# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#package: "contrail-install-packages_2.21-102~juno_all.deb" # mv to {os}.yml
kernel_install: no
#ansible_ssh_user: "root"
#ansible_ssh_pass: "root"

#contrail_keystone_address: "{{ internal_vip.ip }}"
contrail_keystone_address: "{{ public_vip.ip }}"
contrail_admin_user: "admin"
contrail_admin_password: "console"

# network infor adapter for compass
# contrail_address: "{{ internal_ip }}"
contrail_address: "{{ ip_settings[inventory_hostname]['br-prv']['ip'] }}"
#contrail_device: # compass openstack device
contrail_netmask: ""
#contrail_gateway: ""
#contrail_mgmt_address: ""

### we make an independent NIC for OpenContrail vRouter ###
contrail_vhost_device: "{{ network_cfg['provider_net_mappings'][0]['interface'] }}"
contrail_vhost_address: "{{ ip_settings[inventory_hostname]['br-prv']['ip'] }}"
contrail_vhost_gateway: "{{ ip_settings[inventory_hostname]['br-prv']['gw'] }}"
contrail_vhost_netmask: "{{ ip_settings[inventory_hostname]['br-prv']['netmask'] }}"

contrail_keepalived: no 
#contrail_haproxy_address: "" #
#contrail_haproxy_address: "{{ internal_vip.ip }}"
contrail_haproxy_address: "{{ public_vip.ip }}"
contrail_netmask: ""
contrail_prefixlen: "24"
contrail_gateway: ""

contrail_router_asn: "64512"

### Modify when need openstack provisioning
keystone_provision: no
install_nova: no
#rabbit_password: {{ RABBIT_PASS }}

  - name: "test01"
    address: ""
    ovs_protocol: "pssl"
    ovs_port: "9991"
    tunnel_address: ""
    http_server_port: "9011"
    vendor_name: "Juniper"
    product_name: "QFX5100"
    tsn_names: [ "system002" ]
  - name: "test02"
    address: ""
    ovs_protocol: "pssl"
    ovs_port: "9992"
    tunnel_address: ""
    http_server_port: "9012"
    vendor_name: "Juniper"
    product_name: "QFX5100"
    tsn_names: [ "system002" ]

# adapter for compass
kernel_package_noarch: []

compute_package_noarch: []