///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems) and others / // / // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials / // are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 / // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at / // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 / ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Template Component: EnvironmentDashboard */ //import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import * as R from 'ramda'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { Template } from 'meteor/templating'; import { ReactiveDict } from 'meteor/reactive-dict'; import { SimpleSchema } from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema'; import { remove } from '/imports/api/environments/methods'; import { Icon } from '/imports/lib/icon'; import { store } from '/imports/ui/store/store'; import { Environments } from '/imports/api/environments/environments'; import { Inventory } from '/imports/api/inventories/inventories'; import { calcIconForMessageLevel, lastMessageTimestamp, calcColorClassForMessagesInfoBox } from '/imports/api/messages/messages'; import { Counts } from 'meteor/tmeasday:publish-counts'; import { Roles } from 'meteor/alanning:roles'; //import { idToStr } from '/imports/lib/utilities'; import '/imports/ui/components/data-cubic/data-cubic'; import '/imports/ui/components/icon/icon'; import '/imports/ui/components/list-info-box/list-info-box'; import './environment-dashboard.html'; import '/imports/ui/components/messages-info-box/messages-info-box'; import '/imports/ui/components/messages-modal/messages-modal'; let briefInfoList = [{ header: ['components', 'environment', 'briefInfos', 'instancesNum', 'header'], dataSource: 'infoInstancesCount', icon: new Icon({ type: 'fa', name: 'desktop' }), }, { header: ['components', 'environment', 'briefInfos', 'vServicesNum', 'header'], dataSource: 'infoVServicesCount', icon: new Icon({ type: 'fa', name: 'object-group' }), }, { header: ['components', 'environment', 'briefInfos', 'hostsNum', 'header'], dataSource: 'infoHostsCount', icon: new Icon({ type: 'fa', name: 'server' }), }, { header: ['components', 'environment', 'briefInfos', 'vConnectorsNum', 'header'], dataSource: 'infoVConnectorsCount', icon: new Icon({ type: 'fa', name: 'compress' }), }, { header: ['components', 'environment', 'briefInfos', 'lastScanning', 'header'], dataSource: 'infoLastScanning', icon: new Icon({ type: 'fa', name: 'search' }), }]; let listInfoBoxes = [{ header: ['components', 'environment', 'listInfoBoxes', 'regions', 'header'], listName: 'regions', listItemFormat: { getLabelFn: (item) => { return item.name; }, getValueFn: (item) => { return item._id._str; }, }, icon: { type: 'material', name: 'public' }, }, { header: ['components', 'environment', 'listInfoBoxes', 'projects', 'header'], listName: 'projects', listItemFormat: { getLabelFn: (item) => { return item.name; }, getValueFn: (item) => { return item._id._str; }, }, icon: { type: 'material', name: 'folder' }, }]; /* * Lifecycles */ Template.EnvironmentDashboard.onCreated(function() { var instance = this; instance.state = new ReactiveDict(); instance.state.setDefault({ _id: null, envName: null, allowEdit: false, }); instance.autorun(function () { let data = Template.currentData(); new SimpleSchema({ _id: { type: { _str: { type: String, regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Id } } }, onNodeSelected: { type: Function }, }).validate(data); instance.state.set('_id', data._id); }); instance.autorun(function () { let _id = instance.state.get('_id'); instance.subscribe('environments?_id', _id); Environments.find({ _id: _id }).forEach((env) => { instance.state.set('envName', env.name); instance.state.set('infoLastScanning', env.last_scanned); let allowEdit = false; let auth = R.path(['auth', 'edit-env'], env); if (auth && R.contains(Meteor.userId(), auth)) { allowEdit = true; } if (Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.userId(), 'edit-env', 'default-group')) { allowEdit = true; } instance.state.set('allowEdit', allowEdit ); instance.subscribe('inventory?env+type', env.name, 'instance'); instance.subscribe('inventory?env+type', env.name, 'vservice'); instance.subscribe('inventory?env+type', env.name, 'host'); instance.subscribe('inventory?env+type', env.name, 'vconnector'); instance.subscribe('inventory?env+type', env.name, 'project'); instance.subscribe('inventory?env+type', env.name, 'region'); instance.subscribe('messages?env+level', env.name, 'info'); instance.subscribe('messages?env+level', env.name, 'warning'); instance.subscribe('messages?env+level', env.name, 'error'); let vConnectorCounterName = 'inventory?env+type!counter?env=' + env.name + '&type=' + 'vconnector'; let infoVConnectorsCount = Counts.get(vConnectorCounterName); instance.state.set('infoVConnectorsCount', infoVConnectorsCount); let hostsCounterName = 'inventory?env+type!counter?env=' + env.name + '&type=' + 'host'; let infoHostsCount = Counts.get(hostsCounterName); instance.state.set('infoHostsCount', infoHostsCount); let vServicesCounterName = 'inventory?env+type!counter?env=' + env.name + '&type=' + 'vservice'; let infoVServicesCount = Counts.get(vServicesCounterName); instance.state.set('infoVServicesCount', infoVServicesCount); let instancesCounterName = 'inventory?env+type!counter?env=' + env.name + '&type=' + 'instance'; let infoInstancesCount = Counts.get(instancesCounterName); instance.state.set('infoInstancesCount', infoInstancesCount); let projectsCounterName = 'inventory?env+type!counter?env=' + env.name + '&type=' + 'project'; let projectsCount = Counts.get(projectsCounterName); instance.state.set('projectsCount', projectsCount); let regionsCounterName = 'inventory?env+type!counter?env=' + env.name + '&type=' + 'region'; let regionsCount = Counts.get(regionsCounterName); instance.state.set('regionsCount', regionsCount); }); }); }); /* Template.EnvironmentDashboard.rendered = function() { }; */ /* * Events */ Template.EnvironmentDashboard.events({ 'click .sm-edit-button': function (event, instance) { let envName = instance.state.get('envName'); let allowEdit = instance.state.get('allowEdit'); if (! allowEdit) { return; } Router.go('/wizard/' + envName,{},{}); }, 'click .sm-scan-button': function (event, instance) { let envName = instance.state.get('envName'); Router.go('new-scanning',{},{ query: { env: envName } }); }, 'click .sm-delete-button': function (event, instance) { let allowEdit = instance.state.get('allowEdit'); if (! allowEdit) { return; } let $deleteModal = instance.$('#env-delete-modal'); $deleteModal.modal({ show: true }); } }); /* * Helpers */ Template.EnvironmentDashboard.helpers({ getState: function (key) { let instance = Template.instance(); return instance.state.get(key); }, getListInfoBoxes: function () { return listInfoBoxes; }, getBriefInfoList: function () { return briefInfoList; }, infoMessagesCount: function(){ let instance = Template.instance(); let envName = instance.state.get('envName'); if (R.isNil(envName)) { return; } return Counts.get('messages?env+level!counter?env=' + envName + '&level=' + 'info'); }, warningsCount: function(){ let instance = Template.instance(); let envName = instance.state.get('envName'); if (R.isNil(envName)) { return; } return Counts.get('messages?env+level!counter?env=' + envName + '&level=' + 'warn'); }, errorsCount: function(){ let instance = Template.instance(); let envName = instance.state.get('envName'); if (R.isNil(envName)) { return; } return Counts.get('messages?env+level!counter?env=' + envName + '&level=' + 'error'); }, argsEnvDeleteModal: function () { let instance = Template.instance(); return { onDeleteReq: function () { instance.$('#env-delete-modal').modal('hide'); let _id = instance.state.get('_id'); remove.call({ _id: _id }, function (error, _res) { if (R.isNil(error)) { setTimeout(() => { Router.go('/dashboard'); }, 700); } else { alert('error removing environment. ' + error.message); } }); console.log('delete req performed'); } }; }, argsBriefInfo: function (briefInfo) { let instance = Template.instance(); return { header: R.path(briefInfo.header, store.getState().api.i18n), dataInfo: R.toString(instance.state.get(briefInfo.dataSource)), icon: new Icon(briefInfo.icon) }; }, argsListInfoBox: function (listInfoBox) { let instance = Template.instance(); let data = Template.currentData(); let envName = instance.state.get('envName'); //let lastScanned = calcLastScanned(listInfoBox.listName, envName); return { header: R.path(listInfoBox.header, store.getState().api.i18n), list: getList(listInfoBox.listName, envName), icon: new Icon(listInfoBox.icon), listItemFormat: listInfoBox.listItemFormat, //lastScanning: lastScanned, onItemSelected: function (itemKey) { data.onNodeSelected(new Mongo.ObjectID(itemKey)); } }; }, notAllowEdit: function () { let instance = Template.instance(); let allowEdit = instance.state.get('allowEdit'); return ! allowEdit; }, getListMessagesInfoBox: function () { return [ { level: 'info' }, { level: 'warning' }, { level: 'error' }, ]; }, argsMessagesInfoBox: function(boxDef, env) { let instance = Template.instance(); let envName = instance.state.get('envName'); if (R.isNil(envName)) { return { title: '', count: 0, lastScanTimestamp: '', onMoreDetailsReq: function () {} }; } let count = Counts.get('messages?env+level!counter?env=' + envName + '&level=' + boxDef.level); let title = _.capitalize(boxDef.level); return { title: title, count: count, lastScanTimestamp: lastMessageTimestamp(boxDef.level, env), icon: calcIconForMessageLevel(boxDef.level), colorClass: calcColorClassForMessagesInfoBox(boxDef.level), onMoreDetailsReq: function () { $('#messagesModalGlobal').modal('show', { dataset: { messageLevel: boxDef.level, envName: env, } }); } }; }, }); // end: helpers function getList(listName, envName) { switch (listName) { case 'regions': return Inventory.find({ environment: envName, type: 'region' }); case 'projects': return Inventory.find({ environment: envName, type: 'project' }); default: throw 'unknowned list type'; } } /* function calcLastScanned(listName, envName) { switch (listName) { case 'regions': return R.path(['last_scanned'], Inventory.findOne({ environment: envName, type:'region' })); case 'projects': return R.path(['last_scanned'], Inventory.findOne({ environment: envName, type:'project' })); default: throw 'unknown'; } } */