--- - include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml" - name: install cinder-volume and lvm2 packages action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present force=yes" with_items: packages - name: generate cinder volume service list shell: echo {{ item }} >> /opt/service with_items: services - name: check if physical device exists stat: path={{ physical_device }} register: st - name: repace physical_device if st is false local_action: copy src=loop.yml dest=/tmp/loop.yml when: st.stat.exists == False - name: load loop.yml include_vars: /tmp/loop.yml when: st.stat.exists == False - name: check if cinder-volumes is mounted shell: ls /mnt register: cindervolumes - name: get available partition size shell: df / | awk '$3 ~ /[0-9]+/ { print $4 }' register: partition_size - name: if not mounted, mount it shell: dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/cinder-volumes bs=1 count=0 seek={{ partition_size.stdout }} when: cindervolumes.stdout != 'cinder-volumes' - name: get first lo device shell: ls /dev/loop* | egrep 'loop[0-9]+'|sed -n 1p register: first_lo when: cindervolumes.stdout != 'cinder-volumes' - name: do a losetup on /mnt/cinder-volumes shell: losetup {{ first_lo.stdout }} /mnt/cinder-volumes when: cindervolumes.stdout != 'cinder-volumes' - name: create physical and group volumes lvg: vg=cinder-volumes pvs={{ physical_device }} vg_options=--force - name: upload cinder-volume configuration template: src=cinder.conf dest=/etc/cinder/cinder.conf backup=yes notify: - restart cinder-volume