############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems) # # and others # # # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # ############################################################################### # handle specific setup of monitoring import os import json import subprocess from socket import * import copy import pymongo import shutil import stat from boltons.iterutils import remap from discover.configuration import Configuration from discover.fetchers.cli.cli_access import CliAccess from utils.binary_converter import BinaryConverter from utils.deep_merge import remerge from utils.inventory_mgr import InventoryMgr from utils.logging.full_logger import FullLogger from utils.mongo_access import MongoAccess from utils.ssh_conn import SshConn from utils.ssh_connection import SshConnection class MonitoringHandler(MongoAccess, CliAccess, BinaryConverter): PRODUCTION_CONFIG_DIR = '/etc/sensu/conf.d' APP_SCRIPTS_FOLDER = 'monitoring/checks' REMOTE_SCRIPTS_FOLDER = '/etc/sensu/plugins' TMP_SSL_FOLDER = '/tmp/monitoring_ssl_files' provision_levels = { 'none': 0, 'db': 1, 'files': 2, 'deploy': 3 } pending_changes = {} fetch_ssl_files = [] def __init__(self, env): super().__init__() self.log = FullLogger() self.configuration = Configuration() self.mechanism_drivers = \ self.configuration.environment['mechanism_drivers'] self.env = env self.monitoring_config = self.db.monitoring_config_templates try: self.env_monitoring_config = self.configuration.get('Monitoring') except IndexError: self.env_monitoring_config = {} self.local_host = self.env_monitoring_config.get('server_ip', '') self.scripts_prepared_for_host = {} self.replacements = self.env_monitoring_config self.inv = InventoryMgr() self.config_db = self.db[self.inv.get_coll_name('monitoring_config')] self.provision = self.provision_levels['none'] if self.env_monitoring_config: provision = self.env_monitoring_config.get('provision', 'none') provision = str.lower(provision) self.provision =\ self.provision_levels.get(provision, self.provision_levels['none']) # create a directory if it does not exist @staticmethod def make_directory(directory): if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) return directory def get_config_dir(self, sub_dir=''): config_folder = self.env_monitoring_config['config_folder'] + \ (os.sep + sub_dir if sub_dir else '') return self.make_directory(config_folder).rstrip(os.sep) def prepare_config_file(self, file_type, base_condition): condition = base_condition condition['type'] = file_type sort = [('order', pymongo.ASCENDING)] docs = self.monitoring_config.find(condition, sort=sort) content = {} for doc in docs: if not self.check_env_condition(doc): return {} content.update(doc) self.replacements['app_path'] = \ self.configuration.environment['app_path'] config = self.content_replace({'config': content.get('config', {})}) return config def check_env_condition(self, doc): if 'condition' not in doc: return True condition = doc['condition'] if 'mechanism_drivers' not in condition: return True required_mechanism_drivers = condition['mechanism_drivers'] if not isinstance(required_mechanism_drivers, list): required_mechanism_drivers = [required_mechanism_drivers] intersection = [val for val in required_mechanism_drivers if val in self.mechanism_drivers] return bool(intersection) def content_replace(self, content): content_remapped = remap(content, visit=self.fill_values) return content_remapped def format_string(self, val): formatted = val if not isinstance(val, str) or '{' not in val \ else val.format_map(self.replacements) return formatted def fill_values(self, path, key, value): if not path: return key, value key_formatted = self.format_string(key) value_formatted = self.format_string(value) return key_formatted, value_formatted def get_config_from_db(self, host, file_type): find_tuple = { 'environment': self.env, 'host': host, 'type': file_type } doc = self.config_db.find_one(find_tuple) if not doc: return {} doc.pop("_id", None) return self.decode_mongo_keys(doc) def write_config_to_db(self, host, config, file_type): find_tuple = { 'environment': self.env, 'host': host, 'type': file_type } doc = copy.copy(find_tuple) doc['config'] = config doc = self.encode_mongo_keys(doc) if not doc: return {} self.config_db.update_one(find_tuple, {'$set': doc}, upsert=True) def merge_config(self, host, file_type, content): """ merge current monitoring config of host with newer content. return the merged config """ doc = self.get_config_from_db(host, file_type) config = remerge([doc['config'], content.get('config')]) if doc \ else content.get('config', {}) self.write_config_to_db(host, config, file_type) return config def write_config_file(self, file_name, sub_dir, host, content, is_container=False, is_server=False): """ apply environment definitions to the config, e.g. replace {server_ip} with the IP or host name for the server """ # save the config to DB first, and while doing that # merge it with any existing config on same host content = self.merge_config(host, file_name, content) if self.provision == self.provision_levels['db']: self.log.debug('Monitoring setup kept only in DB') return # now dump the config to the file content_json = json.dumps(content.get('config', content), sort_keys=True, indent=4) content_json += '\n' # always write the file locally first local_dir = self.make_directory(os.path.join(self.get_config_dir(), sub_dir.strip(os.path.sep))) local_path = os.path.join(local_dir, file_name) self.write_to_local_host(local_path, content_json) self.track_setup_changes(host, is_container, file_name, local_path, sub_dir, is_server=is_server) def add_changes_for_all_clients(self): """ to debug deployment, add simulated track changes entries. no need to add for server, as these are done by server_setup() """ docs = self.config_db.find({'environment': self.env}) for doc in docs: host = doc['host'] sub_dir = os.path.join('host', host) file_name = doc['type'] config_folder = self.env_monitoring_config['config_folder'] local_path = os.path.join(config_folder, sub_dir, file_name) if host == self.env_monitoring_config['server_ip']: continue self.track_setup_changes(host, False, file_name, local_path, sub_dir) def get_ssh(self, host, is_container=False, for_sftp=False): ssh = SshConnection.get_ssh(host, for_sftp) if not ssh: conf = self.env_monitoring_config if is_container or host == conf['server_ip']: host = conf['server_ip'] port = int(conf['ssh_port']) user = conf['ssh_user'] pwd = conf['ssh_password'] ssh = SshConnection(host, user, _pwd=pwd, _port=port, for_sftp=for_sftp) else: ssh = SshConn(host, for_sftp=for_sftp) return ssh def track_setup_changes(self, host=None, is_container=False, file_name=None, local_path=None, sub_dir=None, is_server=False, target_mode=None, target_path=PRODUCTION_CONFIG_DIR): if host not in self.pending_changes: self.pending_changes[host] = {} if file_name not in self.pending_changes[host]: self.pending_changes[host][file_name] = { "host": host, "is_container": is_container, "is_server": is_server, "file_name": file_name, "local_path": local_path, "sub_dir": sub_dir, "target_path": target_path, "target_mode": target_mode } def handle_pending_setup_changes(self): if self.provision < self.provision_levels['files']: if self.provision == self.provision_levels['db']: self.log.info('Monitoring config applied only in DB') return self.log.info('applying monitoring setup') hosts = {} scripts_to_hosts = {} for host, host_changes in self.pending_changes.items(): self.handle_pending_host_setup_changes(host_changes, hosts, scripts_to_hosts) if self.provision < self.provision_levels['deploy']: return if self.fetch_ssl_files: self.deploy_ssl_files(list(scripts_to_hosts.keys())) for host in scripts_to_hosts.values(): self.deploy_scripts_to_host(host) for host in hosts.values(): self.deploy_config_to_target(host) self.log.info('done applying monitoring setup') def handle_pending_host_setup_changes(self, host_changes, hosts, scripts_to_hosts): if self.provision < self.provision_levels['deploy']: self.log.info('Monitoring config not deployed to remote host') for file_type, changes in host_changes.items(): host = changes['host'] is_container = changes['is_container'] is_server = changes['is_server'] local_dir = changes['local_path'] if local_dir == "scripts": scripts_to_hosts[host] = {'host': host, 'is_server': is_server} continue self.log.debug('applying monitoring setup changes ' + 'for host ' + host + ', file type: ' + file_type) is_local_host = host == self.local_host file_path = os.path.join(self.PRODUCTION_CONFIG_DIR, file_type) if not is_server and host not in hosts: hosts[host] = { 'host': host, 'local_dir': local_dir, 'is_local_host': is_local_host, 'is_container': is_container, 'is_server': is_server } if is_server: remote_path = self.PRODUCTION_CONFIG_DIR if os.path.isfile(local_dir): remote_path += os.path.sep + os.path.basename(local_dir) self.write_to_server(local_dir, remote_path=remote_path, is_container=is_container) elif is_local_host: # write to production configuration directory on local host self.make_directory(self.PRODUCTION_CONFIG_DIR) shutil.copy(changes['local_path'], file_path) else: # write to remote host prepare dir - use sftp if self.provision < self.provision_levels['deploy']: continue self.write_to_remote_host(host, changes['local_path']) def prepare_scripts(self, host, is_server): if self.scripts_prepared_for_host.get(host, False): return gateway_host = SshConn.get_gateway_host(host) # copy scripts to host scripts_dir = os.path.join(self.env_monitoring_config['app_path'], self.APP_SCRIPTS_FOLDER) script_files = [f for f in os.listdir(scripts_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(scripts_dir, f))] script_mode = stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | \ stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH target_host = host if is_server else gateway_host self.make_remote_dir(target_host, self.REMOTE_SCRIPTS_FOLDER) for file_name in script_files: remote_path = os.path.join(self.REMOTE_SCRIPTS_FOLDER, file_name) local_path = os.path.join(scripts_dir, file_name) if not os.path.isfile(local_path): continue if is_server: ssh = self.get_ssh(target_host, for_sftp=True) ssh.copy_file(local_path, remote_path, mode=script_mode) else: self.copy_to_remote_host(target_host, local_path, remote_path, mode=script_mode, make_remote_dir=False) self.scripts_prepared_for_host[host] = True def deploy_ssl_files(self, hosts: list): monitoring_server = self.env_monitoring_config['server_ip'] gateway_host = SshConn.get_gateway_host(hosts[0]) self.make_directory(self.TMP_SSL_FOLDER) for file_path in self.fetch_ssl_files: # copy SSL files from the monitoring server file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) local_path = os.path.join(self.TMP_SSL_FOLDER, file_name) self.get_file(monitoring_server, file_path, local_path) # first copy the files to the gateway self.write_to_remote_host(gateway_host, local_path, remote_path=file_path) ssl_path = os.path.commonprefix(self.fetch_ssl_files) for host in hosts: self.copy_from_gateway_to_host(host, ssl_path, ssl_path) # remove files from temporary folder for file_path in self.fetch_ssl_files: tmp_path = os.path.join(self.TMP_SSL_FOLDER, os.path.basename(file_path)) if os.path.exists(tmp_path): os.remove(tmp_path) # remove files from temporary folder def deploy_scripts_to_host(self, host_details): host = host_details['host'] is_server = host_details['is_server'] self.prepare_scripts(host, is_server) remote_path = self.REMOTE_SCRIPTS_FOLDER local_path = remote_path + os.path.sep + '*.py' if is_server: return # this was done earlier self.copy_from_gateway_to_host(host, local_path, remote_path) def restart_service(self, host: str = None, service: str = 'sensu-client', is_server: bool = False, msg: str =None): ssh = self.get_ssh(host) cmd = 'sudo /etc/init.d/{} restart'.format(service) log_msg = msg if msg else 'deploying config to host {}'.format(host) self.log.info(log_msg) if is_server: ssh.exec(cmd) else: self.run(cmd, ssh_to_host=host, ssh=ssh) def deploy_config_to_target(self, host_details): host = host_details['host'] is_local_host = host_details['is_local_host'] is_container = host_details['is_container'] is_server = host_details['is_server'] local_dir = host_details['local_dir'] if is_container or is_server or not is_local_host: local_dir = os.path.dirname(local_dir) if not is_server: self.move_setup_files_to_remote_host(host, local_dir) # restart the Sensu client on the remote host, # so it takes the new setup self.restart_service(host) def run_cmd_locally(self, cmd): try: subprocess.popen(cmd.split(), shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Error running command: " + cmd + ", output: " + self.binary2str(e.output) + "\n") def move_setup_files_to_remote_host(self, host, local_dir): if self.provision < self.provision_levels['deploy']: self.log.info('Monitoring config not written to remote host') return # need to scp the files from the gateway host to the target host remote_path = self.PRODUCTION_CONFIG_DIR self.copy_from_gateway_to_host(host, local_dir, remote_path) def copy_from_gateway_to_host(self, host, local_dir, remote_path): ssh = self.get_ssh(host) what_to_copy = local_dir if '*' in local_dir else local_dir + '/*' if ssh.is_gateway_host(host): # on gateway host, perform a simple copy # make sure the source and destination are not the same local_dir_base = local_dir[:local_dir.rindex('/*')] \ if '/*' in local_dir else local_dir if local_dir_base.strip('/*') == remote_path.strip('/*'): return # same directory - nothing to do cmd = 'cp {} {}'.format(what_to_copy, remote_path) self.run(cmd, ssh=ssh) return self.make_remote_dir(host, remote_path) remote_path = ssh.get_user() + '@' + host + ':' + \ remote_path + os.sep self.run_on_gateway('scp {} {}'.format(what_to_copy, remote_path), enable_cache=False, use_sudo=None) def make_remote_dir_on_host(self, ssh, host, path, path_is_file=False): # make sure we have write permissions in target directories dir_path = path if path_is_file: dir_path = os.path.dirname(dir_path) cmd = 'sudo mkdir -p ' + dir_path try: self.run(cmd, ssh_to_host=host, ssh=ssh) except timeout: self.log.error('timed out trying to create directory {} on host {}' .format(dir_path, host)) return cmd = 'sudo chown -R ' + ssh.get_user() + ' ' + dir_path self.run(cmd, ssh_to_host=host, ssh=ssh) def make_remote_dir(self, host, path, path_is_file=False): ssh = self.get_ssh(host, for_sftp=True) self.make_remote_dir_on_host(ssh, host, path, path_is_file) def copy_to_remote_host(self, host, local_path, remote_path, mode=None, make_remote_dir=True): # copy the local file to the preparation folder for the remote host # on the gateway host ssh = self.get_ssh(host) gateway_host = ssh.get_gateway_host(host) if make_remote_dir: self.make_remote_dir(gateway_host, remote_path, path_is_file=True) ftp_ssh = self.get_ssh(gateway_host, for_sftp=True) ftp_ssh.copy_file(local_path, remote_path, mode) def write_to_remote_host(self, host, local_path=None, remote_path=None): remote_path = remote_path if remote_path else local_path self.copy_to_remote_host(host, local_path, remote_path) def write_to_server(self, local_path, remote_path=None, is_container=False): host = self.env_monitoring_config['server_ip'] ssh = self.get_ssh(host, is_container=is_container) remote_path = remote_path if remote_path else local_path self.make_remote_dir_on_host(ssh, host, remote_path, True) # copy to config dir first ftp_ssh = self.get_ssh(host, is_container=is_container, for_sftp=True) ftp_ssh.copy_file(local_path, remote_path) @staticmethod def write_to_local_host(file_path, content): f = open(file_path, "w") f.write(content) f.close() return file_path def get_file(self, host, remote_path, local_path): ftp_ssh = self.get_ssh(host, for_sftp=True) ftp_ssh.copy_file_from_remote(remote_path, local_path)