############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## --- #- hosts: webui # sudo: yes # tasks: - name: "enable supervisor webui" file: path: "/etc/init/supervisor-webui.override" state: "absent" - name: "redis-setup" include: -redis-setup.yml - name: "node-common" include: -node-common.yml - name: "set first cassandra host address" set_fact: # cassandra_addrs: "'{{ hostvars[item.1]['contrail_address'] }}'" cassandra_addrs: "'{{ ip_settings[item.1]['br-prv']['ip'] }}'" with_indexed_items: groups['opencontrail'] when: item.0 == 0 - name: "set second or more cassandra host addresses" set_fact: # cassandra_addrs: "{{ cassandra_addrs }}, '{{ hostvars[item.1]['contrail_address'] }}'" cassandra_addrs: "{{ cassandra_addrs }}, '{{ ip_settings[item.1]['br-prv']['ip'] }}'" with_indexed_items: groups['opencontrail'] when: item.0 > 0 - name: "modify webui global js" lineinfile: dest: "/etc/contrail/config.global.js" regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}" line: "{{ item.line }}" with_items: - { regexp: "^\\s*config.networkManager.ip", line: "config.networkManager.ip = '{{ contrail_haproxy_address }}';" } - { regexp: "^\\s*config.imageManager.ip", line: "config.imageManager.ip = '{{ contrail_keystone_address }}';" } - { regexp: "^\\s*config.computeManager.ip", line: "config.computeManager.ip = '{{ contrail_keystone_address }}';" } - { regexp: "^\\s*config.identityManager.ip", line: "config.identityManager.ip = '{{ contrail_keystone_address }}';" } - { regexp: "^\\s*config.storageManager.ip", line: "config.storageManager.ip = '{{ contrail_keystone_address }}';" } - { regexp: "^\\s*config.cnfg.server_ip", line: "config.cnfg.server_ip = '{{ contrail_haproxy_address }}';" } - { regexp: "^\\s*config.analytics.server_ip", line: "config.analytics.server_ip = '{{ contrail_haproxy_address }}';" } - { regexp: "^\\s*config.cassandra.server_ips", line: "config.cassandra.server_ips = [{{ cassandra_addrs }}];" } - name: "modify webui userauth js" lineinfile: dest: "/etc/contrail/contrail-webui-userauth.js" regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}" line: "{{ item.line }}" with_items: - { regexp: "^\\s*auth.admin_user", line: "auth.admin_user = '{{ contrail_admin_user }}';" } - { regexp: "^\\s*auth.admin_password", line: "auth.admin_password = '{{ contrail_admin_password }}';" } - { regexp: "^\\s*auth.admin_tenant_name", line: "auth.admin_tenant_name = 'admin';" } - name: "create symbolic link from nodejs to node" file: src: "/usr/bin/node" dest: "/usr/bin/nodejs" state: "link" - name: "restart supervisor webui" service: name: "supervisor-webui" state: "restarted"