# Copyright 2014 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Network related database operations.""" import logging import netaddr import ipaddress import re from compass.db.api import database from compass.db.api import permission from compass.db.api import user as user_api from compass.db.api import utils from compass.db import exception from compass.db import models SUPPORTED_FIELDS = ['subnet', 'name', 'gateway'] RESP_FIELDS = [ 'id', 'name', 'subnet', 'gateway', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'reserved_range' ] ADDED_FIELDS = ['subnet'] OPTIONAL_ADDED_FIELDS = ['name', 'gateway', 'reserved_range'] IGNORE_FIELDS = [ 'id', 'created_at', 'updated_at' ] UPDATED_FIELDS = ['subnet', 'name', 'gateway', 'reserved_range'] def _check_subnet(subnet): """Check subnet format is correct.""" try: netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet) except Exception as error: logging.exception(error) raise exception.InvalidParameter( 'subnet %s format unrecognized' % subnet) def _check_ip_range(ip_ranges): """Check if the ip range is valid. The valid range can be a range or individual ips. Range should be two ips jointed with "-", different ip ranges and ips should be separated by "," e.g. "," """ for ip_range in ip_ranges.split(','): ip_ends = ip_range.split('-') try: ipaddress.IPv4Address(ip_ends[0].decode()) if len(ip_ends) == 2: ipaddress.IPv4Address(ip_ends[1].decode()) except Exception as error: logging.exception(error) raise exception.InvalidParameter( 'ip range %s format unrecognized' % ip_ranges) finally: if len(ip_ends) > 2: raise exception.InvalidParameter( 'ip range %s format unrecognized' % ip_ranges) @utils.supported_filters(optional_support_keys=SUPPORTED_FIELDS) @database.run_in_session() @user_api.check_user_permission( permission.PERMISSION_LIST_SUBNETS ) @utils.wrap_to_dict(RESP_FIELDS) def list_subnets(user=None, session=None, **filters): """List subnets.""" return utils.list_db_objects( session, models.Subnet, **filters ) def _get_subnet(subnet_id, session=None, **kwargs): """Get subnet by subnet id.""" if isinstance(subnet_id, (int, long)): return utils.get_db_object( session, models.Subnet, id=subnet_id, **kwargs ) raise exception.InvalidParameter( 'subnet id %s type is not int compatible' % subnet_id ) def get_subnet_internal(subnet_id, session=None, **kwargs): """"Helper function to get subnet.""" return _get_subnet(subnet_id=subnet_id, session=session, **kwargs) @utils.supported_filters([]) @database.run_in_session() @user_api.check_user_permission( permission.PERMISSION_LIST_SUBNETS ) @utils.wrap_to_dict(RESP_FIELDS) def get_subnet( subnet_id, exception_when_missing=True, user=None, session=None, **kwargs ): """Get subnet info.""" return _get_subnet( subnet_id, session=session, exception_when_missing=exception_when_missing ) @utils.supported_filters( ADDED_FIELDS, optional_support_keys=OPTIONAL_ADDED_FIELDS, ignore_support_keys=IGNORE_FIELDS ) @utils.input_validates(subnet=_check_subnet, reserved_range=_check_ip_range) @database.run_in_session() @user_api.check_user_permission( permission.PERMISSION_ADD_SUBNET ) @utils.wrap_to_dict(RESP_FIELDS) def add_subnet( exception_when_existing=True, subnet=None, user=None, session=None, **kwargs ): """Create a subnet.""" return utils.add_db_object( session, models.Subnet, exception_when_existing, subnet, **kwargs ) @utils.supported_filters( optional_support_keys=UPDATED_FIELDS, ignore_support_keys=IGNORE_FIELDS ) @utils.input_validates(subnet=_check_subnet, reserved_range=_check_ip_range) @database.run_in_session() @user_api.check_user_permission( permission.PERMISSION_ADD_SUBNET ) @utils.wrap_to_dict(RESP_FIELDS) def update_subnet(subnet_id, user=None, session=None, **kwargs): """Update a subnet.""" subnet = _get_subnet( subnet_id, session=session ) return utils.update_db_object(session, subnet, **kwargs) def _check_subnet_deletable(subnet): """Check a subnet deletable.""" if subnet.host_networks: host_networks = [ '%s:%s=%s' % ( host_network.host.name, host_network.interface, host_network.ip ) for host_network in subnet.host_networks ] raise exception.NotAcceptable( 'subnet %s contains host networks %s' % ( subnet.subnet, host_networks ) ) @utils.supported_filters([]) @database.run_in_session() @user_api.check_user_permission( permission.PERMISSION_DEL_SUBNET ) @utils.wrap_to_dict(RESP_FIELDS) def del_subnet(subnet_id, user=None, session=None, **kwargs): """Delete a subnet.""" subnet = _get_subnet( subnet_id, session=session ) _check_subnet_deletable(subnet) return utils.del_db_object(session, subnet)