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.. (c) Authors of Clover

Clover User Guide (Fraser Release)

This document provides the Clover user guide for the OPNFV Fraser release.


As project Clover's first release, the Fraser release includes installation and simple
validation of foundational upstream projects including Istio, fluentd, Jaeger, and
Prometheus. The Clover Fraser release also provides a sample set of web-oriented network
services, which follow a micro-service design pattern, its Kubernetes manifest, and an
automated script to demonstrate a sample A-B testing use-case. The A-B sample script
validates performance criteria using Istio request routing functionality leveraging
the sample services deployed within Istio and the tracing data available within Jaeger.

What is in Fraser?

 * Sample micro-service composed VNF named Service Delivery Controller (SDC)

 * Logging module: fluentd and elasticsearch Kubernetes manifests,
   and fluentd installation validation

 * Tracing module: Jaeger Kubernetes manifest, installation validation,
   Jaegar tracing query tools, and module for trace data output to datastore

 * Monitoring module: Prometheus Kubernetes manifest, installation
   validation, and sample Prometheous query of Istio related metrics

 * Istio route-rules sample yaml and validation tools

 * Test scripts

 * Sample code for an A-B testing demo shown during ONS North America 2018


 * Python modules to validate installation of fluentd logging, Jaeger tracing, and
   Prometheus monitoring. Deployment and validation instructions can be found at:
   :ref:`logging`, :ref:`tracing`, and :ref:`monitoring` respectively.

 * Deployment and usage of SDC sample
   - Services designed and implemented with micro-service design pattern
   - Tested and validated via Istio service mesh tools
   Detailed usage instructions for the sample can be found at :ref:`sdc_config_guide`

 * An example use-case for A-B testing. Detailed usage instructions for this sample A-B
   validation can be found at: :ref:`a_b_config_guide`

 * Sample tool to validate Istio route rules:
   tools/python clover_validate_route_rules.py -s <service name> -t <test id>