# Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems)   #
# and others                                                                  #
#                                                                             #
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials            #
# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0       #
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at                    #
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0                                  #

class CliDistTranslator:

    DOCKER_CALL = 'docker exec --user root'

        # special handling of cli commands in Mercury environments
        'Mercury': {
            'ip netns list':
                '{docker_call} neutron_l3_agent_{version} {cmd};;;'
                '{docker_call} neutron_dhcp_agent_{version} {cmd}',
            'ip netns exec qdhcp': \
                '{docker_call} neutron_dhcp_agent_{version} {cmd}',
            'ip netns exec qrouter': \
                '{docker_call} neutron_l3_agent_{version} {cmd}',
            'virsh': '{docker_call} novalibvirt_{version} {cmd}',
            'ip link': '{docker_call} ovs_vswitch_{version} {cmd}',
            'ip -d link': '{docker_call} ovs_vswitch_{version} {cmd}',
            'bridge fdb show': '{docker_call} ovs_vswitch_{version} {cmd}',
            'brctl': '{docker_call} ovs_vswitch_{version} {cmd}',
            'ovs-vsctl': '{docker_call} ovs_vswitch_{version} {cmd}',
            'ovs-dpctl': '{docker_call} ovs_vswitch_{version} {cmd}'

    def __init__(self, dist: str, dist_version: str=''):
        self.translation = self.TRANSLATIONS.get(dist, {})
        self.dist_version = dist_version

    def translate(self, command_to_translate: str) -> str:
        for command in self.translation.keys():
            if command in command_to_translate:
                return self.command_translation(command_to_translate,
        return command_to_translate

    def command_translation(self, command_to_translate: str,
                            translation_key: str) -> str:
        cmd_translation = self.translation.get(translation_key)
        if not cmd_translation:
            return command_to_translate
        translation_dict = {
            'docker_call': self.DOCKER_CALL,
            'version': self.dist_version,
            'cmd': translation_key
        cmd_translation = cmd_translation.format(**translation_dict)
        cmd_translation = command_to_translate.replace(translation_key,
        return cmd_translation