############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems) # # and others # # # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # ############################################################################### import re from discover.fetchers.cli.cli_access import CliAccess from utils.inventory_mgr import InventoryMgr class CliFetchVserviceVnics(CliAccess): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.inv = InventoryMgr() self.if_header = re.compile('^[-]?(\S+)\s+(.*)$') self.regexps = [ {'name': 'mac_address', 're': '^.*\sHWaddr\s(\S+)(\s.*)?$'}, {'name': 'mac_address', 're': '^.*\sether\s(\S+)(\s.*)?$'}, {'name': 'netmask', 're': '^.*\sMask:\s?([0-9.]+)(\s.*)?$'}, {'name': 'netmask', 're': '^.*\snetmask\s([0-9.]+)(\s.*)?$'}, {'name': 'IP Address', 're': '^\s*inet addr:(\S+)\s.*$'}, {'name': 'IP Address', 're': '^\s*inet ([0-9.]+)\s.*$'}, {'name': 'IPv6 Address', 're': '^\s*inet6 addr: ?\s*([0-9a-f:/]+)(\s.*)?$'}, {'name': 'IPv6 Address', 're': '^\s*inet6 \s*([0-9a-f:/]+)(\s.*)?$'} ] def get(self, host_id): host = self.inv.get_by_id(self.get_env(), host_id) if not host: self.log.error("host not found: " + host_id) return [] if "host_type" not in host: self.log.error("host does not have host_type: " + host_id + ", host: " + str(host)) return [] if "Network" not in host["host_type"]: return [] lines = self.run_fetch_lines("ip netns", host_id) ret = [] for l in [l for l in lines if l.startswith("qdhcp") or l.startswith("qrouter")]: service = l.strip() service = service if ' ' not in service \ else service[:service.index(' ')] ret.extend(self.handle_service(host_id, service)) return ret def handle_service(self, host, service, enable_cache=True): cmd = "ip netns exec " + service + " ifconfig" lines = self.run_fetch_lines(cmd, host, enable_cache) interfaces = [] current = None for line in lines: matches = self.if_header.match(line) if matches: if current: self.set_interface_data(current) name = matches.group(1).strip(":") # ignore 'lo' interface if name == 'lo': current = None else: line_remainder = matches.group(2) vservice_id = host + "-" + service current = { "id": host + "-" + name, "type": "vnic", "vnic_type": "vservice_vnic", "host": host, "name": name, "master_parent_type": "vservice", "master_parent_id": vservice_id, "parent_type": "vnics_folder", "parent_id": vservice_id + "-vnics", "parent_text": "vNICs", "lines": [] } interfaces.append(current) self.handle_line(current, line_remainder) else: if current: self.handle_line(current, line) if current: self.set_interface_data(current) return interfaces def handle_line(self, interface, line): self.find_matching_regexps(interface, line, self.regexps) interface["lines"].append(line.strip()) def set_interface_data(self, interface): if not interface or 'IP Address' not in interface or 'netmask' not in interface: return interface["data"] = "\n".join(interface.pop("lines", None)) interface["cidr"] = self.get_cidr_for_vnic(interface) network = self.inv.get_by_field(self.get_env(), "network", "cidrs", interface["cidr"], get_single=True) if not network: return interface["network"] = network["id"] # set network for the vservice, to check network on clique creation vservice = self.inv.get_by_id(self.get_env(), interface["master_parent_id"]) network_id = network["id"] if "network" not in vservice: vservice["network"] = list() if network_id not in vservice["network"]: vservice["network"].append(network_id) self.inv.set(vservice) # find CIDR string by IP address and netmask def get_cidr_for_vnic(self, vnic): if "IP Address" not in vnic: vnic["IP Address"] = "No IP Address" return "No IP Address" ipaddr = vnic["IP Address"].split('.') netmask = vnic["netmask"].split('.') # calculate network start net_start = [] for pos in range(0, 4): net_start.append(str(int(ipaddr[pos]) & int(netmask[pos]))) cidr_string = '.'.join(net_start) + '/' cidr_string = cidr_string + self.get_net_size(netmask) return cidr_string def get_net_size(self, netmask): binary_str = '' for octet in netmask: binary_str += bin(int(octet))[2:].zfill(8) return str(len(binary_str.rstrip('0')))