{ # The network section covers network configuration :) "network": { # A list of downstream servers listening for our messages. # logstash-forwarder will pick one at random and only switch if # the selected one appears to be dead or unresponsive "servers": [ "www.stack360.io:5000" ], # The path to your client ssl certificate (optional) #"ssl certificate": "./logstash-forwarder.crt", # The path to your client ssl key (optional) #"ssl key": "./logstash-forwarder.key", # The path to your trusted ssl CA file. This is used # to authenticate your downstream server. "ssl ca": "/etc/pki/tls/certs/logstash-forwarder.crt", # Network timeout in seconds. This is most important for # logstash-forwarder determining whether to stop waiting for an # acknowledgement from the downstream server. If an timeout is reached, # logstash-forwarder will assume the connection or server is bad and # will connect to a server chosen at random from the servers list. "timeout": 15 }, # The list of files configurations "files": [ { "paths": [ "/var/log/compass/celery.log" ] } # An array of hashes. Each hash tells what paths to watch and # what fields to annotate on events from those paths. #{ #"paths": [ # single paths are fine #"/var/log/messages", # globs are fine too, they will be periodically evaluated # to see if any new files match the wildcard. #"/var/log/*.log" #], # A dictionary of fields to annotate on each event. #"fields": { "type": "syslog" } #}, { # A path of "-" means stdin. #"paths": [ "-" ], #"fields": { "type": "stdin" } #}, { #"paths": [ #"/var/log/apache/httpd-*.log" #], #"fields": { "type": "apache" } #} ] }