] unset sorted_available_physical_interfaces[0] unset available_physical_interfaces[\${available_physical_interface}] physical_interface_mapping[\${available_physical_interface}]=\${physical_interface} logical_interface_mapping[\${physical_interface}]=\${available_physical_interface} done fi echo "finish mapping ramaining unmapped physical interfaces" >> /tmp/network_log for key in \${!logical_interface_mapping[@]}; do echo "map logical interface to physical interface: \$key => \${logical_interface_mapping[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done for key in \${!physical_interface_mapping[@]}; do echo "map physical interface to logical interface: \$key => \${physical_interface_mapping[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done echo "unset logical interfaces: \${unset_logical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log echo "unset physical interfaces: \${unset_physical_interfaces[@]}" >> /tmp/network_log for key in \${!logical_interface_mapping[@]}; do echo "map logical interface to physical interface: \$key => \${logical_interface_mapping[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done for key in \${!physical_interface_mapping[@]}; do echo "map physical interface to logical interface: \$key => \${physical_interface_mapping[\$key]}" >> /tmp/network_log done # generate udev network rules #if $osversion == "rhel7" udev_network_rule_filename=80-net-name-slot.rules #else udev_network_rule_filename=70-persistent-net.rules #end if for key in \${!logical_interface_mapping[@]}; do physical_interface=\${logical_interface_mapping[\$key]} if [ ! -z "\${physical_interface}" ]; then physical_mac=\${physical_interface_mac[\${physical_interface}]} else physical_mac="" fi if [ ! -z "\${physical_mac}" ]; then physical_mac=\${physical_mac,,} echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", DRIVERS==\"?*\", ATTR{address}==\"\${physical_mac}\", ATTR{type}==\"1\", KERNEL==\"eth*\", NAME=\"\$key\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/\${udev_network_rule_filename}.new echo "add network interface \$key mac \$physical_mac into udev rules" >> /tmp/network_log else echo "network interface \$key does not find mac address to add to udev rules" >> /tmp/network_log fi done #if $numbondingdevs > 0 # we have bonded interfaces, so set max_bonds if [ -f "/etc/modprobe.conf" ]; then echo "options bonding max_bonds=$numbondingdevs" >> /etc/modprobe.conf fi #end if # create a working directory for interface scripts mkdir /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler/ declare -A used_logical_interfaces #set $nameserver_set = 0 #for $iname in $ikeys # Start configuration for $iname ## create lots of variables to use later #set $idata = $interfaces[$iname] #set $mac = $idata.get("mac_address", "").upper() #set $mtu = $idata.get("mtu", "") #set $static = $idata.get("static", "") #set $ip = $idata.get("ip_address", "") #set $netmask = $idata.get("netmask", "") #set $if_gateway = $idata.get("if_gateway", "") #set $static_routes = $idata.get("static_routes", "") #set $iface_type = $idata.get("interface_type", "").lower() #set $iface_master = $idata.get("interface_master", "") #set $bonding_opts = $idata.get("bonding_opts", "") #set $bridge_opts = $idata.get("bridge_opts", "").split(" ") #set $devfile = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler/ifcfg-" + $iname #set $routesfile = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler/route-" + $iname used_logical_interfaces[$iname]=$iname #if $iface_type in ("slave","bond_slave","bridge_slave","bonded_bridge_slave") #set $static = 1 #end if echo "DEVICE=$iname" > $devfile echo "ONBOOT=yes" >> $devfile #if $iface_type not in ("master","bond","bridge","bonded_bridge_slave") #if $vlanpattern.match($iname) #pass #else #set $interface_matched = $subinterfacepattern.match($iname) #if $interface_matched #set $interface_name = $interface_matched.group(1) logical_interface=$interface_name #else logical_interface=$iname #end if physical_interface=\${logical_interface_mapping[\$logical_interface]} if [ ! -z "\$physical_interface" ]; then physical_mac=\${physical_interface_mac[\$physical_interface]} fi if [ ! -z "\$physical_mac" ]; then echo "HWADDR=\$physical_mac" >> $devfile fi #if not $subinterfacepattern.match($iname) if [ -f "/etc/modprobe.conf" ] && [ ! -z "\${physical_interface}" ]; then grep \$physical_interface /etc/modprobe.conf | sed "s/\${physical_interface}/$iname/" >> /etc/modprobe.conf.cobbler grep -v \$physical_interface /etc/modprobe.conf >> /etc/modprobe.conf.new rm -f /etc/modprobe.conf mv -f /etc/modprobe.conf.new /etc/modprobe.conf fi #end if #end if #end if #if $iface_type in ("master","bond","bonded_bridge_slave") ## if this is a bonded interface, configure it in modprobe.conf if [ -f "/etc/modprobe.conf" ]; then #if $osversion == "rhel4" echo "install $iname /sbin/modprobe bonding -o $iname $bonding_opts" >> /etc/modprobe.conf.cobbler #else echo "alias $iname bonding" >> /etc/modprobe.conf.cobbler #end if fi #if $bonding_opts != "" cat >> $devfile << EOF BONDING_OPTS="$bonding_opts" EOF #end if #elif $iface_type in ("slave","bond_slave") and $iface_master != "" echo "SLAVE=yes" >> $devfile echo "MASTER=$iface_master" >> $devfile echo "HOTPLUG=no" >> $devfile #end if #if $iface_type == "bridge" echo "TYPE=Bridge" >> $devfile #for $bridge_opt in $bridge_opts #if $bridge_opt.strip() != "" echo "$bridge_opt" >> $devfile #end if #end for #elif $iface_type in ["bridge_slave", "bonded_bridge_slave"] and $iface_master != "" echo "BRIDGE=$iface_master" >> $devfile echo "HOTPLUG=no" >> $devfile #end if #if $iface_type != "bridge" echo "TYPE=Ethernet" >> $devfile #end if #if $static echo "BOOTPROTO=static" >> $devfile #if $iname in $promisc_interfaces echo "PROMISC=yes" >> $devfile #elif $ip != "" echo "IPADDR=$ip" >> $devfile #if $if_gateway != "" echo "GATEWAY=$if_gateway" >> $devfile #end if #if $netmask == "" ## Default to #set $netmask = "" #end if echo "NETMASK=$netmask" >> $devfile #end if #else echo "BOOTPROTO=dhcp" >> $devfile #if $len($name_servers) > 0 echo "PEERDNS=no" >> $devfile #end if #end if #if $vlanpattern.match($iname) echo "VLAN=yes" >> $devfile echo "ONPARENT=yes" >> $devfile #elif $subinterfacepattern.match($iname) echo "ONPARENT=yes" >> $devfile #end if #if $mtu != "" echo "MTU=$mtu" >> $devfile #end if #if not $nameserver_set #if $iface_type not in ("slave","bond_slave","bridge_slave","bonded_bridge_slave") #set $nct = 0 #for $nameserver in $name_servers #set $nct = $nct + 1 echo "DNS$nct=$nameserver" >> $devfile #end for #set $nameserver_set = 1 #end if #end if #for $route in $static_routes #set routepattern = $re.compile("[0-9/.]+:[0-9.]+") #if $routepattern.match($route) #set $routebits = $route.split(":") #set [$network, $router] = $route.split(":") echo "$network via $router" >> $routesfile #else # Warning: invalid route "$route" #end if #end for #end for for logical_interface in \${!logical_interface_mapping[@]}; do if [ ! -z "\${used_logical_interfaces[\${logical_interface}]}" ]; then # ignore logical interface that is already generated in above continue fi physical_interface=\${logical_interface_mapping[\${logical_interface}]} if [ ! -z "\${physical_interface}" ]; then devfile="/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler/ifcfg-"\${logical_interface} mac=\${physical_interface_mac[\${physical_interface}]} echo "DEVICE=\${logical_interface}" > \$devfile echo "ONBOOT=yes" >> \$devfile echo "BOOTPROTO=static" >> \$devfile if [ ! -z "\$mac" ]; then echo "HWADDR=\$mac" >> \$devfile fi echo "TYPE=Ethernet" >> \$devfile if [ -f "/etc/modprobe.conf" ] && [ ! -z "\${physical_interface}" ]; then grep \${physical_interface} /etc/modprobe.conf | sed "s/\${physical_interface}/\${logical_interface}/" >> /etc/modprobe.conf.cobbler grep -v \${physical_interface} /etc/modprobe.conf >> /etc/modprobe.conf.new rm -f /etc/modprobe.conf mv -f /etc/modprobe.conf.new /etc/modprobe.conf fi fi done ## Disable all eth interfaces by default before overwriting ## the old files with the new ones in the working directory ## This stops unneccesary (and time consuming) DHCP queries ## during the network initialization sed -i 's/ONBOOT=yes/ONBOOT=no/g' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* ## Move all staged files to their final location rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* mv -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler/* /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ rm -r /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler if [ -f "/etc/modprobe.conf" ]; then cat /etc/modprobe.conf.cobbler >> /etc/modprobe.conf rm -f /etc/modprobe.conf.cobbler fi if [ -f "/etc/udev/rules.d/\${udev_network_rule_filename}" ]; then rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/\${udev_network_rule_filename} fi if [ -f "/etc/udev/rules.d/\${udev_network_rule_filename}.new" ]; then mv -f /etc/udev/rules.d/\${udev_network_rule_filename}.new /etc/udev/rules.d/\${udev_network_rule_filename} fi # End post_install_network_config generated code