--- #- name: delete default maridb-libs # action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name=mariadb-libs state=absent" # when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" # ignore_errors: True - name: install python-mysqldb action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present" with_items: maridb_packages | union(packages_noarch) - name: create mysql log directy file: path=/var/log/mysql state=directory owner=mysql group=mysql mode=0755 - name: update mariadb config file template: src={{ item }} dest={{ mysql_config_file_path }}/{{ item }} backup=yes with_items: mysql_config_file_name - name: update galera wsrep.cnf template: src=wsrep.cnf dest={{ wsrep_config_file_path }}/wsrep.cnf backup=yes - name: update wsrep_sst_rsync uid lineinfile: dest=/usr/bin/wsrep_sst_rsync state=absent regexp="\s*uid = \$MYUID$" backup=yes - name: update wsrep_sst_rsync gid lineinfile: dest=/usr/bin/wsrep_sst_rsync state=absent regexp="\s*gid = \$MYGID$" backup=yes - stat: path=/opt/mysql_init_complete register: mysql_init_complete - name: restart first mysql server shell: service mysql restart --wsrep-cluster-address="gcomm://" args: creates: /opt/mysql_init_complete when: inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0] and mysql_init_complete.stat.exists == False tags: - mysql_restart #register: result #until: result|success #retries: 5 #delay: 5 - name: restart other mysql server shell: service mysql restart args: creates: /opt/mysql_init_complete tags: - mysql_restart when: inventory_hostname != haproxy_hosts.keys()[0] and mysql_init_complete.stat.exists == False #register: result #until: result|success #retries: 5 #delay: 5 - name: generate mysql service list shell: echo {{ item }} >> /opt/service with_items: services_noarch - name: create all needed db run_once: yes mysql_db: name={{ item.db }} state=present with_items: "{{ credentials }}" - name: create service db user run_once: yes mysql_user: name={{ item[0].user }} password={{ item[0].password }} priv=*.*:ALL,GRANT host={{ item[1] }} state=present with_nested: - "{{ credentials }}" - ['%', 'localhost', inventory_hostname] - name: create wsrep db user run_once: yes mysql_user: name={{ WSREP_SST_USER }} password={{ WSREP_SST_PASS }} priv=*.*:ALL,GRANT host={{ item }} state=present with_items: ['%', 'localhost', inventory_hostname]