############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## --- - name: get http server shell: awk -F'=' '/compass_server/ {print $2}' /etc/compass.conf register: http_server - name: creat tacker_home, tacker_client_home, tacker_horizon_home shell: | mkdir -p /opt/tacker; mkdir -p /opt/tacker_client; mkdir -p /opt/tacker_horizon; - name: download tacker package get_url: url: "http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/tacker/{{ tacker_pkg_name }}" dest: /opt/{{ tacker_pkg_name }} - name: download tacker_client package get_url: url: "http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/tacker/{{ tacker_client_pkg_name }}" dest: /opt/{{ tacker_client_pkg_name }} - name: download tacker_horizon package get_url: url: "http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/tacker/{{ tacker_horizon_pkg_name }}" dest: /opt/{{ tacker_horizon_pkg_name }} - name: extract tacker package command: | su -s /bin/sh -c "tar xzf /opt/{{ tacker_pkg_name }} -C {{ tacker_home }} \ --strip-components 1 --no-overwrite-dir -k --skip-old-files" - name: extract tacker_client package command: | su -s /bin/sh -c "tar xzf /opt/{{ tacker_client_pkg_name }} -C {{ tacker_client_home }} \ --strip-components 1 --no-overwrite-dir -k --skip-old-files" - name: extract tacker_horizon package command: | su -s /bin/sh -c "tar xzf /opt/{{ tacker_horizon_pkg_name }} -C {{ tacker_horizon_home }} \ --strip-components 1 --no-overwrite-dir -k --skip-old-files" - name: edit ml2_conf.ini shell: | crudini --set /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2 extension_drivers port_security; - name: Restart neutron-server service: name=neutron-server state=restarted - name: "create haproxy configuration for tacker" template: src: "haproxy-tacker-cfg.j2" dest: "/tmp/haproxy-tacker.cfg" - name: get the current haproxy configuration shell: cat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg register: ha_cfg - name: "combination of the haproxy configuration" shell: "cat /tmp/haproxy-tacker.cfg >> /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg" when: ha_cfg.stdout.find('8888') == -1 - name: "delete temporary configuration file" file: dest: "/tmp/haproxy-tacker.cfg" state: "absent" - name: "restart haproxy" service: name: "haproxy" state: "restarted" - name: drop and recreate tacker database shell: | mysql -e "drop database if exists tacker;"; mysql -e "create database tacker character set utf8;"; mysql -e "grant all on tacker.* to 'tacker'@'%' identified by 'TACKER_DBPASS';"; when: inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0] - name: get the openstack user info shell: . /opt/admin-openrc.sh; openstack user list register: user_info - name: get the openstack service info shell: . /opt/admin-openrc.sh; openstack service list register: service_info - name: get the openstack endpoint info shell: . /opt/admin-openrc.sh; openstack endpoint list register: endpoint_info - name: delete the existed tacker endpoint shell: | . /opt/admin-openrc.sh; openstack endpoint delete \ $(openstack endpoint list | grep tacker | awk '{print $2}') when: endpoint_info.stdout.find('tacker') != -1 and inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0] - name: delete the existed tacker service shell: | . /opt/admin-openrc.sh; openstack service delete tacker; when: service_info.stdout.find('tacker') != -1 and inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0] - name: delete the existed tacker user shell: | . /opt/admin-openrc.sh; openstack user delete tacker; when: user_info.stdout.find('tacker') != -1 and inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0] - name: create tacker user with admin privileges shell: | . /opt/admin-openrc.sh; openstack user create --password console tacker; openstack role add --project service --user tacker admin; when: inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0] - name: creat tacker service shell: | . /opt/admin-openrc.sh; openstack service create --name tacker \ --description "Tacker Project" nfv-orchestration when: inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0] - name: provide an endpoint to tacker service shell: | . /opt/admin-openrc.sh; \ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \ --publicurl 'http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8888/' \ --adminurl 'http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8888/' \ --internalurl 'http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8888/' tacker when: inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0] - name: install pip package pip: name=Babel state=present version=2.3.4 - name: install pip packages shell: | pip install tosca-parser heat-translator oslosphinx; - name: install tacker shell: | . /opt/admin-openrc.sh; cd {{ tacker_home }}; python setup.py install - name: create 'tacker' directory in '/var/cache', set ownership and permissions shell: | mkdir -p /var/cache/tacker - name: create 'tacker' directory in '/var/log' shell: mkdir -p /var/log/tacker - name: copy tacker configs template: src={{ item.src }} dest=/opt/os_templates with_items: "{{ tacker_configs_templates }}" - name: edit tacker configuration file shell: | crudini --merge /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf \ < /opt/os_templates/tacker.j2 - name: populate tacker database shell: | . /opt/admin-openrc.sh; \ /usr/local/bin/tacker-db-manage \ --config-file /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf upgrade head when: inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0] - name: install tacker client shell: | . /opt/admin-openrc.sh; cd {{ tacker_client_home }}; python setup.py install - name: install tacker horizon shell: | . /opt/admin-openrc.sh; cd {{ tacker_horizon_home }}; python setup.py install - name: enable tacker horizon in dashboard shell: | cp {{ tacker_horizon_home }}/openstack_dashboard_extensions/* \ /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/enabled/ - name: restart apache server shell: service apache2 restart - name: launch tacker-server shell: | . /opt/admin-openrc.sh; \ python /usr/local/bin/tacker-server \ --config-file /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf | --log-file /var/log/tacker/tacker.log async: 9999999999999 poll: 0