#if $str($getVar('anamon_enabled','')) == "1" ## install anamon script #if $getVar("compass_server","") != "" wget -O /usr/local/sbin/anamon "http://$compass_server:$http_port/cobbler/aux/anamon" #else wget -O /usr/local/sbin/anamon "http://$server:$http_port/cobbler/aux/anamon" #end if ## install anamon system service cat << EOF > /etc/init.d/anamon.init #raw #!/bin/bash ## BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: anamon.init # Default-Start: 3 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 2 4 6 # Required-Start: $network # Short-Description: Starts the cobbler anamon boot notification program # Description: anamon runs the first time a machine is booted after # installation. ## END INIT INFO # # anamon.init: Starts the cobbler post-install boot notification program # # chkconfig: 35 95 95 # # description: anamon runs the first time a machine is booted after # installation. # #end raw #if $getVar("compass_server","") != "" /usr/local/sbin/anamon --watchfile "/var/log/anaconda.log" --name $name --server $compass_server --port $http_port --exit #else /usr/local/sbin/anamon --watchfile "/var/log/anaconda.log" --name $name --server $server --port $http_port --exit #end if chkconfig anamon.init off mv /etc/init.d/anamon.init /tmp/anamon.init EOF ## adjust permissions chmod 755 /etc/init.d/anamon.init /usr/local/sbin/anamon test -d /selinux && restorecon /etc/init.d/anamon.init /usr/local/sbin/anamon ## enable the script chkconfig anamon.init on #end if ## place start-up script for updating os state #if $getVar('compass_server', '') != "" #set srv = $getVar('compass_server','') #else #set srv = $getVar('server','') #end if cat << EOF > /etc/init.d/set_state #raw #!/bin/bash ## BEGIN INIT INFO # chkconfig: 2345 99 15 # Provides: set_state # Default-Start: 3 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 2 4 6 # Required-Start: $network $sshd # Short-Description: Notifies the os installation is finished # Description: set_state runs the first time a machine is booted after # installation. ## END INIT INFO # # set_state: Notify compass server the os installation is finished # # chkconfig: 35 99 99 # # description: set_state runs the first time a machine is booted after # installation. # #end raw wget -O /tmp/os_state --post-data='{"ready": true}' --header=Content-Type:application/json "http://$srv/api/hosts/${hostname}/state_internal" chkconfig set_state off mv /etc/init.d/set_state /tmp/set_state EOF ## adjust permissions chmod 755 /etc/init.d/set_state test -d /selinux && restorecon /etc/init.d/set_state ## enable the script chkconfig set_state on echo "compass_server=$server" >> /etc/compass.conf