.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. SPDX-License-Identifier CC-BY-4.0 .. (c) Authors of Clover ================================================================ Clover User Guide (Fraser Release) ================================================================ This document provides the Clover user guide for OPNFV Fraser release. .. contents:: :depth: 3 :local: Description =========== As project Clover's first release, Fraser release includes installation and simple validation of foundational upstream projects including Istio, fluentd, Jaeger, and Prometheus. Clover Fraser release also provides a sample VNF which follows micro-service design pattern, its Kubernetes manifest, and an automatic scipt to demonstrate a sample A-B testing use case using the sample VNF running on Istio with trace data exposed to Jaeger. What is in Fraser? ================== * a sample micro-service composed VNF * logging module: fluentd and elasticsearch Kubernetes manifests, and fluentd installation validation * tracing module: jaeger Kubernetes manifest, installation validation, jaegar tracing query tools, module for trace data output to datastore * monitoring module: prometheus Kubernetes manifest, installation validation, sample Prometheous query of Istio related metrics * Istio route-rules sample yaml and validation tools * Test scripts * Sample code for an A-B testing demo shown during ONS Usage ===== * Python modules to validate installation of fluentd, Jaeger, and Prometheus * Installation and deployment of a sample VNF - VNF designed and implemented with micro-service design pattern - tested and validated via Istio service mesh tools * sample tool to validate Istio route rules: tools/python clover_validate_route_rules.py -s -t * an example use case: A-B testing: test/fraser_a_b_test.py -t yaml/fraser_a_b_test.yaml -p *** detail procedure to run sample A-B testing at docs/configguide/...