///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems) and others / // / // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials / // are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 / // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at / // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 / ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Template Component: ScanningRequest */ //import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { Template } from 'meteor/templating'; import { ReactiveDict } from 'meteor/reactive-dict'; import { SimpleSchema } from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema'; import * as R from 'ramda'; import { Constants } from '/imports/api/constants/constants'; //import { createInputArgs } from '/imports/ui/lib/input-model'; import { createSelectArgs } from '/imports/ui/lib/select-model'; import { Scans } from '/imports/api/scans/scans'; import '/imports/ui/components/input-model/input-model'; import '/imports/ui/components/select-model/select-model'; import { insert, } from '/imports/api/scans/methods'; import './scanning-request.html'; const noteTypeScanExists = { type: 'scanExists', message: 'There is already a scan in progess in the system. Please wait until it ends.' }; /* * Lifecycles */ Template.ScanningRequest.onCreated(function() { let instance = this; instance.state = new ReactiveDict(); instance.state.setDefault({ env: null, action: 'insert', isError: false, isSuccess: false, isMessage: false, message: null, disabled: false, notifications: {}, model: {}, beforeInsert: true }); instance.autorun(function () { let data = Template.currentData(); new SimpleSchema({ action: { type: String, allowedValues: ['insert', 'view', 'update'] }, env: { type: String, optional: true }, _id: { type: { _str: { type: String, regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Id } }, optional: true }, }).validate(data); switch (data.action) { case 'insert': initInsertView(instance, data); break; case 'view': initViewView(instance, data); break; default: throw 'unimplemented action'; } }); }); /* Template.ScanningRequest.rendered = function() { }; */ /* * Events */ Template.ScanningRequest.events({ 'click .js-submit-button': function(event, instance) { submitItem(instance); } }); /* * Helpers */ Template.ScanningRequest.helpers({ getState: function (key) { let instance = Template.instance(); return instance.state.get(key); }, notifications: function () { let instance = Template.instance(); let notifications = instance.state.get('notifications'); let notesExpaned = R.pipe( R.map((noteType) => { switch(noteType) { case noteTypeScanExists.type: return noteTypeScanExists.message; default: return ''; } }), R.values() )(notifications); return notesExpaned; }, notificationsExists: function () { let instance = Template.instance(); return R.keys(instance.state.get('notifications')).length > 0; }, model: function () { let instance = Template.instance(); return instance.state.get('model'); }, createInputArgs: function (params) { let instance = Template.instance(); return { value: params.hash.value, type: params.hash.type, classes: params.hash.classes, placeholder: params.hash.placeholder, disabled: params.hash.disabled, setModel: function (value) { let key = params.hash.key; let model = instance.state.get('model'); let newModel = model; if(R.indexOf(key, Scans.scansOnlyFields) >= 0) { newModel = setRadioValues(Scans.scansOnlyFields, key, value, model); }else { newModel = R.assoc(key, value, newModel); } instance.state.set('model', newModel); }, }; }, createSelectArgs: createSelectArgs, calcSetModelFn: function (key) { let instance = Template.instance(); let intf = { fn: (values) => { let model = instance.state.get('model'); let newModel = R.assoc(key, values, model); instance.state.set('model', newModel); }, sample: 'text' }; return intf; }, getFieldDesc: function (key) { //let instance = Template.instance(); return Scans.schemaRelated[key].description; }, commandOptions: function () { let array = []; R.mapObjIndexed((value, key) => { array = R.append({ name: key, info: value }, array); }, Scans.schemaRelated); return array; }, getModelKeyValue: function (key) { let instance = Template.instance(); return R.path([key], instance.state.get('model')); }, calcInputType: function(fieldInfo) { if (fieldInfo.type == Boolean) { return 'checkbox'; } if (fieldInfo.type == String) { return 'textbox'; } return 'textbox'; }, isCommandOptionSelectType(commandOption) { return (R.path(['info', 'subtype'], commandOption) === 'select'); }, calcCommandSelectOptions(commandOption) { let item = Constants.findOne({ name: R.path(['info', 'options'], commandOption) }); if (R.isNil(item)) { return []; } return item.data; }, pageHeader() { let instance = Template.instance(); let action = instance.state.get('action'); switch (action) { case 'insert': return 'New Scanning Request'; case 'view': return 'Scan Information'; default: return ''; } }, isUpdateableAction() { let instance = Template.instance(); let action = instance.state.get('action'); return R.contains(action, ['insert', 'update']); }, isCommandDisabled(isSpecificCommandDisabled) { let instance = Template.instance(); let action = instance.state.get('action'); return isSpecificCommandDisabled || (action === 'view'); } }); function submitItem(instance) { let action = instance.state.get('action'); let model = instance.state.get('model'); instance.state.set('isError', false); instance.state.set('isSuccess', false); instance.state.set('isMessage', false); instance.state.set('message', null); switch (action) { case 'insert': insert.call({ environment: model.environment, inventory: model.inventory, object_id: model.object_id, log_level: model.log_level, clear: model.clear, scan_only_inventory: model.scan_only_inventory, scan_only_links: model.scan_only_links, scan_only_cliques: model.scan_only_cliques, }, processActionResult.bind(null, instance)); break; default: // todo break; } } function setRadioValues(radioFields, key, value, modal) { let newModal = modal; let currentRadioFields = R.filter(f => modal[f], radioFields); for(let field of currentRadioFields) { newModal = R.assoc(field, false, newModal); } newModal = R.assoc(key, value, newModal); return newModal; } function processActionResult(instance, error) { let action = instance.state.get('action'); if (error) { instance.state.set('isError', true); instance.state.set('isSuccess', false); instance.state.set('isMessage', true); if (typeof error === 'string') { instance.state.set('message', error); } else { instance.state.set('message', error.message); } } else { instance.state.set('isError', false); instance.state.set('isSuccess', true); instance.state.set('isMessage', true); if (action === 'insert') { instance.state.set('message', 'Record had been added successfully'); instance.state.set('disabled', true); instance.state.set('beforeInsert', false); } else if (action === 'update') { instance.state.set('message', 'Record had been updated successfully'); } } } function initInsertView(instance, data) { instance.state.set('action', data.action); instance.state.set('env', data.env); instance.state.set('model', Scans.schema.clean({ environment: instance.state.get('env') })); instance.subscribe('constants'); instance.subscribe('scans?env', data.env); updateNotificationSameScanExistsForInsert(instance, data.env); // todo } function updateNotificationSameScanExistsForInsert(instance, env) { let notifications = instance.state.get('notifications'); if (Scans.find({ environment: env, status: { $in: ['pending', 'running'] } }).count() > 0) { instance.state.set('notifications', R.assoc( noteTypeScanExists.type, noteTypeScanExists.type, notifications )); } else { instance.state.set('notifications', R.dissoc( noteTypeScanExists.type, notifications )); } } function initViewView(instance, data) { instance.state.set('action', data.action); instance.state.set('env', data.env); instance.state.set('id', data._id); instance.subscribe('constants'); instance.subscribe('scans?id', data._id); let model = Scans.findOne({ _id: data._id }); instance.state.set('model', model); // todo }