*** a/vif.py	Mon Sep 28 15:13:30 2015
--- b/vif.py	Mon Sep 28 15:21:30 2015
*** 332,337 ****
--- 332,347 ----
          return conf
+     def get_config_vrouter(self, instance, vif, image_meta,
+                            inst_type, virt_type):
+         conf = self.get_base_config(instance, vif, image_meta,
+                                     inst_type, virt_type)
+         dev = self.get_vif_devname(vif)
+         designer.set_vif_host_backend_ethernet_config(conf, dev)
+         designer.set_vif_bandwidth_config(conf, inst_type)
+         return conf
      def get_config(self, instance, vif, image_meta,
                     inst_type, virt_type):
          vif_type = vif['type']
*** 526,531 ****
--- 536,580 ----
          except processutils.ProcessExecutionError:
              LOG.exception(_LE("Failed while plugging vif"), instance=instance)
+     def plug_vrouter(self, instance, vif):
+         """Plug into Contrail's network port
+         Bind the vif to a Contrail virtual port.
+         """
+         dev = self.get_vif_devname(vif)
+         ip_addr = ''
+         ip6_addr = None
+         subnets = vif['network']['subnets']
+         for subnet in subnets:
+             if not subnet['ips']:
+                 continue
+             ips = subnet['ips'][0]
+             if not ips['address']:
+                 continue
+             if (ips['version'] == 4):
+                 if ips['address'] is not None:
+                     ip_addr = ips['address']
+             if (ips['version'] == 6):
+                 if ips['address'] is not None:
+                     ip6_addr = ips['address']
+         ptype = 'NovaVMPort'
+         if (cfg.CONF.libvirt.virt_type == 'lxc'):
+             ptype = 'NameSpacePort'
+         cmd_args = ("--oper=add --uuid=%s --instance_uuid=%s --vn_uuid=%s "
+                     "--vm_project_uuid=%s --ip_address=%s --ipv6_address=%s"
+                     " --vm_name=%s --mac=%s --tap_name=%s --port_type=%s "
+                     "--tx_vlan_id=%d --rx_vlan_id=%d" % (vif['id'],
+                     instance.uuid, vif['network']['id'],
+                     instance.project_id, ip_addr, ip6_addr,
+                     instance.display_name, vif['address'],
+                     vif['devname'], ptype, -1, -1))
+         try:
+             linux_net.create_tap_dev(dev)
+             utils.execute('vrouter-port-control', cmd_args, run_as_root=True)
+         except processutils.ProcessExecutionError:
+             LOG.exception(_LE("Failed while plugging vif"), instance=instance)
      def plug(self, instance, vif):
          vif_type = vif['type']
*** 679,684 ****
--- 728,746 ----
              LOG.exception(_LE("Failed while unplugging vif"),
+     def unplug_vrouter(self, instance, vif):
+         """Unplug Contrail's network port
+         Unbind the vif from a Contrail virtual port.
+         """
+         dev = self.get_vif_devname(vif)
+         cmd_args = ("--oper=delete --uuid=%s" % (vif['id']))
+         try:
+             utils.execute('vrouter-port-control', cmd_args, run_as_root=True)
+             linux_net.delete_net_dev(dev)
+         except processutils.ProcessExecutionError:
+             LOG.exception(
+                 _LE("Failed while unplugging vif"), instance=instance)
      def unplug(self, instance, vif):
          vif_type = vif['type']