path: root/compass-deck/bin/
diff options
authorHarry Huang <>2017-11-01 11:56:50 +0800
committerHarry Huang <>2017-11-03 11:48:46 +0800
commit905b0231e93ce2409a45dd6c4f5f983689fdb790 (patch)
tree8b3c8c78773194e048072368fe793135a05e44f1 /compass-deck/bin/
parent3656ab7b5e3f2f26f7c98f9dcc97b3c461fa2a76 (diff)
Add compass-deck
RESTful API and DB Handlers for Compass Change-Id: I1ce411f279943764c286ea48dca9185d453cf254 Signed-off-by: Harry Huang <>
Diffstat (limited to 'compass-deck/bin/')
1 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compass-deck/bin/ b/compass-deck/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..23b0c46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compass-deck/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2014 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""deploy cluster from csv file."""
+import ast
+import copy
+import csv
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from multiprocessing import Process
+from multiprocessing import Queue
+from optparse import OptionParser
+ from compass.apiclient.restful import Client
+except ImportError:
+ curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ apiclient_dir = os.path.dirname(curr_dir) + '/compass/apiclient'
+ sys.path.append(apiclient_dir)
+ from restful import Client
+# Sqlite tables
+ 'switch_config': {'columns': ['id', 'ip', 'filter_port']},
+ 'switch': {'columns': ['id', 'ip', 'credential_data']},
+ 'machine': {'columns': ['id', 'mac', 'port', 'vlan', 'switch_id']},
+ 'cluster': {'columns': ['id', 'name', 'security_config',
+ 'networking_config', 'partition_config',
+ 'adapter_id', 'state']},
+ 'cluster_host': {'columns': ['id', 'cluster_id', 'hostname', 'machine_id',
+ 'config_data', 'state']},
+ 'adapter': {'columns': ['id', 'name', 'os', 'target_system']},
+ 'role': {'columns': ['id', 'name', 'target_system', 'description']}
+def start(csv_dir, compass_url):
+ """Start deploy both failed clusters and new clusters."""
+ # Get clusters and hosts data from CSV
+ clusters_data = get_csv('cluster.csv', csv_dir)
+ hosts_data = get_csv('cluster_host.csv', csv_dir)
+ data = {}
+ for cluster in clusters_data:
+ tmp = {}
+ tmp['cluster_data'] = cluster
+ tmp['hosts_data'] = []
+ data[cluster['id']] = tmp
+ for host in hosts_data:
+ cluster_id = host['cluster_id']
+ if cluster_id not in data:
+ print ("Unknown cluster_id=%s of the host! host_id=%s!"
+ % (cluster_id, host['id']))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ data[cluster_id]['hosts_data'].append(host)
+ apiClient = _APIClient(compass_url)
+ results_q = Queue()
+ ps = []
+ for elem in data:
+ cluster_data = data[elem]['cluster_data']
+ hosts_data = data[elem]['hosts_data']
+ p = Process(target=apiClient.execute,
+ args=(cluster_data, hosts_data, results_q))
+ ps.append(p)
+ p.start()
+ for p in ps:
+ p.join()
+ progress_file = '/'.join((csv_dir, 'progress.csv'))
+ write_progress_to_file(results_q, progress_file)
+def write_progress_to_file(results_q, progress_file):
+ cluster_headers = ['cluster_id', 'progress_url']
+ host_headers = ['host_id', 'progress_url']
+ with open(progress_file, 'wb') as f:
+ print "Writing all progress information to %s......" % progress_file
+ writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=DELIMITER, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
+ while not results_q.empty():
+ record = results_q.get()
+ hosts = []
+ cluster = [record['deployment']['cluster']['cluster_id'],
+ record['deployment']['cluster']['url']]
+ writer.writerow(cluster_headers)
+ writer.writerow(cluster)
+ for elem in record['deployment']['hosts']:
+ host = [elem['host_id'], elem['url']]
+ hosts.append(host)
+ writer.writerow(host_headers)
+ writer.writerows(hosts)
+ print "Done!\n"
+def get_csv(fname, csv_dir):
+ """Parse csv files into python variables.
+ .. note::
+ all nested fields in db will be assembled.
+ :param fname: CSV file name
+ :param csv_dir: CSV files directory
+ :returns: list of dict which key is column name and value is its data.
+ """
+ headers = []
+ rows = []
+ file_dir = '/'.join((csv_dir, fname))
+ with open(file_dir) as f:
+ reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=DELIMITER, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
+ headers =
+ rows = [x for x in reader]
+ result = []
+ for row in rows:
+ data = {}
+ for col_name, value in zip(headers, row):
+ if re.match(r'^[\d]+$', value):
+ # the value should be an integer
+ value = int(value)
+ elif re.match(r'^\[(\'\w*\'){1}(\s*,\s*\'\w*\')*\]$', value):
+ # the value should be a list
+ value = ast.literal_eval(value)
+ elif value == 'None':
+ value = ''
+ if col_name.find('.') > 0:
+ tmp_result = {}
+ tmp_result[col_name.split('.')[-1]] = value
+ keys = col_name.split('.')[::-1][1:]
+ for key in keys:
+ tmp = {}
+ tmp[key] = tmp_result
+ tmp_result = tmp
+ merge_dict(data, tmp_result)
+ else:
+ data[col_name] = value
+ result.append(data)
+ return result
+def merge_dict(lhs, rhs, override=True):
+ """Merge nested right dict into left nested dict recursively.
+ :param lhs: dict to be merged into.
+ :type lhs: dict
+ :param rhs: dict to merge from.
+ :type rhs: dict
+ :param override: the value in rhs overide the value in left if True.
+ :type override: str
+ :raises: TypeError if lhs or rhs is not a dict.
+ """
+ if not rhs:
+ return
+ if not isinstance(lhs, dict):
+ raise TypeError('lhs type is %s while expected is dict' % type(lhs),
+ lhs)
+ if not isinstance(rhs, dict):
+ raise TypeError('rhs type is %s while expected is dict' % type(rhs),
+ rhs)
+ for key, value in rhs.items():
+ if isinstance(value, dict) and key in lhs and isinstance(lhs[key],
+ dict):
+ merge_dict(lhs[key], value, override)
+ else:
+ if override or key not in lhs:
+ lhs[key] = copy.deepcopy(value)
+class _APIClient(Client):
+ def __init__(self, url, headers=None, proxies=None, stream=None):
+ super(_APIClient, self).__init__(url, headers, proxies, stream)
+ def set_cluster_resource(self, cluster_id, resource, data):
+ url = "/clusters/%d/%s" % (cluster_id, resource)
+ return self._put(url, data=data)
+ def execute(self, cluster_data, hosts_data, resp_results):
+ """The process includes creating or updating a cluster.
+ The cluster configuration, add or update a host in the cluster,
+ and deploy the updated hosts.
+ :param cluster_data: the dictionary of cluster data
+ """
+ cluster_id = cluster_data['id']
+ code, resp = self.get_cluster(cluster_id)
+ if code == 404:
+ # Create a new cluster
+ name = cluster_data['name']
+ adapter_id = cluster_data['adapter_id']
+ code, resp = self.add_cluster(name, adapter_id)
+ if code != 200:
+ print ("Failed to create the cluster which name is "
+ "%s!\nError message: %s" % (name, resp['message']))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Update the config(security, networking, partition) of the cluster
+ security_req = {}
+ networking_req = {}
+ partition_req = {}
+ security_req['security'] = cluster_data['security_config']
+ networking_req['networking'] = cluster_data['networking_config']
+ partition_req['partition'] = cluster_data['partition_config']
+ print "Update Security config......."
+ code, resp = self.set_cluster_resource(cluster_id, 'security',
+ security_req)
+ if code != 200:
+ print ("Failed to update Security config for cluster id=%s!\n"
+ "Error message: " % (cluster_id, resp['message']))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print "Update Networking config......."
+ code, resp = self.set_cluster_resource(cluster_id, 'networking',
+ networking_req)
+ if code != 200:
+ print ("Failed to update Networking config for cluster id=%s!\n"
+ "Error message: %s" % (cluster_id, resp['message']))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print "Update Partition config......."
+ code, resp = self.set_cluster_resource(cluster_id, 'partition',
+ partition_req)
+ if code != 200:
+ print ("Failed to update Partition config for cluster id=%s!\n"
+ "Error message: " % (cluster_id, resp['message']))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ deploy_list = []
+ deploy_hosts_data = []
+ machines_list = []
+ new_hosts_data = []
+ for record in hosts_data:
+ if record['state'] and int(record['deploy_action']):
+ deploy_list.append(record['id'])
+ deploy_hosts_data.append(record)
+ elif int(record['deploy_action']):
+ machines_list.append(record['machine_id'])
+ new_hosts_data.append(record)
+ if machines_list:
+ # add new hosts to the cluster
+ code, resp = self.add_hosts(cluster_id, machines_list)
+ if code != 200:
+ print ("Failed to add hosts to the cluster id=%s!\n"
+ "Error message: %s.\nfailed hosts are %s"
+ % (cluster_id, resp['message'], resp['failedMachines']))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ for record, host in zip(new_hosts_data, resp['cluster_hosts']):
+ record['id'] = host['id']
+ deploy_list.append(host['id'])
+ deploy_hosts_data.append(record)
+ # Update the config of each host in the cluster
+ for host in deploy_hosts_data:
+ req = {}
+ host_id = host['id']
+ print "Updating the config of host id=%s" % host['id']
+ req['hostname'] = host['hostname']
+ req.update(host['config_data'])
+ code, resp = self.update_host_config(int(host_id), raw_data=req)
+ if code != 200:
+ print ("Failed to update the config of the host id=%s!\n"
+ "Error message: %s" % (host_id, resp['message']))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Start to deploy the cluster
+ print "Start to deploy the cluster!....."
+ deploy_req = {"deploy": deploy_list}
+ code, resp = self.deploy_hosts(cluster_id, raw_data=deploy_req)
+ print "---Cluster Info---"
+ print "cluster_id url"
+ print (" %s %s"
+ % (resp['deployment']['cluster']['cluster_id'],
+ resp['deployment']['cluster']['url']))
+ print "---Hosts Info-----"
+ print "host_id url"
+ for host in resp['deployment']['hosts']:
+ print " %s %s" % (host['host_id'], host['url'])
+ print "---------------------------------------------------------------"
+ print "\n"
+ resp_results.put(resp)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
+ parser = OptionParser(usage)
+ parser.add_option("-d", "--csv-dir", dest="csv_dir",
+ help="The directory of CSV files used for depolyment")
+ parser.add_option("-u", "--compass-url", dest="compass_url",
+ help="The URL of Compass server")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if not os.exists(options.csv_dir):
+ print "Cannot find the directory: %s" % options.csv_dir
+ start(options.csv_dir, options.compass_url)