path: root/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/ext-net.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/ext-net.yml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/ext-net.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/ext-net.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ef327ee..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/ext-net.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-- name: add ext-network router of vgw on controller for open-contrail
- shell: >
- ip route add {{ public_net_info.floating_ip_cidr }} via {{ ip_settings[groups['compute'][0]]['br-prv']['ip'] }} dev {{ network_cfg.public_vip.interface }} ;
- echo "ip route add {{ public_net_info.floating_ip_cidr }} via {{ ip_settings[groups['compute'][0]]['br-prv']['ip'] }} dev {{ network_cfg.public_vip.interface }}" >> /opt/contrail/bin/if-vhost0 ;
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['opencontrail']
-- name: create vgw for open-contrail
- shell: >
- echo "lsof -ni :9090 ; while [ $? -ne 0 ]; do sleep 10; lsof -ni :9090; done" >> /etc/init.d/net_init;
- echo "sleep 10" >> /etc/init.d/net_init;
- echo "python /opt/contrail/utils/provision_vgw_interface.py --oper create --interface vgw1 --subnets {{ public_net_info.floating_ip_cidr }} --routes --vrf default-domain:admin:{{ public_net_info.network }}:{{ public_net_info.network }}" >> /etc/init.d/net_init;
- when: groups['opencontrail']|length !=0 and inventory_hostname == groups['compute'][0]
-- name: add vgw router on compute(without vgw) for open-contrail
- shell: echo "ip route add {{ public_net_info.floating_ip_cidr }} via {{ ip_settings[groups['compute'][0]]['br-prv']['ip'] }} dev vhost0" >> /etc/init.d/net_init
- when: groups['opencontrail']|length !=0 and inventory_hostname not in groups['opencontrail'] and inventory_hostname != groups['compute'][0]
-# create a file with vgw ip on CompassCore, so that Jumper Host could access this to get vgw ip
-- name: add vgw file on compass
- local_action: file path=/home/opencontrail1.rc state=touch mode=0777
- run_once: True
- when: groups['opencontrail']|length !=0
-- name: update vgw file
- local_action: lineinfile dest=/home/opencontrail1.rc line={{ ip_settings[groups['compute'][0]]['br-prv']['ip'] }}
- run_once: True
- when: groups['opencontrail']|length !=0
-- name: add vgw file on compass
- local_action: file path=/home/opencontrail2.rc state=touch mode=0777
- run_once: True
- when: groups['opencontrail']|length !=0
-- name: update vgw file
- local_action: lineinfile dest=/home/opencontrail2.rc line={{ public_net_info.floating_ip_cidr }}
- run_once: True
- when: groups['opencontrail']|length !=0