--- - include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml" - name: first update pkgs shell: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} update" - name: install packages action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=latest" with_items: packages | union(packages_noarch) - name: update hosts files to all hosts template: src=hosts dest=/etc/hosts backup=yes - name: get compass-core hostname local_action: shell hostname register: name - name: get compass-core addr shell: awk -F'=' '/compass_server/ {print $2}' /etc/compass.conf register: ip - name: update compass-core name and ip to hosts files shell: | echo "# compass" >> /etc/hosts echo {{ ip.stdout_lines[0] }} {{ name.stdout_lines[0] }} >> /etc/hosts - name: create pip config directory file: path=~/.pip state=directory - name: get pip source server addr shell: awk -F'=' '/compass_server/ {print $2}' /etc/compass.conf register: COMPASS_SERVER - name: update pip.conf template: src=pip.conf dest=~/.pip/pip.conf - name: update ntp conf template: src=ntp.conf dest=/etc/ntp.conf backup=yes - name: stop ntp service: name={{ ntp_service }} state=stopped enabled=yes - name: use ntpdate once for initial sync time shell: ntpdate {{ ntp_server }} ignore_errors: True - name: sync sys clock to hard clock shell: hwclock --systohc ignore_errors: True - name: restart ntp service: name={{ ntp_service }} state=restarted enabled=yes - name: restart openvswitch service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes with_items: services