[DEFAULTS] listen_ip_addr = listen_port = 5998 zk_server_ip = {% for cur_host in groups['opencontrail_database'] %}{{ hostvars[cur_host]['contrail_address'] }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %} zk_server_port = 2181 cassandra_server_list = {% for cur_host in groups['opencontrail_database'] %}{{ hostvars[cur_host]['contrail_address'] }}:9160{% if not loop.last %} {% endif %}{% endfor %} log_file = /var/log/contrail/contrail-discovery.log log_level = SYS_NOTICE log_local = 1 # minimim time to allow client to cache service information (seconds) ttl_min = 300 # maximum time to allow client to cache service information (seconds) ttl_max = 1800 # health check ping interval < = 0 for disabling hc_interval = 5 # maximum hearbeats to miss before server will declare publisher out of # service. hc_max_miss = 3 # use short TTL for agressive rescheduling if all services are not up ttl_short = 1 # for DNS service, we use fixed policy # even when the cluster has more than two control nodes, only two of these # should provide the DNS service [DNS-SERVER] policy = fixed ###################################################################### # Other service specific knobs ... # use short TTL for agressive rescheduling if all services are not up # ttl_short = 1 # specify policy to use when assigning services # policy = [load-balance | round-robin | fixed] ######################################################################