#!/usr/bin/python # copyright 2014 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Example code to deploy a cluster by compass client api.""" import os import re import sys import time # from compass.apiclient.restful import Client from restful import Client COMPASS_SERVER_URL = 'http://localhost/api' COMPASS_LOGIN_EMAIL = 'admin@huawei.com' COMPASS_LOGIN_PASSWORD = 'admin' SWITCH_IP = '' SWITCH_SNMP_VERSION = '2c' SWITCH_SNMP_COMMUNITY = 'public' CLUSTER_NAME = 'test_cluster' HOST_NAME_PREFIX = 'host' SERVICE_USERNAME = 'service' SERVICE_PASSWORD = 'service' CONSOLE_USERNAME = 'console' CONSOLE_PASSWORD = 'console' HA_VIP = '' MANAGEMENT_IP_START = '' MANAGEMENT_IP_END = '' MANAGEMENT_IP_GATEWAY = '' MANAGEMENT_NETMASK = '' MANAGEMENT_NIC = 'eth0' MANAGEMENT_PROMISC = 0 TENANT_IP_START = '' TENANT_IP_END = '' TENANT_IP_GATEWAY = '' TENANT_NETMASK = '' TENANT_NIC = 'eth0' TENANT_PROMISC = 0 PUBLIC_IP_START = '' PUBLIC_IP_END = '' PUBLIC_IP_GATEWAY = '' PUBLIC_NETMASK = '' PUBLIC_NIC = 'eth1' PUBLIC_PROMISC = 1 STORAGE_IP_START = '' STORAGE_IP_END = '' STORAGE_NETMASK = '' STORAGE_IP_GATEWAY = '' STORAGE_NIC = 'eth0' STORAGE_PROMISC = 0 HOME_PERCENTAGE = 5 TMP_PERCENTAGE = 5 VAR_PERCENTAGE = 10 HOST_OS = 'CentOS-6.5-x86_64' PRESET_VALUES = { 'LANGUAGE': 'EN', 'TIMEZONE': 'GMT', 'HTTPS_PROXY': '', 'NO_PROXY': [''], 'DOMAIN': 'ods.com', 'NAMESERVERS': [''], 'NTP_SERVER': '', 'GATEWAY': '', 'PROXY': '', 'OS_NAME_PATTERN': 'CentOS.*', 'ADAPTER_NAME': 'openstack_icehouse', 'FLAVOR_PATTERN': 'allinone.*', 'ROLES_LIST': ['allinone-compute'], 'MACHINES_TO_ADD': ['00:0c:29:a7:ea:4b'], 'BUILD_TIMEOUT': 60, 'SEARCH_PATH': ['ods.com'], 'SERVER_USERNAME': 'root', 'SERVER_PASSWORD': 'root' } for v in PRESET_VALUES: if v in os.environ.keys(): PRESET_VALUES[v] = os.environ.get(v) print (v + PRESET_VALUES[v] + " is set by env variables") else: print (PRESET_VALUES[v]) # instantiate a client client = Client(COMPASS_SERVER_URL) # login status, response = client.login(COMPASS_LOGIN_EMAIL, COMPASS_LOGIN_PASSWORD) print '============================================================' print 'login status: %s response: %s' % (status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) # list all switches status, response = client.list_switches() print '=============================================================' print 'get all switches status: %s response: %s' % (status, response) # add a switch status, response = client.add_switch( SWITCH_IP, SWITCH_SNMP_VERSION, SWITCH_SNMP_COMMUNITY ) print '============================================' print 'adding a switch..status: %s, response: %s' % (status, response) # if switch already exists, get one from all switches switch = None if status < 400: switch = response else: status, response = client.list_switches() print '=========================================' print 'list switches status %s response %s' % (status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) for switch_ in response: if switch_['ip'] == SWITCH_IP: switch = switch_ break switch_id = switch['id'] switch_ip = switch['ip'] print '======================' print 'switch has been set as %s' % switch_ip # wait till switch state becomes under_monitoring while switch['state'] != 'under_monitoring': print 'waiting for state to become under_monitoring' client.poll_switch(switch_id) status, resp = client.get_switch(switch_id) print '=====================================' print 'poll switch status %s response %s' % (status, resp) switch = resp print 'switch is in state: %s' % switch['state'] time.sleep(5) print '=========================================' print 'switch state now is %s' % (switch['state']) # create a machine list machine_macs = {} machines = {} for machine in PRESET_VALUES['MACHINES_TO_ADD']: status, response = client.list_machines(mac=machine) print '============================================' print 'list machines status %s response %s' % (status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) if status == 200 and response != []: machine_id = response[0]['id'] machine_macs[machine_id] = response[0]['mac'] machines = response print '=================================' print 'found machines are : %s' % machines machines_to_add = PRESET_VALUES['MACHINES_TO_ADD'] if set(machine_macs.values()) != set(machines_to_add): print 'only found macs %s while expected are %s' % ( machine_macs.values(), machines_to_add) sys.exit(1) # list all adapters status, response = client.list_adapters() print '===============================' print 'all adapters are: %s' % response if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) adapters = response adapter_id = None os_id = None flavor_id = None adapter_name = PRESET_VALUES['ADPATER_NAME'] os_pattern = re.compile(PRESET_VALUES['OS_NAME_PATTERN']) flavor_pattern = re.compile(PRESET_VALUES['FLAVOR_PATTERN']) for adapter in adapters: if adapter_name == adapter['name']: adapter_id = adapter['id'] for supported_os in adapter['supported_oses']: if os_pattern.match(supported_os['name']): os_id = supported_os['id'] break for flavor in adapter['flavors']: if flavor_pattern.match(flavor['name']): flavor_id = flavor['id'] if adapter_id and os_id and flavor_id: break print '=======================================================' print 'using adapter %s os %s flavor %s to deploy cluster' % ( adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id ) # add a cluster status, response = client.add_cluster( CLUSTER_NAME, adapter_id, os_id, flavor_id ) print '===============================================================' print 'add cluster %s status %s: %s' % (CLUSTER_NAME, status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) status, response = client.list_clusters(name=CLUSTER_NAME) print '================================================================' print 'list clusters %s status %s: %s' % (CLUSTER_NAME, status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) cluster = response[0] cluster_id = cluster['id'] print '==================' print 'cluster is %s' % cluster # Add hosts to the cluster machines_dict = {} machine_id_list = [] for machine in machines: id_mapping = {} id_mapping['machine_id'] = machine['id'] machine_id_list.append(id_mapping) machines_dict['machines'] = machine_id_list status, response = client.add_hosts_to_cluster( cluster_id, machines_dict ) print '===================================' print 'add hosts %s to cluster status %s response %s' % ( machines_dict, status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) # Add two subnets subnet_1 = '' subnet_2 = '' status, response = client.add_subnet(subnet_1) print '==================' print 'add subnet %s status %s: %s' % (subnet_1, status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) status, response = client.add_subnet(subnet_2) print '==================' print 'add subnet %s status %s: %s' % (subnet_2, status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) status, subnet1 = client.list_subnets(subnet=subnet_1) print '===========================================================' print 'list subnet %s status %s: %s' % (subnet_1, status, subnet1) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) status, subnet2 = client.list_subnets(subnet=subnet_2) print '===========================================================' print 'list subnet %s status %s: %s' % (subnet_2, status, subnet2) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) subnet1_id = subnet1[0]['id'] subnet2_id = subnet2[0]['id'] print '========================' print 'subnet1 has id: %s, subnet is %s' % (subnet1_id, subnet1) print 'subnet2 has id: %s, subnet is %s' % (subnet2_id, subnet2) # Add host network status, response = client.list_cluster_hosts(cluster_id) print '================================================' print 'list cluster hosts status %s: %s' % (status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) host = response[0] host_id = host['id'] print '==================' print 'host is: %s' % host status, response = client.add_host_network( host_id, 'eth0', '', subnet1_id, is_mgmt=True ) print '=======================' print 'add eth0 network status %s: %s' % (status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) status, response = client.add_host_network( host_id, 'eth1', '', subnet2_id, is_promiscuous=True ) print '=======================' print 'add eth1 network status %s: %s' % (status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) # Update os config to cluster cluster_os_config = { 'general': { 'language': PRESET_VALUES['LANGUAGE'], 'timezone': PRESET_VALUES['TIMEZONE'], 'http_proxy': PRESET_VALUES['PROXY'], 'https_proxy': PRESET_VALUES['HTTPS_PROXY'], 'no_proxy': PRESET_VALUES['NO_PROXY'], 'ntp_server': PRESET_VALUES['NTP_SERVER'], 'dns_servers': PRESET_VALUES['NAMESERVERS'], 'domain': PRESET_VALUES['DOMAIN'], 'search_path': PRESET_VALUES['SEARCH_PATH'], 'default_gateway': PRESET_VALUES['GATEWAY'] }, 'server_credentials': { 'username': PRESET_VALUES['SERVER_USERNAME'], 'password': PRESET_VALUES['SERVER_PASSWORD'] }, 'partition': { '/var': { 'percentage': VAR_PERCENTAGE, }, '/home': { 'percentage': HOME_PERCENTAGE, } } } cluster_package_config = { 'security': { 'service_credentials': { 'image': { 'username': SERVICE_USERNAME, 'password': SERVICE_PASSWORD }, 'compute': { 'username': SERVICE_USERNAME, 'password': SERVICE_PASSWORD }, 'dashboard': { 'username': SERVICE_USERNAME, 'password': SERVICE_PASSWORD }, 'identity': { 'username': SERVICE_USERNAME, 'password': SERVICE_PASSWORD }, 'metering': { 'username': SERVICE_USERNAME, 'password': SERVICE_PASSWORD }, 'rabbitmq': { 'username': SERVICE_USERNAME, 'password': SERVICE_PASSWORD }, 'volume': { 'username': SERVICE_USERNAME, 'password': SERVICE_PASSWORD }, 'mysql': { 'username': SERVICE_USERNAME, 'password': SERVICE_PASSWORD } }, 'console_credentials': { 'admin': { 'username': CONSOLE_USERNAME, 'password': CONSOLE_PASSWORD }, 'compute': { 'username': CONSOLE_USERNAME, 'password': CONSOLE_PASSWORD }, 'dashboard': { 'username': CONSOLE_USERNAME, 'password': CONSOLE_PASSWORD }, 'image': { 'username': CONSOLE_USERNAME, 'password': CONSOLE_PASSWORD }, 'metering': { 'username': CONSOLE_USERNAME, 'password': CONSOLE_PASSWORD }, 'network': { 'username': CONSOLE_USERNAME, 'password': CONSOLE_PASSWORD }, 'object-store': { 'username': CONSOLE_USERNAME, 'password': CONSOLE_PASSWORD }, 'volume': { 'username': CONSOLE_USERNAME, 'password': CONSOLE_PASSWORD } } }, 'network_mapping': { 'management': MANAGEMENT_NIC, 'tenant': TENANT_NIC, 'storage': STORAGE_NIC, 'public': PUBLIC_NIC } } status, response = client.update_cluster_config( cluster_id, cluster_os_config, cluster_package_config ) print '=======================================' print 'cluster %s update status %s: %s' % ( cluster_id, status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) status, response = client.update_cluster_host( cluster_id, host_id, roles=PRESET_VALUES['ROLES_LIST']) print '=================================================' print 'update cluster host %s/%s status %s: %s' % ( cluster_id, host_id, status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) # Review and deploy status, response = client.review_cluster( cluster_id, review={'hosts': [host_id]}) print '=======================================' print 'reviewing cluster status %s: %s' % (status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1) status, response = client.deploy_cluster( cluster_id, deploy={'hosts': [host_id]}) print '=======================================' print 'deploy cluster status %s: %s' % (status, response) if status >= 400: sys.exit(1)