--- #- name: remove neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent auto start # shell: > # update-rc.d neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent remove; # sed -i /neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent/d /opt/service #- name: shut down and disable Neutron's agent services # service: name=neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent state=stopped #- name: Stop the Open vSwitch service and clear existing OVSDB # shell: > # ovs-vsctl del-br br-int ; # ovs-vsctl del-br br-tun ; # ovs-vsctl del-manager ; #- name: get image http server # shell: awk -F'=' '/compass_server/ {print $2}' /etc/compass.conf # register: http_server # #- name: download ovs # get_url: url="http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/onos/openvswitch.tar" dest=/opt/openvswitch.tar # #- name: extract ovs # command: su -s /bin/sh -c "tar xvf /opt/openvswitch.tar -C /opt/" # #- name: update ovs # shell: > # cd /opt/openvswitch; # dpkg -i openvswitch-common_2.3.0-1_amd64.deb; # dpkg -i openvswitch-switch_2.3.0-1_amd64.deb; #- name: start up onos-external nic # command: su -s /bin/sh -c "ifconfig eth2 0 up" - name: set veth port shell: > ip link add onos_port1 type veth peer name onos_port2; ifconfig onos_port1 up; ifconfig onos_port2 up; ignore_errors: True - name: set veth to ovs shell: > externamMac = `ifconfig eth1 | grep "HWaddr" | awk '{print $5}'`; ifconfig onos_port2 hw ether $externamMac; ovs-vsctl add-port br-prv onos_port1; ignore_errors: True #- name: wait for onos start time # shell: "sleep 200" - name: add ovsdatabase feature command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/onos/bin/onos 'feature:install onos-ovsdatabase'"; when: inventory_hostname == groups['onos'][0] - name: add openflow-base feature command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/onos/bin/onos 'feature:install onos-openflow-base'"; when: inventory_hostname in groups['onos'] - name: add openflow feature command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/onos/bin/onos 'feature:install onos-openflow'"; when: inventory_hostname in groups['onos'] - name: add vtn feature command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/onos/bin/onos 'feature:install onos-app-vtn-onosfw'"; when: inventory_hostname in groups['onos'] - name: set public eth card start command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/onos/bin/onos 'externalportname-set -n onos_port2'" when: inventory_hostname in groups['onos'] - name: Set ONOS as the manager command: su -s /bin/sh -c "ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:{{ ip_settings[groups['onos'][0]]['mgmt']['ip'] }}:6640;" - name: create public network shell: > export OS_PASSWORD=console; export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin; export OS_AUTH_URL=http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357/v2.0; export OS_USERNAME=ADMIN; neutron net-create ext-net --shared --router:external=True; neutron subnet-create ext-net {{ public_net_info.floating_ip_cidr }} --name ext-subnet --allocation-pool start={{ public_net_info.floating_ip_start }},end={{ public_net_info.floating_ip_end }}; when: inventory_hostname == groups['controller'][0] - name: set gateway mac address shell: > ping -c 1 {{ ansible_default_ipv4.gateway }}; gatewayMac=`arp -a {{ ansible_default_ipv4.gateway }} | awk '{print $4}'`; /opt/onos/bin/onos "externalgateway-update -m $gatewayMac"; when: inventory_hostname in groups['onos'] - name: delete default gateway shell: > route delete default; when: inventory_hostname not in groups['onos'] ignore_errors: True