############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems) # # and others # # # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # ############################################################################### from datetime import datetime import bson from utils.constants import EnvironmentFeatures from utils.logging.console_logger import ConsoleLogger from utils.mongo_access import MongoAccess from utils.singleton import Singleton def inv_initialization_required(func): def decorated(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.inventory_collection is None: raise TypeError("Inventory collection is not set.") return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return decorated class InventoryMgr(MongoAccess, metaclass=Singleton): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.log = ConsoleLogger() self.inventory_collection = None self.inventory_collection_name = None self.collections = {} self.monitoring_setup_manager = None def set_collection(self, collection_type: str = None, use_default_name: bool = False): # do not allow setting the collection more than once if not self.collections.get(collection_type): collection_name = collection_type \ if use_default_name \ else self.get_coll_name(collection_type) self.log.info("Using {} collection: {}" .format(collection_type, collection_name)) self.collections[collection_type] = MongoAccess.db[collection_name] def set_inventory_collection(self, collection_name: str = None): if not self.inventory_collection: if not collection_name: collection_name = "inventory" self.log.info("Using inventory collection: {}" .format(collection_name)) collection = MongoAccess.db[collection_name] self.collections["inventory"] = collection self.inventory_collection = collection self.inventory_collection_name = collection_name def get_coll_name(self, coll_name): if not self.inventory_collection_name: raise TypeError("inventory_collection_name is not set") return self.inventory_collection_name.replace("inventory", coll_name) \ if self.inventory_collection_name.startswith("inventory") \ else self.inventory_collection_name + "_" + coll_name def set_collections(self, inventory_collection: str = None): self.set_inventory_collection(inventory_collection) self.set_collection("links") self.set_collection("link_types") self.set_collection("clique_types") self.set_collection("clique_constraints") self.set_collection("cliques") self.set_collection("monitoring_config") self.set_collection("constants", use_default_name=True) self.set_collection("scans") self.set_collection("messages") self.set_collection("monitoring_config_templates", use_default_name=True) self.set_collection("environments_config") self.set_collection("supported_environments") def clear(self, scan_plan): if scan_plan.inventory_only: collections = {"inventory"} elif scan_plan.links_only: collections = {"links"} elif scan_plan.cliques_only: collections = {"cliques"} else: collections = {"inventory", "links", "cliques", "monitoring_config"} env_cond = {} if scan_plan.clear_all else {"environment": scan_plan.env} for collection_name in collections: collection = self.collections[collection_name] self.log.info("clearing collection: " + collection.full_name) # delete docs from the collection, # either all or just for the specified environment collection.delete_many(env_cond) # return single match def get_by_id(self, environment, item_id): return self.find({ "environment": environment, "id": item_id }, get_single=True) # return matches for ID in list of values def get_by_ids(self, environment, ids_list): return self.find({ "environment": environment, "id": {"$in": ids_list} }) def get_by_field(self, environment, item_type, field_name, field_value, get_single=False): if field_value: return self.find({"environment": environment, "type": item_type, field_name: field_value}, get_single=get_single) else: return self.find({"environment": environment, "type": item_type}, get_single=get_single) def get(self, environment, item_type, item_id, get_single=False): return self.get_by_field(environment, item_type, "id", item_id, get_single=get_single) def get_children(self, environment, item_type, parent_id): if parent_id: if not item_type: return self.find({"environment": environment, "parent_id": parent_id}) else: return self.find({"environment": environment, "type": item_type, "parent_id": parent_id}) else: return self.find({"environment": environment, "type": item_type}) def get_single(self, environment, item_type, item_id): matches = self.find({"environment": environment, "type": item_type, "id": item_id}) if len(matches) > 1: raise ValueError("Found multiple matches for item: " + "type=" + item_type + ", id=" + item_id) if len(matches) == 0: raise ValueError("No matches for item: " + "type=" + item_type + ", id=" + item_id) return matches[0] # item must contain properties 'environment', 'type' and 'id' def set(self, item, collection=None): col = collection mongo_id = None projects = None if "_id" in item: mongo_id = item.pop("_id", None) if not collection or collection == self.collections['inventory']: # make sure we have environment, type & id self.check(item, "environment") self.check(item, "type") self.check(item, "id") item["last_scanned"] = datetime.now() item.pop("projects", []) obj_name = item["name_path"] obj_name = obj_name[obj_name.rindex('/') + 1:] if 'object_name' not in item: item['object_name'] = obj_name self.set_collections() # make sure we have all collections set if not col: col = self.collections['inventory'] find_tuple = {"environment": item["environment"], "type": item["type"], "id": item["id"]} else: find_tuple = {'_id': bson.ObjectId(mongo_id)} doc = col.find_one(find_tuple) if not doc: raise ValueError('set(): could not find document with _id=' + mongo_id) col.update_one(find_tuple, {'$set': self.encode_mongo_keys(item)}, upsert=True) if mongo_id: # restore original mongo ID of document, in case we need to use it item['_id'] = mongo_id if projects: col.update_one(find_tuple, {'$addToSet': {"projects": {'$each': projects}}}, upsert=True) @staticmethod def check(obj, field_name): arg = obj[field_name] if not arg or not str(arg).rstrip(): raise ValueError("Inventory item - " + "the following field is not defined: " + field_name) # note: to use general find, call find_items(), # which also does process_results @inv_initialization_required def find(self, search, projection=None, collection=None, get_single=False): coll = self.inventory_collection if not collection \ else self.collections[collection] if get_single is True: return self.decode_object_id( self.decode_mongo_keys( coll.find_one(search, projection=projection) ) ) else: return list( map( self.decode_object_id, map( self.decode_mongo_keys, coll.find(search, projection=projection)) ) ) def find_one(self, search, projection=None, collection=None) -> dict: return self.find(search, projection, collection, True) def find_items(self, search, projection=None, get_single=False, collection=None): return self.find(search, projection, collection, get_single) # record a link between objects in the inventory, to be used in graphs # returns - the new link document # parameters - # environment: name of environment # host: name of host # source: node mongo _id # source_id: node id value of source node # target: node mongo _id # target_id: node id value of target node # link_type: string showing types of connected objects, e.g. "instance-vnic" # link_name: label for the link itself # state: up/down # link_weight: integer, position/priority for graph placement # source_label, target_label: labels for the ends of the link (optional) def create_link(self, env, host, src, source_id, target, target_id, link_type, link_name, state, link_weight, source_label="", target_label="", extra_attributes=None): s = bson.ObjectId(src) t = bson.ObjectId(target) link = { "environment": env, "host": host, "source": s, "source_id": source_id, "target": t, "target_id": target_id, "link_type": link_type, "link_name": link_name, "state": state, "link_weight": link_weight, "source_label": source_label, "target_label": target_label, "attributes": extra_attributes if extra_attributes else {} } return self.write_link(link) def write_link(self, link): find_tuple = { 'environment': link['environment'], 'source_id': link['source_id'], 'target_id': link['target_id'] } if "_id" in link: link.pop("_id", None) link_encoded = self.encode_mongo_keys(link) links_col = self.collections["links"] result = links_col.update_one(find_tuple, {'$set': link_encoded}, upsert=True) link['_id'] = result.upserted_id return link def values_replace_in_object(self, o, values_replacement): for k in values_replacement.keys(): if k not in o: continue repl = values_replacement[k] if 'from' not in repl or 'to' not in repl: continue o[k] = o[k].replace(repl['from'], repl['to']) self.set(o) # perform replacement of substring in values of objects in the inventory # input: # - search: dict with search parameters # - values_replacement: dict, # - keys: names of keys for which to replace the values # - values: dict with "from" (value to be replaced) and "to" (new value) @inv_initialization_required def values_replace(self, search, values_replacement): for doc in self.inventory_collection.find(search): self.values_replace_in_object(doc, values_replacement) def delete(self, coll, query_filter): collection = self.collections[coll] if not collection: self.log.warn('delete(): collection not found - ' + coll) return result = collection.delete_many(query_filter) count = result.deleted_count self.log.info('delete(): ' + ('deleted ' + str(count) + ' documents' if count else 'no matching documents')) return count def get_env_config(self, env: str): return self.find_one(search={'name': env}, collection='environments_config') def is_feature_supported(self, env: str, feature: EnvironmentFeatures)\ -> bool: env_config = self.get_env_config(env) if not env_config: return False # Workaround for mechanism_drivers field type mechanism_driver = env_config['mechanism_drivers'][0] \ if isinstance(env_config['mechanism_drivers'], list) \ else env_config['mechanism_drivers'] full_env = {'environment.distribution': env_config['distribution'], 'environment.type_drivers': env_config['type_drivers'], 'environment.mechanism_drivers': mechanism_driver} return self.is_feature_supported_in_env(full_env, feature) def is_feature_supported_in_env(self, env_def: dict, feature: EnvironmentFeatures) -> bool: result = self.collections['supported_environments'].find_one(env_def) if not result: return False features_in_env = result.get('features', {}) return features_in_env.get(feature.value) is True def save_inventory_object(self, o: dict, parent: dict, environment: str, type_to_fetch: dict = None) -> bool: if not type_to_fetch: type_to_fetch = {} o["id"] = str(o["id"]) o["environment"] = environment if type_to_fetch.get("type"): o["type"] = type_to_fetch["type"] o["show_in_tree"] = type_to_fetch.get("show_in_tree", True) parent_id_path = parent.get("id_path", "/{}".format(environment)) parent_name_path = parent.get("name_path", "/{}".format(environment)) try: # case of dynamic folder added by need master_parent_type = o["master_parent_type"] master_parent_id = o["master_parent_id"] master_parent = self.get_by_id(environment, master_parent_id) if not master_parent: self.log.error("failed to find master parent " + master_parent_id) return False folder_id_path = "/".join((master_parent["id_path"], o["parent_id"])) folder_name_path = "/".join((master_parent["name_path"], o["parent_text"])) folder = { "environment": parent["environment"], "parent_id": master_parent_id, "parent_type": master_parent_type, "id": o["parent_id"], "id_path": folder_id_path, "show_in_tree": True, "name_path": folder_name_path, "name": o["parent_id"], "type": o["parent_type"], "text": o["parent_text"] } # remove master_parent_type & master_parent_id after use, # as they're there just ro help create the dynamic folder o.pop("master_parent_type", True) o.pop("master_parent_id", True) self.set(folder) except KeyError: pass if o.get("text"): o["name"] = o["text"] elif not o.get("name"): o["name"] = o["id"] if "parent_id" not in o and parent: parent_id = parent["id"] o["parent_id"] = parent_id o["parent_type"] = parent["type"] elif "parent_id" in o and o["parent_id"] != parent["id"]: # using alternate parent - fetch parent path from inventory parent_obj = self.get_by_id(environment, o["parent_id"]) if parent_obj: parent_id_path = parent_obj["id_path"] parent_name_path = parent_obj["name_path"] o["id_path"] = "/".join((parent_id_path, o["id"].strip())) o["name_path"] = "/".join((parent_name_path, o["name"])) # keep list of projects that an object is in associated_projects = [] keys_to_remove = [] for k in o: if k.startswith("in_project-"): proj_name = k[k.index('-') + 1:] associated_projects.append(proj_name) keys_to_remove.append(k) for k in keys_to_remove: o.pop(k) if len(associated_projects) > 0: projects = o["projects"] if "projects" in o.keys() else [] projects.extend(associated_projects) if projects: o["projects"] = projects if "create_object" not in o or o["create_object"]: # add/update object in DB self.set(o) if self.is_feature_supported(environment, EnvironmentFeatures.MONITORING): self.monitoring_setup_manager.create_setup(o) return True