# Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems)   #
# and others                                                                  #
#                                                                             #
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials            #
# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0       #
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at                    #
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0                                  #
from unittest.mock import MagicMock

from discover.events.event_subnet_add import EventSubnetAdd
from discover.fetchers.api.api_access import ApiAccess
from discover.find_links_for_pnics import FindLinksForPnics
from discover.find_links_for_vservice_vnics import FindLinksForVserviceVnics
from test.event_based_scan.test_data.event_payload_subnet_add import EVENT_PAYLOAD_SUBNET_ADD,\
from test.event_based_scan.test_event import TestEvent

class TestSubnetAdd(TestEvent):

    def test_handle_subnet_add(self):
        self.values = EVENT_PAYLOAD_SUBNET_ADD
        self.payload = self.values['payload']
        self.subnet = self.payload['subnet']
        self.subnet_id = self.subnet['id']
        self.network_id = self.subnet['network_id']

        network_document = self.inv.get_by_id(self.env, self.network_id)
        if network_document:
            # check subnet in network first.
            self.assertNotIn(self.subnet['cidr'], network_document['cidrs'])
            self.log.info("network document is not found, add it first.")
            # check network document
            network_document = self.inv.get_by_id(self.env, self.network_id)

        # check region data.
        if not ApiAccess.regions:
            ApiAccess.regions = EVENT_PAYLOAD_REGION

        # Mock function instead of get children data. They should be test in their unit test.
        # add subnet document for updating network
        handler = EventSubnetAdd()
        handler.add_children_documents = MagicMock()

        original_add_pnic_links = FindLinksForPnics.add_links
        FindLinksForPnics.add_links = MagicMock()

        original_add_vservice_links = FindLinksForVserviceVnics.add_links
        FindLinksForVserviceVnics.add_links = MagicMock()

        handler.handle(self.env, self.values)

        # reset the methods back
        FindLinksForPnics.add_links = original_add_pnic_links
        FindLinksForVserviceVnics.add_links = original_add_vservice_links

        # check network document
        network_document = self.inv.get_by_id(self.env, self.network_id)
        self.assertIn(self.subnet['cidr'], network_document['cidrs'])
        self.assertIn(self.subnet['name'], network_document['subnets'])

        #tearDown method has been implemented in class testEvent.