#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) Authors of Clover # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 import getopt import subprocess import sys import time import uuid import yaml #sys.path.insert(0, '..') from clover.orchestration.kube_client import KubeClient import clover.servicemesh.route_rules as rr from clover.tools.validate_rr import ValidateWRR from clover.tracing.tracing import Tracing from validate_success import validate_perf def _format_perf_data(perf_dict, dep_name, svc): in_pod= None out_pod = None out_pod_list = [] for key, perf in perf_dict.items(): if key == 'in': continue elif key == 'out': if 'out_svc' in perf: out_pod = perf.get('out_svc') elif 'out_svc' in perf: if perf.get('out_svc') == svc: in_pod = key if out_pod: out_pod_list = [key for key in perf_dict.keys() if out_pod in key.lower()] if out_pod_list: out_pod = out_pod_list[0] print("{: >20} {: >20} {: >20}".format(*[in_pod, dep_name] + out_pod_list)) print("{: >20} {: >20} {: >20}".format(*[perf_dict[in_pod].get('average'), perf_dict['in'].get('average'), perf_dict[out_pod].get('average')])) return print("{: >20} {: >20} {: >20}".format(*[in_pod, dep_name, out_pod])) print("{: >20} {: >20}".format(*[perf_dict[in_pod].get('average'), perf_dict['in'].get('average')])) def main(argv): test_yaml = None namespace = 'default' tracing_port = 0 help_str = 'python fraser_a_b_test.py -t -n -p ' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"ht:n:p:",["test-yaml", "namespace", "tracing-port"]) except getopt.GetoptError: print help_str sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print help_str sys.exit() elif opt in ("-t", "--test-yaml"): test_yaml = str(arg) elif opt in ("-n", "--namespace"): namespace = str(arg) elif opt in ("-p", "--tracing-port"): tracing_port = int(arg) if not test_yaml or tracing_port == 0: print help_str sys.exit(3) with open(test_yaml) as fp: test_params = yaml.load(fp) ''' Steps: (1) get version one info (2) get version two info (3) start version two (4) validate version two pod and sidecar all up (5) load A-B testing route rules (6) execute traffic test script (7) validate route rules traffic distribution (8) validate version two success criteria (9) if (8) works, change to version 2 only (10) execute traffic test script (11) validate route rules traffic distribution ''' APP_BASE = 'test/app/' POLICY_BASE = 'test/istio/' SCRIPT_BASE = 'test/script/' print('Current pods running at namespace %s' % namespace) # as this is just for display purpose, we directly use kubectl get pods cmd = 'kubectl get pods -n %s' % namespace output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) print(output) print('Current services running at namespace %s' % namespace) cmd = 'kubectl get svc -n %s' % namespace output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) print(output) # service under test test_svc = test_params.get('test-svc') print('Service under test: %s' % test_svc) k8s_client = KubeClient() on, _ = k8s_client.check_pod_up('istio-sidecar-injector', 'istio-system') print('Istio automatic sidecar injection is %s' % on) dep_a_name = test_params.get('deployment-A') dep_b = test_params.get('deployment-B') dep_b_name = dep_b.get('name') dep_b_yaml = APP_BASE + dep_b.get('manifest') additional_deps = test_params.get('additional-deployments') # TODO(s3wong): use istio-inject, then use kube_client to invoke dep_list = [] print('Deploying %s...' % dep_b_name) if not on: cmd_temp = 'istioctl kube-inject -f %s > app/__tmp.yaml; kubectl apply -f app/__tmp.yaml; rm -f app/__tmp.yaml' else: cmd_temp = 'kubectl apply -f %s' up, _ = k8s_client.check_pod_up(dep_b_name, namespace=namespace) if up: print('%s already has pod up, no need to spawn...' % dep_b_name) else: cmd = cmd_temp % dep_b_yaml output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) print(output) dep_list.append({'name': dep_b_name, 'up': False}) if additional_deps: for dep in additional_deps: dep_name = dep.get('name') dep_yaml = APP_BASE + dep.get('manifest') up, _ = k8s_client.check_pod_up(dep_name, namespace=namespace) if up: print('%s already has pod up, no need to spawn...' % dep_name) else: cmd = cmd_temp % dep_yaml output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) print(output) dep_list.append({'name': dep_name, 'up': False}) time.sleep(3) wait_count = 0 continue_waiting = False while wait_count < 5: continue_waiting = False for dep in dep_list: if not dep.get('up'): dep['up'], _ = k8s_client.check_pod_up(dep.get('name'), namespace=namespace) if not dep['up']: continue_waiting = True if continue_waiting: wait_count += 1 time.sleep(3) else: break if continue_waiting: print('Some pods are still not up after 15 seconds: %s' % dep_list) sys.exit(4) print('All pods are up') cmd = 'kubectl get pods -n %s' % namespace output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) print(output) time.sleep(3) a_b_test_rr_yaml = POLICY_BASE + test_params.get('ab-test-rr') print('Loading route rules in %s' % a_b_test_rr_yaml) ret = rr.load_route_rules(a_b_test_rr_yaml) print('Route rules are now %s' % rr.get_route_rules()) time.sleep(5) redis_pod = k8s_client.find_pod_by_name('redis') if not redis_pod: print('redis not running in default namespace') sys.exit(6) redis_ip = redis_pod.get('pod_ip') tracing = Tracing(tracing_ip='localhost', tracing_port=str(tracing_port), redis_ip=redis_ip) # turn off tracing to redis for warm up run tracing.use_redis = False traffic_test_dict = test_params.get('traffic-test') traffic_test_script = traffic_test_dict.get('name') traffic_test_params = traffic_test_dict.get('params') cmd = SCRIPT_BASE + traffic_test_script if traffic_test_params: for param in traffic_test_params: cmd = cmd + ' ' + str(param) print('Execute traffic test %s' % cmd) ''' print('Warming up for route rules to take place') try: output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: print('%s returns error %s' % e.output) print(output) print('Running recorded traffic test...') ''' time.sleep(30) tracing.use_redis = True test_id = uuid.uuid4() rr.set_route_rules(test_id) tracing.setTest(test_id) try: output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: print('non zero return value on traffic script: %s, ignoring...' % e.output) print(output) time.sleep(30) traces = tracing.getTraces(test_svc, 0) tracing.outTraces(traces) time.sleep(3) print('Validating route rules...') validate_wrr = ValidateWRR(test_id, redis_ip=redis_ip) ret, errors = validate_wrr.validate(test_svc) # TODO(s3wong): for now, route rules failure seems more like a warning if ret: print('Route rules for service %s validated' % test_svc) else: print('Route rules for service %s validation failed' % test_svc) for err in errors: print err success_factors = test_params.get('success') if success_factors: criteria = success_factors.get('criteria') success_check = True for criterion in criteria: c_type = criterion.get('type') if c_type == 'performance': condition = int(criterion.get('condition')) ret_dict = validate_perf(tracing, test_id, test_svc, dep_a_name, dep_b_name) # print performance data _format_perf_data(ret_dict.get(dep_a_name), dep_a_name, test_svc) print('\n') _format_perf_data(ret_dict.get(dep_b_name), dep_b_name, test_svc) ret = (ret_dict.get(dep_b_name).get('in').get('average') <= \ (ret_dict.get(dep_a_name).get('in').get('average') * condition / 100)) if not ret: print('Performance check failed') success_check = False break else: print('Performance check succeed') ''' elif c_type == 'services': srv_list = criterion.get('services') ret = check_services_traverse(tracing, test_id, test_svc, dep_b_name, srv_list) if not ret: print('Additional services traversal test failed') success_check = False break else: print('Additional services traversal test succeed') ''' if success_check: actions = success_factors.get('action') else: failed = success_factors.get('failed') actions = failed.get('action') for action in actions: action_type = action.get('type') if action_type == 'commit' or action_type == 'rollback': rr.delete_route_rules(a_b_test_rr_yaml, namespace) ret = rr.load_route_rules(POLICY_BASE + action.get('routerule')) if ret: print('loading route rule %s succeed' % action.get('routerule')) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])