# Copyright 2020 University Of Delhi. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Airship Validator """ import logging from datetime import datetime as dt from tools.conf import settings from tools.kube_utils import load_kube_api, delete_kube_curl_pod from validator.validator import Validator from . import * class AirshipValidator(Validator): """Class for Airship Validation """ def __init__(self): """ Initialisation function. """ super(AirshipValidator, self).__init__() self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._report = {"installer": "Airship", "criteria": "pass", "details": {"total_checks": 0, "pass": [], "fail": [], "metadata": {} } } load_kube_api() def validate(self): """ Validation method """ self._report['scenario'] = 'none' self._report['case_name'] = 'ook_airship' self._report['start_date'] = dt.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # PLATFORM CHECKS self.update_report(pod_health_check()) # STORAGE CHECKS self.update_report(ceph_health_check()) # MONITORING & LOGGING AGENTS CHECKS self.update_report(prometheus_check()) self.update_report(grafana_check()) ## current version of AlertManager doesn't support this # prometheus_alert_manager_check() self.update_report(elasticsearch_check()) self.update_report(kibana_check()) self.update_report(nagios_check()) self.update_report(elasticsearch_exporter_check()) self.update_report(fluentd_exporter_check()) # NETWORK CHECKS self.update_report(physical_network_check()) # COMPUTE CHECKS self.update_report(reserved_vnf_cores_check()) self.update_report(isolated_cores_check()) self.update_report(vswitch_pmd_cores_check()) self.update_report(vswitch_dpdk_lcores_check()) self.update_report(os_reserved_cores_check()) self.update_report(nova_scheduler_filters_check()) self.update_report(cpu_allocation_ratio_check()) delete_kube_curl_pod() self._report['stop_date'] = dt.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') def update_report(self, result): """ Updates report with new results """ case_name = result['case_name'] criteria = result['criteria'] self._report['details']['total_checks'] += 1 if criteria == 'pass': self._report['details']['pass'].append(case_name) elif criteria == 'fail': self._report['details']['fail'].append(case_name) self._report['criteria'] = 'fail' def get_report(self): """ Return final report as dict """ self._report["project_name"] = settings.getValue("project_name") self._report["version"] = settings.getValue("project_version") self._report["build_tag"] = "none" pdf = settings.getValue('pdf_file') self._report["pod_name"] = pdf['management_info']['resource_pool_name'] store_result(self._report) return self._report