############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems) # # and others # # # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # ############################################################################### from test.api.responders_test.test_data import base URL = "/scans" WRONG_ID = base.WRONG_OBJECT_ID NONEXISTENT_ID = "58c96a075eb66a121cc4e750" CORRECT_ID = base.CORRECT_OBJECT_ID BASE_OBJECT = "node-2.cisco.com" WRONG_STATUS = base.WRONG_SCAN_STATUS CORRECT_STATUS = base.CORRECT_SCAN_STATUS SCANS = [ { "status": "pending", "environment": "Mirantis-Liberty-API", "id": "58c96a075eb66a121cc4e75f", }, { "status": "completed", "environment": "Mirantis-Liberty-API", "id": "58c96a075eb66a121cc4e75e", "scan_completed": True } ] SCANS_RESPONSE = { "scans": SCANS } SCANS_WITH_SPECIFIC_ID = [ { "status": "pending", "environment": "Mirantis-Liberty-API", "id": CORRECT_ID, } ] SCANS_WITH_SPECIFIC_BASE_OBJ = [ { "status": "pending", "environment": "Mirantis-Liberty-API", "id": "58c96a075eb66a121cc4e75f", "object_id": BASE_OBJECT }, { "status": "completed", "environment": "Mirantis-Liberty-API", "id": "58c96a075eb66a121cc4e75e", "object_id": BASE_OBJECT, "scan_completed": True } ] SCANS_WITH_SPECIFIC_BASE_OBJ_RESPONSE = { "scans": SCANS_WITH_SPECIFIC_BASE_OBJ } SCANS_WITH_SPECIFIC_STATUS = [ { "status": CORRECT_STATUS, "environment": "Mirantis-Liberty-API", "id": "58c96a075eb66a121cc4e75f", "scan_completed": True }, { "status": CORRECT_STATUS, "environment": "Mirantis-Liberty-API", "id": "58c96a075eb66a121cc4e75e", "scan_completed": True } ] SCANS_WITH_SPECIFIC_STATUS_RESPONSE = { "scans": SCANS_WITH_SPECIFIC_STATUS } NON_DICT_SCAN = base.NON_DICT_OBJ SCAN = { "status": "pending", "log_level": "warning", "clear": True, "scan_only_inventory": True, "environment": "Mirantis-Liberty-API", "inventory": "inventory", "object_id": "ff" } SCAN_WITHOUT_ENV = { "status": "pending", "log_level": "warning", "clear": True, "scan_only_inventory": True, "inventory": "inventory", "object_id": "ff" } SCAN_WITH_UNKNOWN_ENV = { "status": "pending", "log_level": "warning", "clear": True, "scan_only_inventory": True, "environment": base.UNKNOWN_ENV, "inventory": "inventory", "object_id": "ff" } SCAN_WITHOUT_STATUS = { "log_level": "warning", "clear": True, "scan_only_inventory": True, "environment": "Mirantis-Liberty-API", "inventory": "inventory", "object_id": "ff" } SCAN_WITH_WRONG_STATUS = { "status": WRONG_STATUS, "log_level": "warning", "clear": True, "scan_only_inventory": True, "environment": "Mirantis-Liberty-API", "inventory": "inventory", "object_id": "ff" } SCAN_WITH_WRONG_LOG_LEVEL = { "status": "pending", "log_level": base.WRONG_LOG_LEVEL, "clear": True, "scan_only_inventory": True, "environment": "Mirantis-Liberty-API", "inventory": "inventory", "object_id": "ff" } SCAN_WITH_NON_BOOL_CLEAR = { "status": "pending", "log_level": "warning", "clear": base.NON_BOOL, "scan_only_inventory": True, "environment": "Mirantis-Liberty-API", "inventory": "inventory", "object_id": "ff" } SCAN_WITH_NON_BOOL_SCAN_ONLY_INVENTORY = { "status": "pending", "log_level": "warning", "clear": True, "scan_only_inventory": base.NON_BOOL, "environment": "Mirantis-Liberty-API", "inventory": "inventory", "object_id": "ff" } SCAN_WITH_NON_BOOL_SCAN_ONLY_LINKS = { "status": "pending", "log_level": "warning", "clear": True, "scan_only_links": base.NON_BOOL, "environment": "Mirantis-Liberty-API", "inventory": "inventory", "object_id": "ff" } SCAN_WITH_NON_BOOL_SCAN_ONLY_CLIQUES = { "status": "pending", "log_level": "warning", "clear": True, "scan_only_cliques": base.NON_BOOL, "environment": "Mirantis-Liberty-API", "inventory": "inventory", "object_id": "ff" }