############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016-2018 compass4nfv and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import yaml import sys import os from jinja2 import Environment try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json INVENTORY_TEMPLATE = """ [all] {% for host, vales in hostvars.iteritems() %} {{ host }} ansible_ssh_host={{ vales['ansible_ssh_host'] }} \ ansible_ssh_pass=root ansible_user=root {% endfor %} [kube-master] {% for host in kube_master %} {{ host }} {% endfor %} [etcd] {% for host in etcd %} {{ host }} {% endfor %} [kube-node] {% for host in kube_node %} {{ host }} {% endfor %} [k8s-cluster:children] kube-node kube-master [calico-rr] [vault] """ def _byteify(data, ignore_dicts=False): if isinstance(data, unicode): return data.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(data, list): return [_byteify(item, ignore_dicts=True) for item in data] if isinstance(data, dict) and not ignore_dicts: return { _byteify(key, ignore_dicts=True): _byteify(value, ignore_dicts=True) for key, value in data.iteritems() } return data def load_inventory(inventory): if not os.path.exists(inventory): raise RuntimeError('file: %s not exist' % inventory) with open(inventory, 'r') as fd: return json.load(fd, object_hook=_byteify) def create_inventory_file(inventories_path, hostvars, kube_master, etcd, kube_node): content = Environment().from_string(INVENTORY_TEMPLATE).render( hostvars=hostvars, kube_master=kube_master, etcd=etcd, kube_node=kube_node) with open(inventories_path, 'w+') as f: f.write(content) def main(inventories_path, local_inventory): inventory_data = load_inventory(local_inventory) hostvars = inventory_data['_meta']['hostvars'] kube_node = inventory_data['kube_node']['hosts'] kube_master = inventory_data['kube_master']['hosts'] etcd = inventory_data['etcd']['hosts'] create_inventory_file(inventories_path, hostvars, kube_master, etcd, kube_node) if __name__ == "__main__": path = yaml.load(sys.argv[1]) local_inventory = yaml.load(sys.argv[2]) main(path, local_inventory)