///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems) and others / // / // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials / // are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 / // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at / // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 / ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import * as R from 'ramda'; const SET_CURRENT_NODE = 'SET_CURRENT_NODE'; const SET_CURRENT_NODE_FROM_TREE_CONTROL = 'SET_CURRENT_NODE_FROM_TREE_CONTROL'; function setCurrentNode(item) { let nodeChain = convertToNodeChain(item.id_path, item.name_path); R.last(nodeChain).item = item; return { type: SET_CURRENT_NODE, payload: { nodeChain: nodeChain } }; } function setCurrentNodeFromTreeControl (item) { let nodeChain = convertToNodeChain(item.id_path, item.name_path); R.last(nodeChain).item = item; return { type: SET_CURRENT_NODE_FROM_TREE_CONTROL, payload: { nodeChain: nodeChain } }; } function convertToNodeChain(idPath, namePath) { let convert = R.pipe(R.split(), R.slice(1, Infinity)); let paths = convert('/', idPath); let names = convert('/', namePath); let nodesData = R.zip(paths, names); let nodeChain = R.map((nodeData) => { return { id: nodeData[0], name: nodeData[1] }; }, nodesData); let parent = null; for (let i = 0; i < nodeChain.length; i++) { let node = nodeChain[i]; node.parent = parent; node.fullIdPath = calcFullIdPath(node); node.fullNamePath = calcFullNamePath(node); parent = node; } return nodeChain; } function calcFullIdPath (node) { if (R.isNil(node)) { return null; } if (R.isNil(node.parent)) { return '/' + node.id; } let parentFullPath = calcFullIdPath(node.parent); return parentFullPath + '/' + node.id; } function calcFullNamePath (node) { if (R.isNil(node)) { return null; } if (R.isNil(node.parent)) { return '/' + node.name; } let parentFullPath = calcFullNamePath(node.parent); return parentFullPath + '/' + node.name; } export { SET_CURRENT_NODE, SET_CURRENT_NODE_FROM_TREE_CONTROL, setCurrentNode, setCurrentNodeFromTreeControl };