///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems) and others / // / // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials / // are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 / // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at / // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 / ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Template Component: ZoneDashboard */ //import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { Template } from 'meteor/templating'; import { ReactiveDict } from 'meteor/reactive-dict'; import { Inventory } from '/imports/api/inventories/inventories'; import { SimpleSchema } from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema'; import { regexEscape } from '/imports/lib/regex-utils'; import * as R from 'ramda'; import { store } from '/imports/ui/store/store'; import { Icon } from '/imports/lib/icon'; //import '/imports/ui/components/accordionNavMenu/accordionNavMenu'; import '/imports/ui/components/data-cubic/data-cubic'; import '/imports/ui/components/list-info-box/list-info-box'; import './zone-dashboard.html'; let infoBoxes = [{ header: ['components', 'zoneDashboard', 'infoBoxes', 'instances', 'header'], dataSource: 'instancesCount', icon: { type: 'fa', name: 'desktop' }, theme: 'dark' }, { header: ['components', 'zoneDashboard', 'infoBoxes', 'vServices', 'header'], dataSource: 'vServicesCount', icon: { type: 'fa', name: 'object-group' }, theme: 'dark' }, { header: ['components', 'zoneDashboard', 'infoBoxes', 'hosts', 'header'], dataSource: 'hostsCount', icon: { type: 'fa', name: 'server' }, theme: 'dark' }, { header: ['components', 'zoneDashboard', 'infoBoxes', 'vConnectors', 'header'], dataSource: 'vConnectorsCount', icon: { type: 'fa', name: 'compress' }, theme: 'dark' }, { header: ['components', 'zoneDashboard', 'infoBoxes', 'vEdges', 'header'], dataSource: 'vEdgesCount', icon: { type: 'fa', name: 'external-link' }, theme: 'dark' }]; let listInfoBoxes = [{ header: ['components', 'zoneDashboard', 'listInfoBoxes', 'hosts', 'header'], listName: 'hosts', listItemFormat: { getLabelFn: (item) => { return item.name; }, getValueFn: (item) => { return item._id._str; }, }, icon: { type: 'material', name: 'developer_board' }, }]; /* * Lifecycles */ Template.ZoneDashboard.onCreated(function() { var instance = this; instance.state = new ReactiveDict(); instance.state.setDefault({ _id: null, id_path: null, instancesCount: 0, vServicesCount: 0, hostsCount: 0, vConnectors: 0, vEdges: 0, }); instance.autorun(function () { let data = Template.currentData(); new SimpleSchema({ _id: { type: { _str: { type: String, regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Id } } }, onNodeSelected: { type: Function }, }).validate(data); instance.state.set('_id', data._id); }); instance.autorun(function () { let _id = instance.state.get('_id'); instance.subscribe('inventory?_id', _id); Inventory.find({ _id: _id }).forEach((zone) => { instance.state.set('id_path', zone.id_path); instance.subscribe('inventory?id_path', zone.id_path); instance.subscribe('inventory?id_path_start&type', zone.id_path, 'instance'); instance.subscribe('inventory?id_path_start&type', zone.id_path, 'vservice'); instance.subscribe('inventory?id_path_start&type', zone.id_path, 'host'); instance.subscribe('inventory?id_path_start&type', zone.id_path, 'vconnector'); instance.subscribe('inventory?id_path_start&type', zone.id_path, 'vedge'); let idPathExp = new RegExp(`^${regexEscape(zone.id_path)}`); instance.state.set('instancesCount', Inventory.find({ id_path: idPathExp, type: 'instance' }).count()); instance.state.set('vServicesCount', Inventory.find({ id_path: idPathExp, type: 'vservice' }).count()); instance.state.set('hostsCount', Inventory.find({ id_path: idPathExp, type: 'host' }).count()); instance.state.set('vConnectorsCount', Inventory.find({ id_path: idPathExp, type: 'vconnector' }).count()); instance.state.set('vEdgesCount', Inventory.find({ id_path: idPathExp, type: 'vedge' }).count()); }); }); }); /* Template.ZoneDashboard.rendered = function() { }; */ /* * Events */ Template.ZoneDashboard.events({ }); /* * Helpers */ Template.ZoneDashboard.helpers({ zone: function () { let instance = Template.instance(); let _id = instance.state.get('_id'); return Inventory.findOne({ _id: _id }); }, infoBoxes: function () { return infoBoxes; }, listInfoBoxes: function () { return listInfoBoxes; }, argsInfoBox: function (infoBox) { let instance = Template.instance(); return { header: R.path(infoBox.header, store.getState().api.i18n), dataInfo: instance.state.get(infoBox.dataSource).toString(), icon: new Icon(infoBox.icon), theme: infoBox.theme }; }, argsListInfoBox: function (listInfoBox) { let instance = Template.instance(); let data = Template.currentData(); let zone_id_path = instance.state.get('id_path'); return { header: R.path(listInfoBox.header, store.getState().api.i18n), list: getList(listInfoBox.listName, zone_id_path), //dataInfo: instance.state.get(infoBox.dataSource).toString(), icon: new Icon(listInfoBox.icon), //theme: infoBox.theme listItemFormat: listInfoBox.listItemFormat, onItemSelected: function (itemKey) { data.onNodeSelected(new Mongo.ObjectID(itemKey)); } }; } }); function getList(listName, parentIdPath) { let idPathExp = new RegExp(`^${regexEscape(parentIdPath)}`); switch (listName) { case 'hosts': return Inventory.find({ id_path: idPathExp, type: 'host' }); default: throw 'unknowned list type'; } }