///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems) and others / // / // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials / // are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 / // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at / // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 / ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import * as R from 'ramda'; import { SimpleSchema } from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema'; import { pathRegEx } from '/imports/lib/general-regex'; export const CLISchema = new SimpleSchema({ name: { type: String, autoValue: function () { return 'CLI'; } }, host: { type: String, defaultValue: '' }, key: { type: String, regEx: pathRegEx, optional: true }, user: { type: String, defaultValue: 'sshuser' }, pwd: { type: String, optional: true }, }); CLISchema.addValidator(function () { let that = this; let conf = {}; if (isConfEmpty(conf)) { return; } let validationResult = R.find((validationFn) => { return validationFn(that).isError; }, [ keyPasswordValidation ]); if (R.isNil(validationResult)) { return; } throw validationResult(that); }); function keyPasswordValidation(schemaItem) { let password = schemaItem.field('pwd'); let key = schemaItem.field('key'); if (key.value || password.value) { return { isError: false }; } return { isError: true, type: 'subGroupError', data: [], message: 'Master Host Group: At least one required: key or password' }; } function isConfEmpty(conf) { return R.find((key) => { return !(R.isNil(conf[key])); }, R.keys(conf)); }