Result API ========== Table of contents ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - `Description <#Description>`__ - `Architecture <#Architecture>`__ - `Managing configuration <#Managing%20configuration>`__ - `How to Use <#How%20to%20Use>`__ ---------------------- Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Result API is very simple write-only API for storing results of any size to multiple storage endpoints. Results API focuses on only sending test results to required destinations so that they can be later viewed by user but do not implements read functionality as this is not required while running tests Usage is very simple: ''''''''''''''''''''' .. code:: python from result_api import result_api as api from result_api import Local # First register storage enpoints endpoint = Local() api.register_storage(endpoint) # Now, use anywhere in program Note: In above example we used only one storage endpoints so, whenever ``api`` will make call to ``store()`` method it will be used. But if register multiple storage endpoints then whenever ``api`` will make call to ``store()`` method all endpoints will be called to store data. This package doesn't allows to selectively make calls to different storage endpoint for storing. Instead follows **one api -> many endpoint (one to many)** design. ---------------------- Architecture ~~~~~~~~~~~~ |img| *ResultsAPI exports data to various storage endpoints like harddisk, SQL, Mongo, etc. exposed by StorageAPI in write-only mode* ---------------------- Managing configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Result API uses `Conf: Program Settings handler <../conf/>`__ to manage all it's settings. So, user can change any settings of ResultAPI as they need. ``Conf`` allows to change settings in two ways either read from file ``settings.load_from_file(path/to/file)`` or set inside program ``settings.setValue(key, Value)`` Configurations available: +-----------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Storage | setting | optional | +=================+=====================+=====================================+ | Local Storage | results\_path | Yes, defaults to ``/tmp/local/`` | +-----------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Local Storage | results\_filename | Yes, defaults to ``results.json`` | +-----------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------+ ---------------------- How to Use ~~~~~~~~~~ For using ResultAPI successfully the following steps are required #. **Import result\_api instance** from ResultAPI package as this instance will be commonly used across our program. #. **Import required StorageAPI** #. **Set Storage settings** or load settings from file #. **Create Storage Endpoints from StorageAPI** #. **Register Storage Endpoints with result\_api** Now, result\_api is ready to use. We can send values to all registered storage endpoints by making a simple call to ```store()`` method <#store()%20method>`__ store() method '''''''''''''' ``result_api`` has ``store(dict)`` method for storing data. .. code:: python # data must be a dict data = { 'key1': "value1", 'key2': 5, 'dumykeytext': "dummy string value"} rfile ''''' rfile stands for result file. When you have extremely big value for a key you would like to tell your storage endpoint to store them in separate file and refer them in actual key. For storing value of type file in result\_api use rfile construct. .. code:: python data = { 'name': 'example', 'myfile': rfile('Text to store in this file')} # Respective StorageAPI will evaluate "data" for all rfile values and store their text in some separate file/storage-object and put there refernece in "data" Use Local Storage with Result API ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. code:: python from result_api import result_api as api from result_api import Local from result_api import rfile def main(): # Update settings required for Local storage settings.setValue('results_path', '/tmp/myresults/') settings.setValue('results_filename', 'results.json') # Register Local() to result_api, this will load above settings automatically api.register_storage(Local()) data = { 'testcase': "RA1.24", 'value': 'Pass', 'logs': rfile('These are logs')} # Now, store any data Register Storage Endpoint ''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. code:: python from import MyStorageAPI # Set required settings values for storage endpoint settings.setValue('mysetting1', 'value') settings.setValue('mysetting2', 'value2') #Now Register StorageAPI to ResultAPI endpoint = MyStorageAPI() api.register_storage(endpoint) Changing settings ''''''''''''''''' .. code:: python # Set values in a yaml file and load it settings.load_from_file('result.yml') # Or set in program settings.setValue('key', 'value') # Note above steps will only change settings values but will not impact any previously registered storage endpoints # To use endpoints with new value, register new endpoints endpoint = MyStorageAPI() api.register_storage(endpoint) # And do not forget to unregister old endpoint as they have old settings api.unregister_storage(old_endpoint) .. |img| image:: result-api-architecture.png